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Folder/File Structure

GT6 Folder Structure

USRDIR Contents

  ├─ db/
    └─ userdb<VERSION>.dat     # Contains a cached sqlite file holding replay metadata & more other user contents
  ├─ grim2/                     # Grim cached contents & responses
  ├─ PDIPFS                     # Packed game contents (Polyphony Digital Patch File System)
  ├─ TPPS-<VERSION>/            # Pending PDIPFS update to be applied to the game (Binary Patching), removed once applied
  ├─ UPDATENODEINFO/            # Metadata on how a PDIPFS update should be applied
  ├─ FIXEDELF114/               # Hack-fix from PDI to fix an incorrectly applied patch in 1.13
  ├─ EBOOT.BIN                  # Bootstrap executable, boots EBOOT.SELF
  ├─ EBOOT.SELF                 # Main executable (it is possible to replace EBOOT.BIN with this file)
  └─ update.txt                 # Alerts the game of the current update for potential patching

Volume Contents

The GT6 folder structure is nearly identical to the GT5 one, with a few changes to the car, and scene folder. textdata's events has been mostly moved to game_parameter

├─ car/ # Car models & wheels for each car. Depends on ModelCode in MODEL_INFO table
  └─ XXXX/ # Unique identifier for each manufacturer/tuner
     └─ XXXX/ # Unique identifier for each car
        ├─ hq/ # High quality model for menus
          ├─ body # Model file
          ├─ body_s # Streamed and compressed model data (polygons, etc)
          └─ wheel # Wheel model
                ├─ race/ # Model for races
          └─ ..
                ├─ info # Car information file (Camera positions & more)
        ├─ interior # Interior model
        └─ meter # Strobe/Animation file representing & emulating car speedometers/dash
├─ carparts/ # Model files for car parts
  ├─ hq/ # High quality models
    ├─ heXXX # Custom Rim Model - XXX is ID from 
    ├─ htXXX # Custom Rim Model - If ID is >= 1000
    ├─ weXXX # Wind End Model
    ├─ wmXXX # Wind Mount Model
    ├─ wpXXX # Wing Plane Model
    └─ wsXXX # Wing Stays Model
    ├─ race/ # Race models
    └─ ..
    ├─ image/ # Images for car parts
    └─ [Undocumented files]
    ├─ wheel_thumb/ # Wheel thumbnails
    └─ XXX_YY # XXX = ID from WHEEL_EX, YY = Color Number (refer to NumColor in WHEEL_EX table) # WHEEL_EX stands for exchange
    └─ wing_thumb/ # Wing thumbnails
     └─XXX_YYY # XXX = Parts Type from CUSTOM_WING, YYY = PartsID from CUSTOM_WING table
├─ carsound/ # All car sounds (engine, turbo, horns, start). All IDs depends on soundNum from ENGINE table.
  ├─ aes/ # Overrides any other specified sounds
  ├─ engine/ # Engine sounds
  ├─ normal0/ # Cars with no turbo, for the stock level exhaust (non#turbo includes supercharged and electric vehicles)
  ├─ normal1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ normal2/ # For the semi#racing level exhaust
  ├─ normal3/ # For the racing level exhaust
  ├─ se/ # Vehicle sound effects such as horns
  ├─ start/ # Vehicle starter sounds (used when switching car)
  ├─ turbo0/ # Turbocharged cars, for the stock level exhaust
  ├─ turbo1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ turbo2/ # For the semi#racing level exhaust
  └─ turbo3/ # For the racing level exhaust
├─ character/
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ crowd/ # Crowd packs for each course
  └─ xYYYZZ # x = Course type, Y = CourseID, Z = unknown
├─ crs/ # Course files
  └─ XXXX # Course, from COURSE table
     ├─ .ad # Autodrive file for AI driving
     ├─ .cam # Camera positions & behavior
     ├─ .cinf # Course Info (Drift sections & gps stuff)
