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Adhoc Compiled/Header

Applies to GT4, GT5, GTPSP, GT6, GT Sport, GT7 · Extension: .adc · Endian: Little

This is the main header for Adhoc Scripts. Most games will have a certain level of backwards compatibility, but it's better to keep them at the latest that the engine supports. This format has changed quite a bit over time.


The GTAdhocToolchain can be used to dissasemble compiled .adc scripts into an assembly-like text file. Compiled builds can be acquired from the Actions page, clicking on the latest build, and scrolling to the bottom for a build's executable.

Field Offset Type Description
ADCH 0x00 Int Magic, (Enforced, cannot be different)
Version 0x04 char[3] Version, i.e 012.
Symbol Table N/A Symbol Table Symbol Table (V9 to V12)
Top Level Frame N/A Code Frame The top-level code frame.

Symbol Table


Version 9 to 12 only.

Field Type Description
Symbol Count VarInt Number of symbols in the script
Symbols Symbol[] Array of symbols.

Code Frame

If version < 8
Field Type Description
Source Path Symbol Source file name for this script.
Subroutine Parameter Count Int Number of parameters for this subroutine.
Subroutine Parameters Symbol[] Subroutine parameters.
If version >= 8
Field Type Description
Source Path Symbol Source file name for this script.
Frame Version byte Adhoc version of the frame. Should match with main header.
Has Rest Element bool Whether this frame has a rest element. function myFunc(arg, args...)
Subroutine Parameter Count Int Number of parameters for this subroutine.
Subroutine Parameters Symbol[] Subroutine parameters.
Captured Callback Param Count Int Number of parameters to be captured from the parent frame.
Captured Callback Parameters Symbol[] Parameters to be captured from the parent frame.
Unknown Int ?

Stack Setup

The stack holds the actual object stack, and a storage of the local variables for the current frame.

If version <= 10
Field Type Description
Variable Storage Size Int Variable storage size. Unlike later versions, locals and statics are combined.
Stack Size Int Object Stack size.
If version >= 12
Field Type Description
Stack Size Int Object Stack size.
Local Variable Storage Size Int Storage size for local variables.
Static Variable Storage Size Int Storage size for static variables.

Instruction Table

Field Type Description
Instruction Count Int Number of instructions for this frame.
Instructions Inst[] Instructions.


Field Type Description
Source Line Number UInt Line number for this instruction - originating from the location of the compiled expression.
Opcode/Instruction Type InstructionOpCode The type of instruction.
Instruction Data ... Instruction data. Refer to GTAdhocToolchain for how they are read.
Opcode Table (click to expand)

Opcodes fits within a byte.

