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GT4 Course Data

Applies to: GT4, TT, GTHD · Extension: None · Endian: Little


Refer to the Course Basics for some details about the terms used on this page.

The Course Data file holds all the contents of a track/course. It is split in multiple components making up a track.

This file is completely loaded into memory, and used in-place. It should not exceed 12mb in size (which is already 1/3 of the PS2's ram on its own!)

Size: Always a fixed 0x100 block.


Most offsets can be set to 0 so that a component won't be processed.

Vision lists can be set to 0, everything will be rendered for the specified component at the expense of framerate.

Field Offset Type Description
Relocation Pointer 0x00 int Relocation Pointer
Main Model Set Offset 0x04 ModelSet2* Main course model set.
Main Model Vision List 0x08 VisionList* Vision list for the main model set.
Rear View Vision List 0x0C VisionList* Vision list for the rear view model.
? 0x10 VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
? 0x14 ModelSet2* Unknown Model Set.
? 0x18 VisionList* Unknown Vision List. Seems to control car reflections.
? 0x1C VisionList* Unknown Vision List. Seems to control car reflections.
? 0x20 VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
Reflection Model Set 0x24 ModelSet2* Model Set used for car reflections.
? 0x28 VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
Padding 0x2C byte[8] Unused.
Reflection Mask Model 0x34 ModelSet2* Model Set used for the reflection mask.
Ref. Mask Vision List 0x38 VisionList* Vision List used for the reflection mask.
Padding 0x3C byte[8] Unused.
"After" Model Set 0x44 ModelSet2* Unknown Model Set.
"After" Vision List 0x48 VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
? 0x4C VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
? 0x50 VisionList* Unknown Vision List.
Skybox Model Set 0x54 ModelSet2* Model Set for the skybox. May not include things like clouds.
"Far" Clouds Model Set 0x58 ModelSet2* Model Set for "far" - the scenery, including fog/clouds.
Fog/Clouds Model Set 0x5C ModelSet2* Model Set for the scenery, including fog/clouds.
Rear View Sky Model Set 0x60 ModelSet2* Model Set for rear view sky.
? 0x64 ?* Unknown.
? 0x68 pgluTexSet* Unused.
? 0x6C ModelSet2* Unknown Model Set.
? 0x70 DCourseEffect* Unknown. Used for flares.
Billboard Sets 0x78 BillboardSet* Billboard sets.
? 0x7C int Unused.
Environment Parameters 0x80 CourseEnvPtr* Environment Parameters.
Minimap 0x84 MiniMapSet* Gameplay Minimap.
? 0x88 pgluTexSet* Unknown.
Course Sounds 0x8C CourseSound* Course Sounds (audience position, etc).
Unused 0x90 int Unused.
? 0x94 pgluShape* Unknown.
? 0x98 pgluTexSet* Unknown.
? 0x9C pgluTexSet* Unknown.
? 0xA0 pgluTexSet* Unknown.
? 0xA4 GT4ReplayData* Unknown/Unused? Refer to 0xB0 instead.
? 0xA8 pgluTexSet* Unknown.
? 0xAC ModelSet2* Unknown Model Set.
Replay Camera Data 0xB0 GT4ReplayData* Used for the replay cameras.
? 0xB4 GT4ReplayData* Unknown/Unused? Refer to 0xB0 instead.
? 0xB8 GT4ReplayData* Unknown/Unused? Refer to 0xB0 instead.
Gadget List 0xBC GadgetShapeList* Cones/Gadgets on the course.
Pre-Race Cameras 0xC0 GT4ReplayData* Defines pre-race cameras.
? 0xC4 pgluTexSet* Unknown.
Road Reflections Model 0xC8 ModelSet2* Road Reflections from Sky model set.
? 0xCC DPhotoMode* Unknown.
? 0xD0 MotionSetFile* Unknown.
? 0xD4 MotionSetFile* Unknown.
? 0xD8 ModelSet2* Unknown Model Set.
Runway 0xDC RunwayGT4* Runway for the course. Collision tree, checkpoints, sectors, grid, etc.
Padding 0x2C byte[0x20] Padding to 0x100.