Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
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menu Namespace Reference

UI Widgets. More...


class  __module__
 Functions for this module. More...
class  MActivateEvent
 Represents an activation event (for onActivate() ). More...
class  MActor
 Represents an actor. More...
class  MAdjustment
 Represents an adjustment object. More...
class  MAnimationTextFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays animated text. More...
class  MBlurFace
 Represents a facing widget that acts as blur. More...
class  MBoolAttribute
 Represents a boolean attribute . More...
class  MBoolInterpolator
 Represents a boolean interpolator . More...
class  MBox
 Base Box widget, allowing widgets within it to be packed. More...
class  MCancelEvent
 Represents a cancelled/return event (for onCancel() ). More...
class  MCascadeRoot
 Represents that displays cascading roots. More...
class  MChartFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a chart. This class is not usable - only bench functions in MOrganizer can bind to it internally. More...
class  MChartSeries
 Base series for chart widgets. More...
class  MChaseActor
 Represents a chasing actor. More...
class  MColorAttribute
 Represents a boolean attribute . More...
class  MColorFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a color. More...
class  MColorInterpolator
 Represents a color interpolator . More...
class  MColorObject
 Represents a rectangle - [x, y, w, h]. More...
class  MComponent
class  MComposite
 Represents a widget made up or containing multiple widgets. More...
class  MComposite3D
 Represents a widget made up or containing multiple widgets with 3D support. More...
class  MCompositeActor
 Represents a composite actor. More...
class  MCrossingEvent
class  MCursorFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a cursor. More...
class  MDBox
 Base Directional Box. More...
class  MEvent
 Base Event. More...
class  MFaceColorAttribute
 Represents a face color attribute . More...
class  MFaceColorInterpolator
 Represents a face color interpolator . More...
class  MFadeActor
 Represents a fading actor. More...
class  MFBox
 F Box. More...
class  MFlashFace
 Represents a facing widget that represents a strobe (converted flash/.swf -> strobe (.strb)) file. More...
class  MFloatAttribute
 Represents a float attribute . More...
class  MFocusEnterEvent
 Represents a widget focused event (for onFocusEnter() ). More...
class  MFocusLeaveEvent
 Represents a widget unfocused event (for onFocusLeave() ). More...
class  MFrameImageFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a framed image. More...
class  MFunctionEvent
 Represents a function event. More...
class  MGraphFace
 Represents a facing widget that acts as blur. More...
class  MHBox
 Horizontal box widget, allowing widgets to be packed horizontally. More...
class  MHScrollbar
 Represents an horizontal scrollbar widget. More...
class  MIconBox
 Represents an icon box widget (2D scrollable). More...
class  MImageFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays an image. More...
class  MImageShape
 Represents a widget that an image shaped (or cropped from a texture atlas). More...
class  MImageText
 Represents a widget that an image and text. More...
class  MInputNumberFace
 Represents a facing widget that allows number input. More...
class  MInputTextFace
 Represents a facing widget that allows text input. More...
class  MInstance
class  MInstanceActor
class  MIntAttribute
 Represents an integer attribute . More...
class  MInterpolator
 Base interpolator . More...
class  MIntInterpolator
 Represents a integer interpolator . More...
class  MKeyEvent
 Key Event. More...
class  MKeyPressEvent
 Represents a key pressed event (for onKeyPress() ). More...
class  MKeyReleaseEvent
 Represents a key released event (for onKeyRelease() ). More...
class  MLeaveEvent
class  MListBox
 Represents a listbox widget. More...
class  MListBox3D
 Represents a 3D listbox widget. More...
class  MManager
 Represents a function event. More...
class  MMBox
 Box that allows splitting widgets into a specific layout (rows/columns). More...
class  MMenuGameObjectManager
class  MMotionEvent
class  MMoveActor
 Represents a moving actor. More...
class  MMovieFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a movie. More...
class  MNode
 Represents a core UI node. More...
class  MNodeEvent
 Base Node Event. More...
class  MOptionMenu
class  MParallelActor
 Represents a moving actor. More...
class  MPieChart
 Represents a facing widget that displays a pie. More...
class  MPieSeries
 Represents a pie series for use with MPieChart. More...
class  MProgressFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a progress bar. More...
class  MProject
 Represents a project, a group of roots/pages . More...
class  MRaderChart
 Represents a facing widget that displays a radar chart. More...
class  MRaderSeries
 Represents a radar series for use with MRaderChart. More...
class  MRectangle
 Represents a rectangle - [x, y, w, h]. More...
class  MRenderContext
 Base representation of a render context. More...
class  MRenderContextPS3
 Cell implementation of MRenderContext. More...
class  MRootTransition
 Represents a root transition. More...
class  MRootWindow
 Represents a window/page/root. More...
class  MSBox
 S(calable?) Box. More...
class  MScalarInterpolator
 Represents a scalar value interpolator . More...
class  MScaleBar
 Represents a scaling bar widget. More...
class  MSceneFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a scene (models, etc). More...
class  MScriptEvent
 Unknown, intended for use with context.pushEvent() More...
class  MScriptWatcher
class  MScrollArea
class  MScrollArrow
 Scroll arrow. More...
class  MScrollbar
 Base scrollbar object. More...
class  MScrollBase
 Scroll base. More...
class  MScrollBox
 Scroll box. More...
class  MScrollClip
 Scroll clip. More...
class  MScrolledWindow
class  MScroller
 Base scroll area. More...
class  MScrollPinch
 Scroll pinch. More...
class  MScrollRange
 Base scroll range. More...
class  MScrollWindow
 Represents a scrollable window. More...
class  MSelectBar
 Select bar. More...
class  MSelectBox
 Select box. More...
class  MSequenceActor
 Represents a sequence actor. More...
class  MSliderBar
 Represents a sliding bar widget. More...
class  MStringAttribute
 Represents a string attribute . More...
class  MStrokePoint
class  MSyncTimer
class  MSystemOSK
 Static functions for handling the system's on screen keyboard. More...
class  MTextFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays text. More...
class  MTextSetting
 Represents a facing widget that displays text. More...
class  MToolTipFace
 Represents a facing widget that displays a tooltip. More...
class  MTransform
 Represents a transform. More...
class  MUpdateContext
 Base representation of an update context. More...
class  MUpdateContextPS3
 Cell representation of MUpdateContext. More...
class  MVBox
 Vertical box widget, allowing widgets to be packed vertically. More...
class  MVector3Attribute
 Represents a vector 3 attribute . More...
class  MVector3Interpolator
 Represents a vector 3 interpolator . More...
class  MVectorAttribute
 Represents a vector attribute . More...
class  MVectorInterpolator
 Represents a vector interpolator . More...
class  MVScrollbar
 Represents a vertical scrollbar widget. More...
class  MWidget
 Represents a UI component. More...
class  MWidgetEvent
 Base Widget Event. More...

Detailed Description

UI Widgets.