     ├─ .envptr # Environment Parameter (Mostly weather & time of day setup)
     ├─ .envsky # Undocumented
     ├─ .esp # Autodrive Special
     ├─ .layout # Gadgets
     ├─ .lv # Vision List
     ├─ .lv0 # Vision List (Unknown)
     ├─ .map # Minimap Model
     ├─ .occluder # Unknown
     ├─ .patch # Unknown
     ├─ .road # Unknown
     ├─ .rwy # Runway (Collision, road boundaries & surface)
     ├─ .shapestream # ZLib Compressed & streamed mesh data
     ├─ .sky # Unknown
     ├─ .texstream # ZLib Compressed & streamed textures
     ├─ .vvls # Unknown
     └─ x # Main model "pack", lods, contains most crucial course definition
├─ database/ # Database files
  ├─ <branch_name>/
    └─ menudb.dat # SQLite file handling most menu related data, Salsa encrypted by default
    └─ gt6movie/
     └─ caption.dat # SQLite file holding movie captions, Salsa encrypted by default
├─ description/ # Car descriptions
  └─ <branch_name>/
     └─ <2 char region code>.rt2 # Localization file
├─ effect/
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ font/ # Game fonts, loaded at boot before adhoc
  ├─ logo/ # Logos, which can be seen in the manual menu
    └─ menu_imagefont.bin # Image container for all logos
    └─ vec/ # Fonts as vector format
     ├─ fontset_<REGION>.txt files # Defines all available fonts for use
     └─ *.vec # Vector font # read based on each fontset definition
├─ game_parameter/ # Game events & Autodemos
  ├─ gp_cache/ # Serialized events from XML to binary # Names depends on whats inside each fgp
    └─ <branch_name>/
     ├─ arcade/ # Arcade events
     ├─ autodemo/ # Autodemo files
     ├─ events/ # GT Mode events, missions & more
     └─ license/ # License events
├─ icon/ # Save game icons
  └─ <branch name>/
     ├─ game_bg.png
     ├─ game_icon.png
     ├─ replay_sr_bg.png
     └─ replay_sr_icon.png
├─ motion/
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ movies/ # Movie files, in PAMF format (encrypted beforehand). Depends on t_movie table from menudb.
├─ piece/ # Most game images
├─ products # Adhoc scripts & widgets defining all usable widgets as prototypes
├─ projects # All game menus.
├─ rtext # All localized game text (not car descriptions)
  ├─ common # Common game text
  └─ manual # Text for the manual menu
├─ scene/ # Scene data
  ├─ misc/ # Miscellaneous data used by scenes
  └─ script/ # Files that set up a scene. May be in text format, or EVS (EventSchedule) format. Names are found from SCENE_ALIAS table.
├─ scripts # Adhoc scripts.
  └─ <branch_name>/
     ├─ main.adc # First script executed on boot.
     ├─ util/ # Utility scripts
     └─ global_status/ # Defines save game nodes
├─ sky 
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ sound_gt # All game sounds
  ├─ etc/ # Sound setup files
    ├─ se_master.pmf # Controls volumes
    └─ car_sound_gt5.pmf # Controls car sounds
    ├─ guide/ # Additional sounds for events
    ├─ moon # Moon sounds
    └─ vettel # Vettel sounds
    ├─ library/ # Defines soundtracks and playlists in the game
    └─ GT6.lib # Main library file
    ├─ se/ # All sound effects
  └─ track/ # All musics. Vgmstream can play those.
├─ specdb/ # Car specification databases.
  ├─ <NAME>
     ├─ JP
       └─ CarName.dat # Car name file for japanese
     ├─ US
        └─ CarName.dat Car name file (any other region)
     └─ DBXXXX.dat # Main sqlite database file, normally salsa encrypted. XXXX is version (major, minor)
├─ ted/ # Track Editor samples
  └─ <branch_name>
     └─ .ted
└─ tire # Tire models
   ├─ hq/ # High quality tires, for menus
   └─ race/ # Tire models for race

