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Getting Started

These pages currently cover GT PSP.


GT PSP more or less runs on the same engine as GT5/6, so some PS3 pages & tools may also be useful. Textures/Models are different, but things like Adhoc, RText, SpecDB are the same.


Extracting the game

GT PSP uses the volume system, which will need to be extracted in order to gain access to game contents.

If you haven't already, extract the .iso file using 7-Zip or by any other means. You should be able to see a GT3.VOL file.

Using GTPSPVolTools, unpack the volume file as such

Extracting GT.VOL
GTPSPVolTools unpack -i <path to GT.VOL>

This may take a while, but when complete, you should be able to see a new folder.



You can also run the game unpacked if you are testing, see the section below.

Same deal, use GTPSPVolTools as such

Extracting GT.VOL
GTPSPVolTools pack -i <path to extracted volume folder>

You should have PPSSPP set up in a such a way that it starts the game from the game folder rather than the ISO. This way you don't have to deal with creating an iso file.

Running the game unpacked

You can also run the game unpacked which may help for modding faster. NOTE: This method may make memory stick file operations fail.


This is currently limited to GTPSP EU 2.00. Feel free to port the patch to other regions.


  • Game is registered as a folder game rather than iso.
  • Proper file structure as shown below. Volume contents must be extracted directly at the root.
  • Patch (currently GTPSP EU 2.00 only). Right-click save to

Once that is done:

  1. Save the file to <ppsspp folder>/memstick/PSP/Cheats.
  2. Enable Cheats in PPSSPP.
  3. Select the game, go to 'Cheats'.
  4. Have the following file structure.
  5. Optionally enable file logs by hitting CTRL+L on Windows (or enable 'Log console') and then by going in Tools -> Developer Tools -> Logging Channels -> Set SCEIO to DEBUG. That will allow to see files that get loaded in real time.


Make sure you copy the PRX from PSP_GAME/USRDIR folder to the root.

├─ GTPSP/  # This is the game folder.
   ├─ PRX/ # < Copy the folder from PSP_GAME/USRDIR/PRX!
   ├─ advertise/
   ├─ car/
   ├─ ...
   ├─ PSP_GAME/
   |  └─ ...

How does it work?

GT games simply mount different file devices to folders. GT PSP is no different.

GT PSP mounts in this respective order:

  • A volume device from disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/GT.VOL as /,
  • Module device from disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/MODULE as /
  • Raw/kernel file device from ms0: as /ms0.

Changing the third device to mount from disc0:/ as / takes priority over the other devices while loading files raw.

This is useful if you want to port the patch to another region.