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Textdata Editing (GT5)

Textdata refers to the textdata folder described on the File Structure page. It is mostly a database for UI defined events, cars, items and more.

However, most of the files are only read once. The files are used to build a temporary SQLite database for performance.

When the game boots for the first time or after an update, you may've seen the Creating system files... - this is when XML files are converted and inserted into an SQLite database at USRDIR/db/system.db.

In order to update specific database tables, their version inside each respective Adhoc scripts under scripts/gt5/global_status/ must be updated. Otherwise, system.db can also be forcefully deleted to trigger GT5 to recreate a database.

Arcade Car List (arcade_carlist.xml)

This file defines all the cars available in arcade mode.

Nodes can be either:

  • premium_car
  • standard_car (normally unused)
  • dirt_car
  • racing_kart
XML Attributes
Attribute Description
code Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
color Optional.

Arcade Difficulties (arcade_difficulty.xml)

Defines the parameters for each arcade difficulty.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
name Name of the difficulty.
manual Whether manual transmission is available
simulation Whether skid recovery force is available
tire Whether tire changing is available
line Whether the driving line is available
ai_skill General AI skill
ai_skill_a AI skill (accelerating)
ai_skill_b AI skill (braking)
ai_skill_c AI skill (cornering)
boost_f Boost (Front)
boost_r Boost (Rear)
boost_fmin Boost Min (Front)
boost_fmax Boost Max (Front)
boost_rmin Boost Min (Rear)
boost_rmax Boost Max (Rear)
replace_at_courseout Whether the car is automatically reset after going out of course for a certain amount of time.

Car List (carlist.xml)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/ for t_car_data

This file defines all the cars available in the game, whether they are available in arcade mode, car dealer.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
code Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
model Unused (not parsed).
car_dealer Whether this appears in the car dealership.
dlc Whether this car is DLC.

Course List (courselist.xml)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/ for t_course_data

This file defines all the courses available in the game.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
name RText name from CourseName page
map Name of the map asset, for piece/course_map_*
code Course label, from SpecDB's COURSE
logo Name of the logo asset, for piece/course_logo_*
base_name Base Name
loading_bg Name of the loading background asset, for piece/loading_bg
online Whether the course is available online
category Type of course
length Course length (for display)
straight Longest straight (for display)
elevation Max elevation (for display)
corner Number of corners (for display)
direction ?
flag Display flag asset name
drift_ok Whether this course allows drifting
oval Whether this is an oval course
has_reverse Whether this course has a reverse option
entry_max Maximum entries allowed on this course
entry_max_3d Maximum entries allowed on this course while stereoscopic 3D is enabled
dlc Whether this course is DLC
kart_ok Whether karts are allowed on this course
kart_only Whether ONLY karts are allowed on this course
rain_situation Whether this course allows rainy situations
night_situation Whether this course allows night situations
basetime_min ?
basetime_max ?
celsius_base0 ?
celsius_min0 ?
celsius_max0 ?
celsius_base1 ?
celsius_min1 ?
celsius_max1 ?

Dealer List (dealerlist.xml)

Defines the dealers available in the premium dealership.

Nurburgring Corners (corner_nurburgring.xml)

Defines the names of each corner of the nurburgring.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
v VCoord - Meters into the track.
text Text to display when reaching the VCoord.

Enemy List (enemy_*.xml)

Defines the cars to use when an event's generate type is set to ENEMY_LIST.

  • enemy_normalcar.xml - Used when car category is gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL.
  • enemy_normalcar_dirt.xml - Used when car category is gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL, and the track is dirt/snow track.
  • enemy_premium_normalcar.xml - Used when car category is gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL and for premiums.
  • enemy_premium_normalcar_dirt.xml - Used when car category is gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL, premium, and the track is dirt/snow track.
  • enemy_premium_normalcar_night.xml - Unused.
  • enemy_racecar.xml - Used when car category is not gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL.
  • enemy_racecar_dirt.xml - Used when car category is not gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL, and the track is dirt/snow track.
  • enemy_premium_racecar.xml - Used when car category is not gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL and for premiums.
  • enemy_premium_racecar_dirt.xml - Used when car category is not gtengine::CarCategory::NORMAL premium, and the track is dirt/snow track.
  • enemy_premium_racecar_night.xml - Unused.
XML Attributes
Attribute Description
code Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
pp "Fake" Car PP. Can be used for rebalancing.

Event Present (event_present.xml)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/, used by scripts/gt5/global_status/ for t_event_present

Defines the misc event presents/prizes.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
present_id Unique identifier for this present.
eventtype_id Event type.
argument0 Argument 0
argument1 Argument 1
argument2 Argument 2
argument3 Argument 3
argument4 Argument 4
type_id Type
category_id Category of the present.
gameitem_id Game Item ID.
messagecode Message to show when acquiring the present.
function_name Trophy to unlock.

Driver Names (lnames.txt)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/ for t_driver_names

Defines AI driver names. One line is <First Name>,<Second Name>,?,Country ID. Only the first name is used.

Online Car Set (online_car_set.xml)

Defines the recommended car sets for online lobbies.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
id Unique ID. From 10 to 127.
priority Sort order.
dirtsnow Whether this car set is allowed on dirt/snow courses.
file File name containing the cars for the specified car set, under the online_car_set folder.


A maximum of 250 cars across all car sets can be used. The code handling the car set list is engine handled.

Photo Travel (photo_travel.xml)

Defines and sets up photo travel positions.

Present Car (presentcar.xml)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/ for t_presentcar

Defines the car prizes.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
id Unique identifier.
gameitem_id Game Item ID linked to this present.
carcode Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
item_code Item Code
color Car color index. -1 is default.

Shuffler (shuffler_*.xml)

Defines the cars in shuffle race mode.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
code Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
pp "Fake" Car PP. Can be used for rebalancing.

Used Car (usedcar.xml)

Parsed by scripts/gt5/ for t_usedcar

Defines the Used Car Dealership listings.

XML Attributes
Attribute Description
color Car color index. -1 is default.
odometer_min Minimum kilometers this car can have. Random between this and odometer_max.
odometer_max Minimum kilometers this car can have. Random between odometer_min and this.
odds_start Minimum integer of the randomized value which this car will be chosen to appear.
odds_end Maximum integer range of the randomized value which this car will be chosen to appear.
code Car Label, from SpecDB's GENERIC_CAR
price Price of the car, when it appears.