GT5 Folder Structure

USRDIR Contents

  ├─ course/          # Locally-saved course files
  ├─ db/
    └─ system.db     # Contains a cached sqlite file holding crucial game information (course listing, event listing & much more) 
                     # This is translated from textdata's XMLs for performance
                     # Only updated when the appropriate version in Adhoc scripts is incremented
                     # Can be deleted to enforce an update (will lose all links to replays/photos/courses)
    ├─ grim2/           # Grim cached contents & responses
  ├─ pace/            # Cached pace files (GTTV tracker/torrent download) 
  ├─ PDIPFS           # Packed game contents (Polyphony Digital Patch File System)
  ├─ PDIPFS_bdmark    # Same structure as PDIPFS with dummy files, alerts whether to load files from the disk (bdmark) or not
  ├─ photo/           # Locally-saved photo files
  ├─ replay/          # Locally-saved replay files
  └─ EBOOT.BIN        # Bootstrap executable, boots EBOOT.SELF

Volume Contents

├─ car/ # Car models & wheels for each car. Depends on ModelCode in MODEL_INFO table
  ├─ decken/ # Textures for each sticker number
    ├─ hq/ # High quality model for menus
    ├─ race/ # Model for races
    ├─ info/ # Car information file (Camera positions & more)
    ├─ interior/ # Interior models
    ├─ meter # Strobe/Animation file representing & emulating car speedometers/dash
    ├─ thumbnail_M/ # Thumbnails for each car
  |  ├─ wheel_thumb/ # Wheel thumbnails
  |  ├─ cc.bin # Car Color
|  └─ cd.bin # Unknown
├─ carsound/ # All car sounds (engine, turbo, horns, start). All IDs depends on soundNum from ENGINE table.
  ├─ engine/ # Engine sounds
  ├─ normal0/ # Cars with no turbo, for the stock level exhaust (non#turbo includes supercharged and electric vehicles)
  ├─ normal1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ normal2/ # For the semi#racing level exhaust
  ├─ normal3/ # For the racing level exhaust
  ├─ se/ # Vehicle sound effects such as horns
  ├─ start/ # Vehicle starter sounds (used when switching car)
  ├─ turbo0/ # Turbocharged cars, for the stock level exhaust
  ├─ turbo1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ turbo2/ # For the semi#racing level exhaust
  └─ turbo3/ # For the racing level exhaust
├─ character/
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ crowd/ # Crowd packs for each course
  └─ xYYY # x = Course type, Y = CourseID
├─ crs/ # Course files
  └─ XXXX # Course, from COURSE table
     ├─ .ad = Autodrive file for AI driving
     ├─ .cam = Camera positions & behavior
     ├─ .cinf = Course Info (Drift sections & gps stuff)
     ├─ .drline = Unknown
     ├─ .envptr = Environment Parameter (Mostly weather & time of day setup)
     ├─ .envsky = Undocumented
     ├─ .lv0 = Vision List (Unknown)
     ├─ .road = Unknown
     ├─ .rwy = Runway (Collision, road boundaries & surface)
     ├─ .shapestream = ZLib Compressed & streamed mesh data
     ├─ .sky = Unknown
     ├─ .texstream = ZLib Compressed & streamed textures
     └─ x = Main model "pack", lods, contains most crucial course definition
├─ description/ # Car descriptions
  └─ <branch_name>/
     └─ <2 char region code>.rt2 # Localization file
├─ font/ # Game fonts, loaded at boot before adhoc
  ├─ logo/ # Logos, which can be seen in the manual menu
    └─ menu_imagefont.bin # Image container for all logos
    └─ vec/ # Fonts as vector format
     ├─ fontset_<REGION>.txt files # Defines all available fonts for use
     └─ *.vec # Vector font # read based on each fontset definition
├─ icon/ # Save game icons
  └─ <branch name>/
     ├─ game_bg.png
     ├─ game_icon.png
     ├─ replay_sr_bg.png
     └─ replay_sr_icon.png
├─ motion/
