Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
No Matches
menu::MSceneFace Class Reference

Represents a facing widget that displays a scene (models, etc). More...

Inheritance diagram for menu::MSceneFace:
menu::MImageFace menu::MColorFace menu::MWidget menu::MNode System::Module System::Object

Public Member Functions

 MSceneFace ()
 Do not use. Any functions used with a scene face generated with the constructor will crash. More...
Int loadCommandFile (String cmd)
 Loads a command file. More...
Int execCommand (String cmd)
 Queues a scene command. More...
Int execCommandImmidiate ()
 Executes a scene command immediately. Do note the typo. More...
Int setDefaultCarParameter (MCarParameter car, Int index=0)
 Sets the default car parameter to use for the specified index. More...
Int setDefaultCarDriverParameter (MCarDriverParameter car, Int index=0)
 Sets the default car driver parameter to use for the specified index. More...
void saveCommandQueue ()
 Saves the command queue. More...
void resetCommandQueue ()
 Resets the command queue. More...
void setPreviewPath (String path)
 Sets the preview path. More...
Int setSignalHandler (MethodObject< MRenderContext, Int > handler, UInt unk=0)
 Sets a signal handler/callback. More...
Int setResourceAllocator (MOrganizer organizer, Int unk)
Int setExternalEnvTextureSet (ByteData unk)
void setEntityRotateY (String type, String lod_name, Float angle)
void setEntityRotateVelocityY (String type, String lod_name, Float angle, Float unk=0)
Bool isEntityRenderable (String unk, String unk2=nil)
Bool isUnderSetup ()
 Returns whether the scene face is currently being constructed. More...
Bool isUnderPhotoRendering ()
Bool isUnderPhotoEncoding ()
Bool isUnderPhotoExitWait ()
Float getPhotoProgress ()
Int setClearColorBuffer (Bool unk)
Int setClearDepthBuffer (Bool unk)
Int setSimpleRenderer (Bool unk)
Map getCameraParameters ()
Map getCar2DPosition (Float p1, Float p2, Float p3, Float p4, Float p5, Float p6, Float p7)
Array getCarMapPosition (Float p1, Float p2, Float p3, Float p4, Float p5, Float p6, Float p7)
Int getReserveCount (String unk)
Int allocateSnapshotMemory (Int size)
void exitPhotoPreview ()
void iconCaptureBegin ()
void iconCaptureEnd ()
void iconShotImage ()
void iconShotMask ()
void iconCompositeSave (String path)
void iconCompositeSave (String path, Int unk, Int unk2, Int unk3, Int unk4)
void iconCompositeSave (String path, Int unk, Int unk2, Int unk3, Int unk4, Int unk5, Int unk6)
void waitTickEntry ()
void setSoundFader (Bool switch)
void setSoundGain (Float gain)
Array< FloatgetEntityParameter (String entity)
Bool getEntityVisible (String entity, String name)
Int getLatestCarLightMode (Int index)
Float getCarEntityLODSize (String lod_name)
String getStringVariable (String variable_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from menu::MImageFace
 MImageFace ()
 constructor taking no param More...
String getImagePath (String path=nil)
 Gets the image path for this image face. More...
String setImagePath (String path=nil)
 Sets the image path for this image face. More...
void adjustSize ()
void Texcoord (Float x, Float y, Float w, Float h)
- Public Member Functions inherited from menu::MColorFace
 MColorFace ()
 constructor taking no param More...
Float getAlpha (Int color_index)
void setAlpha (Int color_index, Float alpha)
MColorObject getColor (Int color_index)
void setColor (Int color_index, MColorObject color)
- Public Member Functions inherited from menu::MWidget
 MWidget ()
 constructor taking no param More...
void clearActor (MRenderContext context=nil)
 Clears all the actors from this widget. More...
void insertActor (MActor unk, MActor unk2)
void insertActor (MRenderContext context, MActor unk, MActor unk2)
void appendActor (MActor actor)
 Appends an actor to actors of this widget. More...
void appendActor (MRenderContext context, MActor actor)
 Appends an actor to actors of this widget (with context). More...
void removeActor (MActor actor)
 Removes an actor from the list of actors of this widget. More...
void removeActor (MRenderContext context, MActor actor)
 Removes an actor from the list of actors of this widget. (with context) More...
void replaceActor (MActor src, MActor target)
 Replace a specific actor of this widget. More...
void replaceActor (MRenderContext context, MActor src, MActor target)
 Replace a specific actor of this widget. (with context) More...
Int countActor ()
 Gets the count of actors for this widget. More...
void clearEffect (MRenderContext context=nil)
 Clears all the effects from this widget. More...
void insertEffect (MEffect unk, MEffect unk2)