Value Name Description
0 ARRAY_CONST_OLD Defines an array.
1 ASSIGN Pops two object from the stack, assigns the last to the previous one, pushes it to the stack.
2 ATTRIBUTE_DEFINE Defines a new attribute onto the current module.
3 ATTRIBUTE_PUSH Pops the last object, pushes an object to it as an attribute. myObj.myAttr = 5
4 BINARY_ASSIGN_OPERATOR Pops two objects from the stack, assigns the previous through an operator, pushes the result to the stack.
5 BINARY_OPERATOR Pops two objects from the stack, applies an operator operation, pushes the result to the stack.
6 CALL Pops the number of provided arguments plus the previous variable as the function, calls it, pushes a result to the stack.
7 CLASS_DEFINE Defines a new class onto the current module.
8 EVAL Pops an object, evaluates it. Pushes the result to the stack.
9 FLOAT_CONST Pushes a new float to the stack. var myFloat = 1.0
10 FUNCTION_DEFINE Defines a new function onto the current module.
11 IMPORT Imports a (or all) members from the specified module path. import myModule::*, import myMember as member
12 INT_CONST Pushes a new int to the stack.
13 JUMP Sets the adhoc thread's instruction pointer to the specified instruction index.
14 JUMP_IF_TRUE Pops an object, sets the adhoc thread's instruction pointer to the specified instruction index if the object evaluates to true.
15 JUMP_IF_FALSE Pops an object, sets the adhoc thread's instruction pointer to the specified instruction index if the object evaluates to false.
16 LIST_ASSIGN_OLD Pops an object, deconstructs it as an array.
18 LOGICAL_AND_OLD Pops an object, jumps to the specified instruction index if it evaluates to false. Pushes the result.
19 LOGICAL_OR_OLD Pops an object, jumps to the specified instruction index if it evaluates to true. Pushes the result.
20 METHOD_DEFINE Defines a new method onto the current module.
21 MODULE_DEFINE Defines or enters a new module onto the current module.
22 NIL_CONST Pushes a new nil object to the stack. var obj = nil
24 POP_OLD Pops an object from the stack.
25 PRINT Pops an object and prints its contents to TTY/Console. This is stubbed in retail builds. print "hello world"
26 REQUIRE Pops an object, toString()'s it to a path and loads it a script file. Contents are loaded onto the current module.
27 SET_STATE_OLD Sets the adhoc thread's state. 0 = EXIT (exits the scope), 1 = RETURN (exits subroutine).
28 STATIC_DEFINE Defines a new static member onto the current module.
29 STRING_CONST Pushes a new string object to the stack. var myString = "hello"
30 STRING_PUSH Pops the specified amount of objects, combines them together as a string and pushes the result. var myString = "hello, %{name} !"
31 THROW Throws an adhoc exception. Normally not used. throw "my error"
32 TRY_CATCH Defines a new try-catch frame. Sets the adhoc thread's instruction pointer to the specified instruction index if an exception is caught.
33 UNARY_ASSIGN_OPERATOR Pops an object from the stack, assigns the previous through an unary operator, pushes the result to the stack.
34 UNARY_OPERATOR Pops an object from the stack, applies an unary operator, pushes the result to the stack.
35 UNDEF Undefines the specified module member. undef myAttr
36 VARIABLE_PUSH Pushes an object to the specified variable. Pushes it to the stack too.
37 ATTRIBUTE_EVAL Pops an object, evaluates it as an attribute. Pushes it to the stack.
38 VARIABLE_EVAL Pops an object, evaluates it as a variable. Pushes it to the stack.
39 SOURCE_FILE Sets the adhoc thread's source file, for debugging.
40 FUNCTION_CONST Pushes a new function object/callback onto the stack.
41 METHOD_CONST Pushes a new method object/callback onto the stack.
42 MAP_CONST_OLD Pushes a new map/key-value dictionary object onto the stack.
43 LONG_CONST Pushes a new long/int64 onto the stack.
44 ASSIGN Pops two object from the stack, assigns the last to the previous one.
45 LIST_ASSIGN Pops an object, deconstructs it as an array.
46 CALL_OLD ? (Never seen used)
47 OBJECT_SELECTOR Pops two objects, Selects a member from an object, pushes the result. myObject.*myMember
48 SYMBOL_CONST Pushes a new symbol const onto the stack. var mySymbol = 'my symbol'
49 LEAVE Leaves the scope - wipes the local variable storage to the specified index, also sets the current module depth (Stubbed starting GT6).
50 ARRAY_CONST Pushes a new array object onto the stack.
51 ARRAY_PUSH Pops an object, pushes to the array.
52 MAP_CONST Pushes a new map/key-value dictionary object onto the stack.
53 MAP_INSERT Pops two object object, inserts to the map.
54 POP Pops an object from the stack.
55 SET_STATE_OLD Sets the adhoc thread's state. 0 = EXIT (exits the scope), 1 = RETURN (exits subroutine).
56 VOID_CONST Pushes a new void object onto the stack (for function returns)
57 ASSIGN_POP Pops 2 pointers off the stack, and copies the second item to the first item, and pops it.
58 U_INT_CONST Pushes a new unsigned integer object onto the stack. var uint = 5u
59 U_LONG_CONST Pushes a new unsigned long object onto the stack. var ulong = 5ul
60 DOUBLE_CONST Pushes a new double object onto the stack. var double = 5d
61 ELEMENT_PUSH Pops two objects (one array, one value), pushes the value to the array, pushes the result to the stack. myObj[0] = myValue
62 ELEMENT_EVAL Pops two objects (one array, one value), evaluates the array with the value, pushes the result to the stack. var myValue = myObj[0]
63 LOGICAL_AND Pops an object, jumps to the specified instruction index if it evaluates to false. Pushes the result.
64 LOGICAL_OR Pops an object, jumps to the specified instruction index if it evaluates to true. Pushes the result.
65 BOOL_CONST Pushes a new bool object onto the stack. var myBool = true
66 MODULE_CONSTRUCTOR Defines a constructor for a module variable. module (myObj) { ... }
67 VA_CALL (>= GT6) Variadic function call
68 CODE_EVAL (>= GT6) ?
70 DELEGATE_DEFINE (>= GT Sport) Pops an object, sets the adhoc thread's instruction pointer to the specified instruction index if the object is not nil. var myObject == doThing() ?? false
71 LOGICAL_OPTIONAL (>= GT Sport) Pops an object, jumps to the specified instruction index if it evaluates to nil. Pushes the result (?).


String Encoding

String encoding is set to EUC-JP for version under 10. You can set it up in C# this way:

// // May need System.Text.Encoding & System.Text.Encoding.CodePages NuGet packages

var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-JP");

In version 8 and earlier, there is no string table, symbols are just prefixed by a short length.

In version 9 and later, symbols are indexed by an index into the symbol table. Indices are encoded with a variable integer.

Variable Ints

Here's a sample on how to read/write them:

public ulong ReadVarInt()
    ulong value = (ulong)ReadByte();
    ulong mask = 0x80;

    while ((value & mask) != 0)
        value = ((value - mask) << 8) | (Read1Byte());
        mask <<= 7;
    return value;
public void WriteVarInt(int value)
    if ((value & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0)

    var bytesToWrite = 1;
    uint mask = 0x80;
    long retVal = 0;
        retVal = (retVal + mask) << 8;
        mask <<= 7;
    } while ((value & -mask) > 0);

    var finalValue = retVal | value;
    for (var i = bytesToWrite; i > 0; i--)
        Write((byte)(finalValue >> (i - 1) * 8));