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ piece/ # Most game images
├─ products/ # Adhoc scripts & widgets defining all usable widgets as prototypes
├─ projects/ # All game menus.
├─ replays/ # Replay files for each local event (i.e license).
  └─ <branch name>/
     └─ license/
├─ scene/ # Scene data
  ├─ lightprobe/ # Lightprobe files used by scenes
  ├─ list/ # Defines all available scenes in the game and their formats
  ├─ misc/ # Miscellaneous files used by scenes
  ├─ runway/ # Runway files used by scenes
  ├─ strb/ # Strobe Animations used by scenes
  └─ script/ # Files that set up a scene. May be in text format, or EVS (EventSchedule) format.
├─ scripts # Adhoc scripts.
  └─ <branch_name>/
     ├─ packed_main_loop.adc # First script executed on boot.
     └─ util/ # Utility scripts
├─ sound_gt # All game sounds
  ├─ etc/ # Sound setup files
    ├─ se_master.pmf # Controls volumes
    └─ car_sound_gt5.pmf # Controls car sounds
    ├─ library/ # Defines soundtracks and playlists in the game
    └─ GT5.lib # Main library file
  ├─ narration/ # Narration sound files for the japanese version
    └─ jp/
    ├─ se/ # All sound effects
  └─ track/ # All musics. Vgmstream can play those.
├─ specdb/ # Car specification databases.
  └─ <NAME>/
     ├─ *.idi # Label information (linked to dbt)
     ├─ *.dat # Database Table (holds the row data for each table)
     └─ *.sdb # String database
├─ textdata/ # Contains events in XML format, but also other vital information. 
             This information is converted from XML into a local sqlite database (system.db)
             It must be wiped or the relevant version from adhoc scripts incremented in order to update.
  └─ <branch_name>
     ├─ aspec_race/ # A#Spec Events
     ├─ bot/ # Unknown, left#over debug
     ├─ bspec_race/ # B#Spec Events
     ├─ event_race/ # Left#over from local events hosted by PDI
     ├─ license/ # License Events
     ├─ online_car_set/ # Defines the cars for each car set online, limited to 250 cars
     ├─ special_event/ # Special Events
     ├─ arcade_courselist.xml # Defines all courses available in arcade mode
     ├─ arcade_difficulty.xml # Defines difficulty parameters for Arcade
     ├─ carlist.xml # Defines the car list (for dealership mainly)
     ├─ courselist.xml # Defines courses present in the game
     ├─ dealerlist.xml # Defines all the dealers in the game
     ├─ event_present.xml # Defines all the present from events in the game
     ├─ event_present_<GAME_VERSION> # Defines presents to give if the player has updated
     ├─ freerun_courselist.xml # Defines all courses available in freerun
     ├─ gameitem_category.xml # Defines all item categories & their localized strings
     ├─ gameitem_category.xml # Defines all item categories & their localized strings
     ├─ gameitem_category.xml # Defines all item categories & their localized strings
     ├─ gameitem_category_<GAME_VERSION>.xml # Unknown
     ├─ gameitem_data.xml # Defines all the items in the game & their localization
     ├─ gpsdatalist.xml # Defines GPS information
     ├─ lnames.txt # Defines the driver name generation table
     ├─ online_car_set.xml # Defines the car sets available online
     ├─ photo_travel.xml # Defines all available photo travel locations
     ├─ photo_travel_wed.xml # Leftover GT5 wedding file
     ├─ presentcar.xml # Defines all the car prizes
     ├─ shuffler.xml # Defines the car pool for shuffle race (online)
     ├─ shuffler_dirt.xml # Defines the car pool for shuffle race (dirt tracks, online)
     └─ speed_test.xml # Speed Test Event file
├─ tire/ # Tire models
 ├─ hq/ # High quality tires, for menus
 └─ race/ # Tire models for race
└─ wheel/ # Wheel models
   ├─ hq/ # High quality tires, for menus
   └─ race/ # Tire models for race