void insertEffect (MRenderContext context, MEffect unk, MEffect unk2)
void appendEffect (MEffect effect)
 Appends an effect to effects of this widget. More...
void appendEffect (MRenderContext context, MEffect effect)
 Appends an effect to effects of this widget (with context). More...
void removeEffect (MEffect effect)
 Removes an effect from the list of effects of this widget. More...
void removeEffect (MRenderContext context, MEffect effect)
 Removes an effect from the list of effects of this widget. (with context) More...
void replaceEffect (MEffect src, MEffect target)
 Replace a specific effect of this widget. More...
void replaceEffect (MRenderContext context, MEffect src, MEffect target)
 Replace a specific effect of this widget. (with context) More...
Int countEffect ()
 Gets the count of effects for this widget. More...
MRectangle getBoundingBox ()
Array< FloatgetRequestSize ()
Array< FloatgetAllocateSize ()
void resetCoord (Bool unk=false)
MWidget getNavigateWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from menu::MNode
MNode doCopy ()
 Makes a copy of this node. More...
String getNodePath (MNode relative_to=nil, String module_separator=nil)
 Gets this node's path. More...
void doInitialize (MRenderContext context)
 Initializes this node. More...
void doFinalize (MRenderContext context)
 Finalizes (destroys) this node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Module
 Module ()
 constructor taking no param More...
 Module (String name)
 Constructs. More...
Bool load (String scriptName)
 Loads all modules from the specified script. More...
void defineModule (Module module)
 Defines a new module within this module. More...
void defineModule (Object symbol, Module module)
 Defines a new module within this module. More...
void defineClass (Class class)
 Defines a new class within this module. More...
void defineClass (Object symbol, Class class)
 Defines a new class within this module. More...
void defineStatic (String staticName, Object staticValue)
 Defines a new static within this module. More...
void defineAttribute (String attributeName, Object attributeValue)
 Defines a new attribute within this module. More...
void import (Module module, Object symbol)
 Imports a module onto this one. More...
void import (Module module, Object symbol, Object alias)
 Imports a module onto this one with the specified alias. More...
void removeStatic (String staticName)
 Removes a specific static member from the module by name. More...
void clearStatic ()
 Clears all static members from the module. More...
void each_attribute (FunctionObject< Array > func)
 Performs a callback on each attribute in the module. More...
void map_attribute (FunctionObject< Array > func)
 Creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. More...
Array find_all (FunctionObject func)
 Finds all static members that matches the precondition. More...
Object find_static (FunctionObject precondition)
 Finds a static member that matches the precondition. More...
String getModulePath ()
 Gets the module's path name. More...
Object getModuleAttribute (String path)
void setModuleAttribute (String path, Object value)
Object getScopeAttribute (String path)
void setScopeAttribute (String path, Object value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Object ()
 constructor taking no param More...
Bool isInstanceOf (Class classType)
 Returns whether an object is of a specific class/type. More...
Object getDeepCopy ()
 Gets a deep copy of this object. More...
void setDeepCopy (Object obj)
 Unk. More...
String dump ()
 Dumps all info about an object. More...
Object getObjectAttribute (string path)
void setObjectAttribute (string path, Object value)
Bool hasPrimitiveInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a primitive interface. More...
Bool toBool ()
 Casts this object to Bool. More...
Byte toByte ()
 Casts this object to Byte. More...
Short toShort ()
 Casts this object to Short. More...
Int toInt ()
 Casts this object to Int. More...
Long toLong ()
 Casts this object to Long. More...
UByte toUByte ()
 Casts this object to UByte. More...
UShort toUShort ()
 Casts this object to UShort. More...
UInt toUInt ()
 Casts this object to UInt. More...
ULong toULong ()
 Casts this object to ULong. More...
Float toFloat ()
 Casts this object to Float. More...
Double toDouble ()
 Casts this object to Double. More...
String toString ()
 Casts this object to String. More...
Symbol toSymbol ()
 Casts this object to Symbol. More...
Bool hasArrayInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an Array interface. More...
Int getArrayCount ()
 Gets the Array item count for this object. More...
