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TinyWeb is an API for building web apps/services through adhoc, similar to ASP.NET or Django. It is available from Gran Turismo 6 onwards, and is primarily used by PDI for live events (especially since GT Sport).

Here is an example of how GT7 exposes camera controls over TinyWeb:


The game must be running in QA mode (in GT7, live event permissions on the account also works). Once that is done, a certain game structure must be present:

├─ car/
├─ carparts/
└─ www/              # This is the main TinyWeb folder
   └─ <branch_name>/ # i.e "gt6"
      ├─ adhoc/      # Contains adhoc web modules - In script form
      ├─ config/     # Important folder - it sets up how TinyWeb should be running.
      └─ html/       # Static html resources - .html/.css/.js etc.


A server.conf file is required in the config folder to setup TinyWeb:


On a debug branch, server-debug.conf may be used instead.

Example file (click to expand)
# Listen
# [PortNumber] - Port of which TinyWeb will listen to
Listen 8080

# Timeout
# [TimeoutSec] - Timeout before TinyWeb cancels a request
Timeout 180

# RequestThreadStackSize
# [StackSizeKB] - Adhoc request thread stack size
RequestThreadStackSize 64

# JobThreadStackSize
# [StackSizeKB] - TinyWeb job thread stack size
JobThreadStackSize 64

# FileModule
# File modules allow accessing the game's or console's directories.
# [MappingPath] [AbsoluteFilePath]

# Root
FileModule / /

# /www/ will be mapped to /www/gt6/html/
FileModule /www/ /www/gt6/html/

# Aka USRDIR, encrypted

# Aka USRDIR, decrypted

# Aka dev_hdd1, encrypted

# Aka dev_hdd1, decrypted

# Memory Stick
FileModule /APP_MS/ /APP_MS

# USB Device
FileModule /APP_USB/ /APP_USB

FileModule /dlcontents/ /dlcontents

# GT Sport & above only - you can forbid or allow certain endpoints from being accessed
# Mostly used to forbid access to certain web module while running as regular TinyWeb as opposed to debug.
Location /adhoc {
    deny all

Location /adhoc/live_event {
    allow all

Accessing TinyWeb

Once you meet the requirements, you can access TinyWeb from the IP:Port in any web browser of your liking.

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If you have it successfully setup, you will see this "hello world!" screen


If you are using RPCS3, make sure that Network Network Status is set to Connected.

If you are booting to the runviewer branch with the argument branch=runviewer (or any other way), you need to also supply network_available=1 to access TinyWeb.

If it doesn't work, try changing the Listen port from 8080 to anything else i.e 12345.


Modules are extra services that TinyWeb can expose. FileModule, shown above, allows mapping and reflecting a directory to your browser.

Some more exist that can be activated through Adhoc - here is the default that is enabled in GT6, for example

GTServiceManager.registerService(gtengine::ServiceType::SimulatorInterface); // Enables the Simulator Interface service


Endpoint: <host>/admin/

Allows setting logger settings (stripped in GT6), and seeing currently running modules. This is available by default.

Image title Image title Image title


Endpoint: <host>/adhoc/

This is the most important module that TinyWeb exposes. It allows building your own modules based on adhoc which can return html content or serve as APIs themselves.


It's the reason GT Sport and GT7 forbids access to that endpoint.

Web modules belongs to the adhoc folder. All the compiled scripts go there.

Accessing http request information

TinyWeb exposes custom variables that are accessible in Web Modules:

  • _SERVER - Map representing current request/server information.
    • _SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] - Returns the Referer header.
    • _SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] - Returns the User-Agent header.
    • _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] - Returns the remote IP Address.
    • _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] - Returns the request method as a string.
    • _SERVER["SCRIPT_SELF] - Returns the script name currently handling this request.
  • _REQUEST - Map representing query parameters. would return [(String)("key"):(String)("value")].
  • _GET - Map representing query parameters for a GET request.
  • _POST - (Could not get that to work)
  • _COOKIE - Map representing cookies of the client.
  • _FILE - Map representing a form-data POST request.
    • _FILE[<name>]["data"] - File data as ByteData.
    • _FILE[<name>]["filename"] - File Name.
    • _FILE[<name>]["name"] - Name.
    • _FILE[<name>]["size"] - File data size.

GET request example

Let's create a web module named how you can do a simple adhoc module that returns the current time. You would then access it by accessing <host>/adhoc/

import main::*;

return pdistd::MTime::getCurrentTime();
2023/04/10 00:27:57

You could serve an API that returns the time as a JSON String like such:

import main::*;

return pdistd::MPjson::Encode(pdistd::MTime::getCurrentTime());


Exposes an API for motion rigs. Documentation:


Endpoint: <host>/livetimingapi/

WebSocketModule enables access to the game's telemetry and information through a websocket client.

You can use any websocket client, Websocat is a good one.

Connecting to the Live Timing API websocket
websocat.x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.exe ws://<IP>:<PORT>/livetimingapi/

# You may need to press a key to alert the game that you've connected.

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The data is mostly documented at PDTools.LiveTimingApi.


Endpoint: <host>/toyota86/

Returns car information with get_car_data.


Same data as Toyota86, in binary form. Port 33339 is used.


Same as SampleUdp, over websocket. Used with get_car_data.


Stripped in release builds.


Stripped in release builds.

AutomobileNetConf (GT7)

Endpoint: <host>/automobile_net_conf

Unknown. Used to apply automobile configurations.

Sends the current template applied as a json payload


This is a POST request. Applies a template name to the game, example: automobile_net_conf/apply/default Arguments:

  • default
  • lan_battle
  • p2p_internet
  • client_server

Each different template is an hardcoded json string settings in the executable.


Mediator (>= GT Sport)


Machine Learning (>= GT Sport)

Unknown. Possibly stubbed.

HttpRequestInterface (>= GT Sport)


CameraControl (>= GT Sport)

Endpoint: <host>/camera_control/

Allows controlling the camera of each entry through a POST request.

Switch camera button clicked
    "window":0,    // Which window aka player view (0 = Player 1, 1 = Player 2)
    "type":"Crew", // Camera type, Crew, Interior, Interior1, PivotF, PivotR, WheelFL, WheelFR, WheelRL, WheelRR, Bonnet, Chase
    "target":19, // Entry Number
    "backview":false // Looking behind
Freeze - Freezes the camera (Crew Camera only)
Zoom Level - Top Right Slider


Always available. For testing. These are POST requests.


text2: ?


text2: hello


text2: aGVsbG8=


boundary: ?
Unknown. Has messages 'Decode failed.' and 'Invalid entity.'


There's some debug weird stuff in this one - it sets cookies kukki0=testtest123 and kukki1=500

GT6 1.22 EU - 0xb860f0

date1: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
OK<br />Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT<br />Mon, 10 Apr 2023 02:17:48 GMT