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Folder/File Structure

GT4 Folder Structure

Volume Contents

├─ advertise/ # Boot/Advertisement textures
  └─ ..
├─ cameras/ # Not used
  ├─ lod/  # LOD Models for each car
    ├─ <model_code> - Model file. #(1)!
    └─ <model_code>.pat - Color Patch
    ├─ menu/ # Menu models for each car
    └─ ..
    └─ open/ # Open models for open cars
     └─ ..
├─ carsound/ # All car sounds (engine, turbo, horns, start). #(2)!
  ├─ engine/ # Engine sounds
  ├─ normal0/ # Cars with no turbo, for the stock level exhaust (non#turbo includes supercharged and electric vehicles)
  ├─ normal1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ normal2/ # For the semi racing level exhaust
  ├─ normal3/ # For the racing level exhaust
  ├─ turbo0/ # Turbocharged cars, for the stock level exhaust
  ├─ turbo1/ # For the sport level exhaust
  ├─ turbo2/ # For the semi racing level exhaust
  └─ turbo3/ # For the racing level exhaust
├─ character/ # Contains the driver models
  ├─ [undocumented models]
  └─ driver.bin # 'ParameterBin'
├─ config/ # Configs are adhoc boot scripts
  └─ config-<branch>.adc # The one that is booted depends on the current branch
├─ crs/ # Course files
  ├─ <course_label>/ # (3)!
  ├─ <course_label>.ad # Autodrive file, for AI
  └─ ..
├─ description/ # Car descriptions
  └─ <region>/
     └─ <region>_<branch>_<language>_description.rt2 # Localization file
├─ dnas/ # GT4 Online
  └─ auth_<dnas_code>_<branch>.dat # PS2 DNAS authentication file (auth_data) (dnas_code depends on MSystem::GetDnasCode())
                                   # Passphrase is at network/, GetPassPhrase(code, ver)
├─ eyetoy/
  └─ gtshirt.bin # GTSH header containing the nike shirt pattern for detection & car unlock
├─ fep/ # Front-End Processor, used only in japanese builds
      # May be related: 
  └─  ...
├─ font/ # Game fonts, loaded at boot before adhoc
  ├─ *.kf         # Kanji fonts
  ├─ *.fnt        # Regular fonts
  └─ jis2uni.dat  # Unknown
├─ icon/ # Save game icons
  └─ ..
├─ menu/ # Strobe files, Motion sets, some leftover GT3 menu files
  └─ [undocumented]
├─ mpeg/         # Movies/Videos
  └─ main/
     ├─ .pss    # PS2 Interlaced videos
     └─ .ipic   # Sony format, represents videos (usually the first frame of the other videos is stored)
├─ narration/
  └─ <region>
     └─ narration.inf  # Narration file
├─ photo/ # Sample photos from photo mode
├─ piece/ # Most game images, some models.
├─ pit/   # "Concourse/ScenePack" files
├─ printer/   # Watermark images for printing (.tga)
├─ projects/ # All game menus.
├─ race/  # Various race-related files & models (.bin files appear not to be used)
├─ race_display/  # Race display textures
  └─ <code>      # 'gt4' or 'tt'
     └─ <locale>
        └─ display.gpb  # Container for race display UI textures
├─ replay/ # Replay files for Demonstrations - in memory card format
   ├─ license      # License demonstrations - note that 'tw' locale is remapped to 'jp'
  └─ <event_name> # Common game text
├─ rtext/ # All localized game text (not car descriptions)
  ├─ common # Common game text
  └─ manual # Text for the manual menu
├─ script/ # Adhoc scripts.
  ├─ primitive/
    └─ ... # Script & widget file for each widget defining a primitive
  ├─ MenuClassDefine.adc
  └─ Prototypes.mwidget
├─ sound_gt/ # All game sounds
  ├─ ads/   # BGM Music
    └─ <region>/
       ├─ ads.inf   # 'MusicInf' file, registers all bgm in the game
       ├─ *.ads     # Sony ADS sounds, made with ps2str. Can be played with vgmstream
       └─ *.adm     # ADS Markers
    ├─ sound/ # Sound Effects
    ├─ *.ins       # Sequenced Instrument (INST)
    ├─ se.inf      # Sound Effect Library/Info (GTSE)
    ├─ sdvol.dat   # Sound Volumes (SDVL)
    ├─ vcse.dat    # Related to LG Sound/lgaud.irx, third party library, Star Wars Battlefront II also appears to use it
    └─ # Road Noises (ENGN header, read nearly the same as INST)
    └─ spu/ # Sequenced Audio / MIDIs
     └─ <region>/
        ├─ *.ins/*.sqt  # Sequences & Instruments
        └─ mid.inf      #  Midi Library/Info
├─ specdb/ # Car specification databases.
  └─ <SpecDB Name>
     ├─ CARS/       # File for each car, linking all the parts available for it
       └─ <TABLE_ID/ROW_ID> # One car, 00000000 = Table ID of GENERIC_CAR, 00000436 = Row ID 0x436
          ├─ RACE/       # File for each race, linking all the opponents in it
       └─ <TABLE_ID/ROW_ID> # One car, 00000023 = Table ID of RACE, 00000A02 = Row ID 0xA02
          ├─ *.dbt          # Database Table
     ├─ *.idi          # Label Information
     ├─ *.sdb          # String Table
     └─ DISABLED_INFO  # Disabled cars, normally empty
├─ text/ # Unknown (unused or leftover?)
  └─ realtime.dat
├─ tire/ # Tire models
  ├─ lod/ # Tire models for race
  └─ menu/ # High quality models for menus
├─ usedcar/ # Used-Car dealership listings as adhoc scripts (auto-generated)
  └─ <region>_used<4 digit week>.adc
  wheel/ # Wheel models
  ├─ lod/ # Wheel models for race
  └─ menu/ # High quality models for menus
└─ wing/ # Wing models
   ├─ lod/ # Wing models for race
   └─ menu/ # High quality models for menus
  1. This depends on the VARIATION table.
  2. All IDs depend on soundNum values from the ENGINE table.
  3. From the COURSE table