void setArrayCount ()
 Sets the Array item count for this object. More...
Object getArrayElement (Object arg0)
 Gets an Array item for this object. More...
void setArrayElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Sets the Array item for this object. More...
Bool hasMapInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a Map interface. More...
int getMapCount ()
 Returns the count of items in the map. More...
void setMapElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Returns whether the Map has a specific object key. Bool hasMapElement(Object arg0);. More...
Object getMapElement (Object arg0)
 Gets a Map element by key. More...
void hasGeneratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a generator interface. More...
Iterator generator ()
 Returns generator (?) More...
void hasIteratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an iterator. More...
Iterator iterator ()
 Gets the iterator for this object. More...
void hasVariableInterface ()
 Returns whether this object is a variable. More...
void hasFunctionInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a function interface. More...
Object call ()
 Calls this object as a function. More...
Bool hasByteDataInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a byte data interface. More...
Int getByteDataCount ()
 Returns the ByteData size for this object. More...
void setByteDataCount (Int count)
 Sets the ByteData size for this object. More...
Int getByteDataCapacity ()
 Returns the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
void setByteDataCapacity (Int capacity)
 Sets the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
ByteData getByteData ()
 Gets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void setByteData (ByteData bytedata)
 Sets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void hasObjectSelectorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an object selector interface. More...
void self ()
 Gets the get for this object if it has a get interface. More...
void getArchiveTree ()
void setArchiveTree ()
ByteData serialize ()
 Serializes this object. More...
void deserialize (ByteData serializedData)
 Deserializes this object. More...
void defined (Object obj)
 Returns whether a certain object is defined within this object. More...
Array find_all (FunctionObject func)
 Finds all the elements in this object that matches the predicates. More...
void each_all (FunctionObject func)
 Applies callback to all elements in this object. More...
Array map_all (FunctionObject< Object > func)
 Maps all the elements in this object. More...
Bool operator!= ()
 Returns whether this object is not equal to another. More...
Bool operator== ()
 Returns whether this object is equal to another. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from menu::MImageFace
String image_path
String image_chunk
 Setter-only. Sets image chunk from data (should be a byte data) More...
Bool image_from_disk
 Whether image_path refers to a path on the disk or a path in GPB. Defaults to false. More...
Bool image_block
 Defaults to false. More...
Bool image_cache
 Whether to cache the image. Defaults to true. More...
String image_memory_place
 Unknown. Defaults to "default". More...
UInt image_limit_width
 Width limit of the image. Defaults to 1920. More...
Bool from_disk
 Same as image_from_disk. More...
Bool block
 Same as image_block. More...
Bool cache
 Same as image_cache. More...
String memory_place
 Same as image_memory_place. More...
UInt limit_width
 Same as image_limit_width. More...
Float texcoord_top
 Setter-only. More...
Float texcoord_bottom
 Setter-only. More...
Float texcoord_left
 Setter-only. More...
Float texcoord_right
 Setter-only. More...
String tex_coord_type_name
 Texture Coordinate type name. Defaults to "uv". More...
String tex_func_name
 Texture function name. Defaults to "modulate". More...
String tex_wrap_name_x
 Texture wrap X type. Defaults to "clamp". More...
String tex_wrap_name_y
 Texture wrap X type. Defaults to "clamp". More...
Array< Floattex_blur
 Texture blur on each axis. More...
Float tex_blur_x
 Defaults to 0. More...
Float tex_blur_y
 Defaults to 0. More...
Bool tex_keep_size
 Defaults to false. More...
Bool tex_keep_aspect
 Defaults to false. More...
UInt tex_palette_x
 Defaults to 1. More...
UInt tex_palette_y
 Defaults to 1. More...
Float tex_palette_index
 Defaults to 0. More...
MethodObject on_delay_load_complete
void tex_env_color
 Stubbed. More...
String wrap_type_name_x
 Wrap X type. Defaults to "clamp". More...
String wrap_type_name_y
 Wrap Y type. Defaults to "clamp". More...
Object blur_x
 Stubbed. More...
