Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
UI Widgets. More...
Classes | |
class | __module__ |
Functions for this module. More... | |
class | MActivateEvent |
Represents an activation event (for onActivate() ). More... | |
class | MActor |
Represents an actor. More... | |
class | MAdjustment |
Represents an adjustment object. More... | |
class | MAnimationTextFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays animated text. More... | |
class | MBlurFace |
Represents a facing widget that acts as blur. More... | |
class | MBoolAttribute |
Represents a boolean attribute . More... | |
class | MBoolInterpolator |
Represents a boolean interpolator . More... | |
class | MBox |
Base Box widget, allowing widgets within it to be packed. More... | |
class | MCancelEvent |
Represents a cancelled/return event (for onCancel() ). More... | |
class | MCascadeRoot |
Represents that displays cascading roots. More... | |
class | MChartFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a chart. This class is not usable - only bench functions in MOrganizer can bind to it internally. More... | |
class | MChartSeries |
Base series for chart widgets. More... | |
class | MChaseActor |
Represents a chasing actor. More... | |
class | MColorAttribute |
Represents a boolean attribute . More... | |
class | MColorFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a color. More... | |
class | MColorInterpolator |
Represents a color interpolator . More... | |
class | MColorObject |
Represents a rectangle - [x, y, w, h]. More... | |
class | MComponent |
class | MComposite |
Represents a widget made up or containing multiple widgets. More... | |
class | MComposite3D |
Represents a widget made up or containing multiple widgets with 3D support. More... | |
class | MCompositeActor |
Represents a composite actor. More... | |
class | MCrossingEvent |
class | MCursorFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a cursor. More... | |
class | MDBox |
Base Directional Box. More... | |
class | MEvent |
Base Event. More... | |
class | MFaceColorAttribute |
Represents a face color attribute . More... | |
class | MFaceColorInterpolator |
Represents a face color interpolator . More... | |
class | MFadeActor |
Represents a fading actor. More... | |
class | MFBox |
F Box. More... | |
class | MFlashFace |
Represents a facing widget that represents a strobe (converted flash/.swf -> strobe (.strb)) file. More... | |
class | MFloatAttribute |
Represents a float attribute . More... | |
class | MFocusEnterEvent |
Represents a widget focused event (for onFocusEnter() ). More... | |
class | MFocusLeaveEvent |
Represents a widget unfocused event (for onFocusLeave() ). More... | |
class | MFrameImageFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a framed image. More... | |
class | MFunctionEvent |
Represents a function event. More... | |
class | MGraphFace |
Represents a facing widget that acts as blur. More... | |
class | MHBox |
Horizontal box widget, allowing widgets to be packed horizontally. More... | |
class | MHScrollbar |
Represents an horizontal scrollbar widget. More... | |
class | MIconBox |
Represents an icon box widget (2D scrollable). More... | |
class | MImageFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays an image. More... | |
class | MImageShape |
Represents a widget that an image shaped (or cropped from a texture atlas). More... | |
class | MImageText |
Represents a widget that an image and text. More... | |
class | MInputNumberFace |
Represents a facing widget that allows number input. More... | |
class | MInputTextFace |
Represents a facing widget that allows text input. More... | |
class | MInstance |
class | MInstanceActor |
class | MIntAttribute |
Represents an integer attribute . More... | |
class | MInterpolator |
Base interpolator . More... | |
class | MIntInterpolator |
Represents a integer interpolator . More... | |
class | MKeyEvent |
Key Event. More... | |
class | MKeyPressEvent |
Represents a key pressed event (for onKeyPress() ). More... | |
class | MKeyReleaseEvent |
Represents a key released event (for onKeyRelease() ). More... | |
class | MLeaveEvent |
class | MListBox |
Represents a listbox widget. More... | |
class | MListBox3D |
Represents a 3D listbox widget. More... | |
class | MManager |
Represents a function event. More... | |
class | MMBox |
Box that allows splitting widgets into a specific layout (rows/columns). More... | |
class | MMenuGameObjectManager |
class | MMotionEvent |
class | MMoveActor |
Represents a moving actor. More... | |
class | MMovieFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a movie. More... | |
class | MNode |
Represents a core UI node. More... | |
class | MNodeEvent |
Base Node Event. More... | |
class | MOptionMenu |
class | MParallelActor |
Represents a moving actor. More... | |
class | MPieChart |
Represents a facing widget that displays a pie. More... | |
class | MPieSeries |
Represents a pie series for use with MPieChart. More... | |
class | MProgressFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a progress bar. More... | |
class | MProject |
Represents a project, a group of roots/pages . More... | |
class | MRaderChart |
Represents a facing widget that displays a radar chart. More... | |
class | MRaderSeries |
Represents a radar series for use with MRaderChart. More... | |
class | MRectangle |
Represents a rectangle - [x, y, w, h]. More... | |
class | MRenderContext |
Base representation of a render context. More... | |
class | MRenderContextPS3 |
Cell implementation of MRenderContext. More... | |
class | MRootTransition |
Represents a root transition. More... | |
class | MRootWindow |
Represents a window/page/root. More... | |
class | MSBox |
S(calable?) Box. More... | |
class | MScalarInterpolator |
Represents a scalar value interpolator . More... | |
class | MScaleBar |
Represents a scaling bar widget. More... | |
class | MSceneFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a scene (models, etc). More... | |
class | MScriptEvent |
Unknown, intended for use with context.pushEvent() More... | |
class | MScriptWatcher |
class | MScrollArea |
class | MScrollArrow |
Scroll arrow. More... | |
class | MScrollbar |
Base scrollbar object. More... | |
class | MScrollBase |
Scroll base. More... | |
class | MScrollBox |
Scroll box. More... | |
class | MScrollClip |
Scroll clip. More... | |
class | MScrolledWindow |
class | MScroller |
Base scroll area. More... | |
class | MScrollPinch |
Scroll pinch. More... | |
class | MScrollRange |
Base scroll range. More... | |
class | MScrollWindow |
Represents a scrollable window. More... | |
class | MSelectBar |
Select bar. More... | |
class | MSelectBox |
Select box. More... | |
class | MSequenceActor |
Represents a sequence actor. More... | |
class | MSliderBar |
Represents a sliding bar widget. More... | |
class | MStringAttribute |
Represents a string attribute . More... | |
class | MStrokePoint |
class | MSyncTimer |
class | MSystemOSK |
Static functions for handling the system's on screen keyboard. More... | |
class | MTextFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays text. More... | |
class | MTextSetting |
Represents a facing widget that displays text. More... | |
class | MToolTipFace |
Represents a facing widget that displays a tooltip. More... | |
class | MTransform |
Represents a transform. More... | |
class | MUpdateContext |
Base representation of an update context. More... | |
class | MUpdateContextPS3 |
Cell representation of MUpdateContext. More... | |
class | MVBox |
Vertical box widget, allowing widgets to be packed vertically. More... | |
class | MVector3Attribute |
Represents a vector 3 attribute . More... | |
class | MVector3Interpolator |
Represents a vector 3 interpolator . More... | |
class | MVectorAttribute |
Represents a vector attribute . More... | |
class | MVectorInterpolator |
Represents a vector interpolator . More... | |
class | MVScrollbar |
Represents a vertical scrollbar widget. More... | |
class | MWidget |
Represents a UI component. More... | |
class | MWidgetEvent |
Base Widget Event. More... | |
UI Widgets.