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Gran Turismo 6

Compared to GT5, GT6 is internally a game that has been heavily tidied up. More standard formats are in use and most bits that were previously hardcoded are no longer a concern. It's the first game to use SQLite as its SpecDB, internally introduce TinyWeb for some live events, and implement asynchronous programming into the Adhoc language.

GT Academy 2013 (June 14th, 2013)


Dumped: Mostly - Asian version missing.

A free demo of GT6, hosting the GT Academy 2013 competition.

Build Info
  • Adhoc Version: 12
  • VersionApplication: gt
  • VersionBranch: academy
  • VersionTarget: ps3
  • VersionEnvironment: product-strong
  • VersionBuild: release
  • VersionUser: build
  • SpecDB Version: DB0103
  • Volume Seed: CHOLISTAN-901501638
  • Volume Key: 2563947969, 157872581, 3361170443, 2931109621
  • Grim URL:
Video by Paiky/GT Archive

GT6 E3 Build 2013 (~Jun ??, 2013)

Dumped: ❌ No


GT6 Gamescom Demo 2013 (August 20th, 2013)


Dumped: Yes - available on archive

Showcase build of GT6 for Gamescom Demo 2013.

Game Code: DEMO-32768

Build Info
  • Adhoc Version: 12
  • VersionApplication: gt
  • VersionBranch: demo
  • VersionTarget: ps3
  • VersionEnvironment: product-weak
  • VersionBuild: release
  • VersionUser: build
  • SpecDB Version: DB0104
  • Volume Seed: PDIPFSDEFAULT
  • Volume Key: 79764919, 79764919, 79764919, 79764919
Video by Paiky/GT Archive

Hidden/Beta Content

GT6 Tokyo Games Show 2013 Demo (~Sep ??, 2013)

Dumped: ❌ No




Dumped: Mostly - Korean versions missing.

The main build of Gran Turismo 6.

  • Europe - BCES-01893
  • America - BCUS-98296
  • America (PSN) - NPUA-81049
  • Japan - BCJS-37016
  • Japan (PSN) - NPJA-00113
  • Asia - BCAS-25018
  • Asia (PSN) - NPHA-80269
  • Korea - BCKS-15015
Build Info
  • Adhoc Version: 12
  • VersionApplication: gt
  • VersionBranch: gt6
  • VersionTarget: ps3
  • VersionEnvironment: product-strong
  • VersionBuild: release
  • VersionUser: build
  • SpecDB Version: DB0105 (1.00), DB0106
  • Volume Seed: PISCINAS-323419048
  • Volume Key: 2853923417, 3876286387, 1658609813, 1784236581

GT6 Toyota S-FR Build (~Sep ??, 2013)

Dumped: ❌ No

"Toyota S-FR Playable in Gran Turismo 6 at Tokyo Motor Show"