Object blur_y
 Stubbed. More...
Object shadow_path
 Stubbed. More...
Object emission_path
 Stubbed. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from menu::MColorFace
Float alpha
Array< Array< Int > > face_color
 Gets the colors for this image face. More...
Array< Floatgradation_start
 Start position of the color gradation [X, Y]. More...
Array< Floatgradution_end
 End position of the color gradation [X, Y]. More...
Bool outline_enable
 Whether to enable an outline for this color face. More...
Bool outline_only
 Whether to ONLY render the outline. More...
Float outline_width
 Width of the outline in pixels. Use negative numbers to expand inwards. More...
MColorObject outline_color
 Color of the outline. More...
Float outline_color_r
 Red component of the outline. More...
Float outline_color_g
 Green component of the outline. More...
Float outline_color_b
 Blue component of the outline. More...
Float outline_color_a
 Alpha of the outline. More...
Float round_radius
 Rounding radius/width in pixels for the color face. More...
Float surface_roughness
 Surface roughness (unknown). Defaults to 0.0. More...
Bool emission_enable
 Whether to emit light from the edges of the color face. More...
Float glow_width
 Glowing width in pixels. Requires emission_enable to be enabled. More...
Float emission_width
 Same as glow_width. More...
MColorObject emission_color
 Color of the outline. Requires emission_enable to be enabled. More...
Float emission_color_r
 Red component of the outline. More...
Float emission_color_g
 Green component of the outline. More...
Float emission_color_b
 Blue component of the outline. More...
Float emission_color_a
 Alpha of the outline. More...
Float emission_gain
 Gain/brightness of the emission. Defaults to 1.0. More...
Bool shadow_enable
 Whether to enable a shadow cast. More...
Array< Floatshadow_delta
 Delta/Direction of the shadow [X,Y]. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
Float shadow_dx
 Shadow Delta X. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
Float shadow_dy
 Shadow Delta Y. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
Float penumbra_width
 Width of the penumbra in pixels. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
MColorObject umbra_color
 Color of the umbra. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
Float umbra_color_r
 Red component of the umbra. More...
Float umbra_color_g
 Green component of the outline. More...
Float umbra_color_b
 Blue component of the outline. More...
Float umbra_color_a
 Alpha of the outline. More...
MColorObject penumbra_color
 Color of the umbra. Requires shadow_enable to be enabled. More...
Float penumbra_color_r
 Red component of the umbra. More...
Float penumbra_color_g
 Green component of the penumbra. More...
Float penumbra_color_b
 Blue component of the penumbra. More...
Float penumbra_color_a
 Alpha of the penumbra. More...
Float emission_alpha
 Alpha of the emission. Defaults to 1.0 (fully visible) More...
- Public Attributes inherited from menu::MWidget
MWidget next_widget
 Getter-only. More...
MWidget prev_widget
 Getter-only. More...
MRootWindow next_window
 Getter-only. More...
MRootWindow prev_window
 Getter-only. More...
MWidget first_actor
 Getter-only. More...
MWidget last_actor
 Getter-only. More...
MWidget first_effect
 Getter-only. More...
MWidget last_effect
 Getter-only. More...
Bool active
Bool focus
Bool prelight
Bool insensitive
Bool active0
Bool active1
Bool active2
Bool active3
Bool visible
Int x
Int y
Int w
Int h
Bool has_depth
Float depth
 Also zoom. More...
Float sx
Float sy
Float opacity
 Opacity from 0.0 to 1.0. 0 is transparent. More...
String blend_func_name
 Name of the blending function. Can be "mix", "add", "disable", "screen", "hard_light", "multiply". More...
Bool post_render
 Whether to post-render. Defaults to false. More...
Bool cursor_target
 Defaults to true. More...
Bool can_focus
 Whether the widget can be focused. Defaults to false. More...
Bool can_navigate
 Whether the widget can be navigated to. Defaults to true. More...
Bool is_face
 Whether this widget is a facing/displaying content. Defaults to false. More...
Bool is_mask
 Whether this widget is a mask. Defaults to false. More...
Bool wrap_text_target
 Whether to wrap text in the target. Defaults to false. More...
Int wrap_text_margin
 Text wraping margin. Defaults to 4. More...
Bool has_tooltip
 Whether this widget has a tooltip. Defaults to false. More...
String tooltip_key
 String key for the tooltip. More...
Float center_x
 Center would be 0.5. More...
Float center_y
 Center would be 0.5. More...
Float scale_x
 Normal is 1.0. More...
Float scale_y
