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BGML - Background Music Library

Applies to: GT5, GTPSP, GT6, GT Sport, GT7 · Extension: .lib · Endian: Little

BGML files holds the tracks and playlist listings for each game. In GT Sport and GT7, they also hold the headers of the tracks.


"Groups" are the sets of music that plays during a certain menu. The chance of a track to play is evenly distributed.


GTMusicLibraryEditor by Nenkai can be used to edit BGML files.

Size: 0x20

Field Offset Type Description
BGML 0x00 Int Magic, (Not enforced, can be different)
Relocation Pointer 0x04 Int Relocation Pointer
File Size 0x08 Int File size
Empty 0x0C Int N/A
Track Count 0x10 Int Track Count
Tracks Pointer 0x14 Track* Track Definitions Pointer
Group Count 0x18 Int Group/Playlist Count
Groups Pointer 0x1C Group** Group/Playlist Pointers


Size: 0x30

Field Offset Type Description
Track File Name Pointer 0x00 char* Name of the track file (Zero-terminated)
Flags/Format 0x04 Int Format of the track and/or flags
ID Pointer 0x08 char* ID of the track (Zero-terminated)
Empty 0x0C Int N/A
Stream Header Pointer 0x10 void* Pointer to the header of the stream file, bundled in the BGML
Track Name Pointer 0x14 char* Name of the track (Zero-terminated)
Artist Name Pointer 0x18 char* Name of the artist (Zero-terminated)
Genre Name Pointer 0x1C char* Name of the genre (Zero-terminated)
Padding 0x20 byte[0x10] Padding


Field Offset Type Description
Playlist Label Pointer 0x00 char* Label of the group file (Zero-terminated)
Padding 0x04 byte[0x0C] Padding
Track Count in Playlist 0x10 char* Number of tracks in this group
Track Indices 0x10 int[] Track Indices in use for this group


This is aligned to the nearest 0x10.

String tables do not need to be ordered (nor are they aligned).