 Normal is 1.0. More...
Float rotate
 Rotation in degrees. No rotation is 0.0, 180 = flipped. More...
Float skew_x
Float skew_y
Float translate_x
Float translate_y
Float offset_x
Float offset_y
Float navigate_source_x0
Float navigate_source_y0
Float navigate_source_x1
Float navigate_source_y1
Bool follow_navigate_source
Float navigate_target_x0
Float navigate_target_y0
Float navigate_target_x1
Float navigate_target_y1
Bool follow_navigate_target
Float cx
Float cy
Bool is_composite
 Getter-only. More...
MRectangle window_geometry
MRectangle screen_geometry
Array< Floatwindow_position
Array< Floatwindow_size
Array< Floatscreen_position
MActor actor
Array< Floatcenter
Array< Floatscale
Array< Floatskew
Array< Floattranslate
Array< Floatoffset
Array< Floatnavigate_source
Array< Floatnavigate_target
Array< Floatnavigate_box
Float cursor_align_x
 Normal is 0.5. More...
Float cursor_align_y
 Normal is 0.5. More...
Float cursor_angle
 Normal is -22.5
Bool adaptive_cursor_align_x
Bool adaptive_cursor_align_y
Bool need_update
Bool packing
Bool packable
 Whether this object is allowed to be packed. Parent object must allow packing, such as any MBox. More...
Bool pack_children
 Whether to allow children to be packed within this widget. This is normally used to allow MRootWindow to pack its children, or prevent any MBox from packing. More...
Array< Intpack_pad
 Pad for each side. [pack_pad_left, pack_pad_right, pack_pad_top, pack_pad_bottom]. More...
Int pack_pad_left
 If packing enabled, Padding while packing on the left in pixels. More...
Int pack_pad_right
 If packing enabled, Padding while packing on the right in pixels. More...
Int pack_pad_top
 If packing enabled, Padding while packing at the top in pixels. More...
Int pack_pad_bottom
 If packing enabled, Padding while packing on the bottom in pixels. More...
Bool pack_allocate_x
Bool pack_allocate_y
Bool pack_allocate_w
Bool pack_allocate_h
Int pack_side
Bool pack_expand_x
Bool pack_expand_y
Bool pack_fill_x
 Whether to fill X while packing. Defaults to false. More...
Bool pack_fill_y
 Whether to fill Y while packing. Defaults to false. More...
Bool pack_shrink_x
Bool pack_shrink_y
Float pack_alignment_x
 Normal is 0.5. More...
Float pack_alignment_y
 Normal is 0.5. More...
Float minimum_width
Float minimum_height
Bool time_out
MethodObject interpolateX
 Getter-only. More...
MethodObject interpolateY
 Getter-only. More...
MethodObject toNormalCoord
 Getter-only. More...
MethodObject toWindowCoord
 Getter-only. More...
MethodObject toScreenCoord
 Getter-only. More...
Bool tooltip
- Public Attributes inherited from menu::MNode
MNode parent
 Gets or sets the parent node for this node. More...
MNode next
 Getter-only. Gets the next node for this node. More...
MNode prev
 Getter-only. Gets the previous node for this node. More...
MNode next_node
 Getter-only. Gets the next node for this node. Same as next. More...
MNode prev_node
 Getter-only. Gets the previous node for this node. Same as prev. More...
String class_name
 Getter-only. Gets the class name of this node. i.e "MRootWindow". More...
String prototype_name
 Getter-only. Gets the prototype name of this node. i.e "RootWindow". More...
String node_name
 Getter-only. Gets the name of this node. i.e "TopRoot". More...
String node_path
 Getter-only. Gets the path of this node. i.e "RunViewerProject::TopRoot". More...
Bool has_alias_name
 Getter-only. More...
String alias_name
 Alias name. Returns "nil" if not set (use has_alias_name) More...
Bool has_script
 Whether this node is linked to a script. More...
Bool is_enable
 Whether this node is enabled. More...
Bool package_ref
MRootWindow root_window
 Getter-only. Returns the root window linked to this node. More...
MProject project
 Getter-only. Returns the project linked to this node. More...
Object reset_script_check
Bool has_alias
 Getter-only. More...
Bool is_component
- Public Attributes inherited from System::Module
String name
 Returns the module name. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from System::Object
Int rc_size
 Getter-only. Reference counter size of this object. More...
Object rc_class
 Getter-only. Type name of the object. More...
Int rc_count
 Getter-only. Reference count of this object. More...
Int weak_count
 Getter-only. Weak reference count of this object. More...
Class class_id
 Class (type) object for this object. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from menu::MNode
static String GT4_compatible_name
 Setter-only. Unknown, sets an engine singleton. May not be used. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a facing widget that displays a scene (models, etc).

Definition at line 8 of file MSceneFace.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSceneFace()

menu::MSceneFace::MSceneFace ( )

Do not use. Any functions used with a scene face generated with the constructor will crash.

Prefer initting from a project/widget file instead.

Definition at line 16 of file MSceneFace.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocateSnapshotMemory()

Int menu::MSceneFace::allocateSnapshotMemory ( Int  size)

◆ execCommand()

Int menu::MSceneFace::execCommand ( String  cmd)

Queues a scene command.

◆ execCommandImmidiate()

Int menu::MSceneFace::execCommandImmidiate ( )

Executes a scene command immediately. Do note the typo.

◆ exitPhotoPreview()

void menu::MSceneFace::exitPhotoPreview ( )

◆ getCameraParameters()

Map menu::MSceneFace::getCameraParameters ( )
Map with results
  • "fovy" - (Float)
  • "mm" - (Float)
  • "f_value" - (Float)
  • "target_length" - (Float)
  • "shutter_speed" - (Float)*
  • "exposure_correct - (Float) - "frame_height" - (Float) - "value_mode" - (?) - "req_composition_change" - (Bool) - "walk_pos_x" - "walk_pos_y" - "walk_pos_z"

◆ getCar2DPosition()

Map menu::MSceneFace::getCar2DPosition ( Float  p1,
Float  p2,
Float  p3,
Float  p4,
Float  p5,
Float  p6,
Float  p7 
Map with results
  • "car_pos"
  • "cam_ydeg"
  • "avatar_pos"
  • "avatar_ydeg"

◆ getCarEntityLODSize()

Float menu::MSceneFace::getCarEntityLODSize ( String  lod_name)

◆ getCarMapPosition()

Array menu::MSceneFace::getCarMapPosition ( Float  p1,
Float  p2,
Float  p3,
Float  p4,
Float  p5,
Float  p6,
Float  p7 

◆ getEntityParameter()

Array< Float > menu::MSceneFace::getEntityParameter ( String  entity)

◆ getEntityVisible()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::getEntityVisible ( String  entity,
String  name 

◆ getLatestCarLightMode()

Int menu::MSceneFace::getLatestCarLightMode ( Int  index)

◆ getPhotoProgress()

Float menu::MSceneFace::getPhotoProgress ( )

◆ getReserveCount()

Int menu::MSceneFace::getReserveCount ( String  unk)
unk"avatar" is valid

◆ getStringVariable()

String menu::MSceneFace::getStringVariable ( String  variable_name)

◆ iconCaptureBegin()

void menu::MSceneFace::iconCaptureBegin ( )

◆ iconCaptureEnd()

void menu::MSceneFace::iconCaptureEnd ( )

◆ iconCompositeSave() [1/3]

void menu::MSceneFace::iconCompositeSave ( String  path)

◆ iconCompositeSave() [2/3]

void menu::MSceneFace::iconCompositeSave ( String  path,
Int  unk,
Int  unk2,
Int  unk3,
Int  unk4 

◆ iconCompositeSave() [3/3]

void menu::MSceneFace::iconCompositeSave ( String  path,
Int  unk,
Int  unk2,
Int  unk3,
Int  unk4,
Int  unk5,
Int  unk6 

◆ iconShotImage()

void menu::MSceneFace::iconShotImage ( )

◆ iconShotMask()

void menu::MSceneFace::iconShotMask ( )

◆ isEntityRenderable()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::isEntityRenderable ( String  unk,
String  unk2 = nil 

◆ isUnderPhotoEncoding()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::isUnderPhotoEncoding ( )

◆ isUnderPhotoExitWait()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::isUnderPhotoExitWait ( )

◆ isUnderPhotoRendering()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::isUnderPhotoRendering ( )

◆ isUnderSetup()

Bool menu::MSceneFace::isUnderSetup ( )

Returns whether the scene face is currently being constructed.

◆ loadCommandFile()

Int menu::MSceneFace::loadCommandFile ( String  cmd)

Loads a command file.

cmdcan be "code": which will be appended to /scene/script/ or appended to /APP_DATA/grim/file/asset/scene/script/ Or can be a path (starting from USRDIR)
Result, 1 if succeeded

◆ resetCommandQueue()

void menu::MSceneFace::resetCommandQueue ( )

Resets the command queue.

◆ saveCommandQueue()

void menu::MSceneFace::saveCommandQueue ( )

Saves the command queue.

◆ setClearColorBuffer()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setClearColorBuffer ( Bool  unk)

◆ setClearDepthBuffer()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setClearDepthBuffer ( Bool  unk)

◆ setDefaultCarDriverParameter()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setDefaultCarDriverParameter ( MCarDriverParameter  car,
Int  index = 0 

Sets the default car driver parameter to use for the specified index.

◆ setDefaultCarParameter()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setDefaultCarParameter ( MCarParameter  car,
Int  index = 0 

Sets the default car parameter to use for the specified index.

◆ setEntityRotateVelocityY()

void menu::MSceneFace::setEntityRotateVelocityY ( String  type,
String  lod_name,
Float  angle,
Float  unk = 0 

◆ setEntityRotateY()

void menu::MSceneFace::setEntityRotateY ( String  type,
String  lod_name,
Float  angle 

◆ setExternalEnvTextureSet()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setExternalEnvTextureSet ( ByteData  unk)

◆ setPreviewPath()

void menu::MSceneFace::setPreviewPath ( String  path)

Sets the preview path.

◆ setResourceAllocator()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setResourceAllocator ( MOrganizer  organizer,
Int  unk 

◆ setSignalHandler()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setSignalHandler ( MethodObject< MRenderContext, Int handler,
UInt  unk = 0 

Sets a signal handler/callback.

Best used with the "sendsignal" command, see for more information on how handlers work.

◆ setSimpleRenderer()

Int menu::MSceneFace::setSimpleRenderer ( Bool  unk)

◆ setSoundFader()

void menu::MSceneFace::setSoundFader ( Bool  switch)

◆ setSoundGain()

void menu::MSceneFace::setSoundGain ( Float  gain)

◆ waitTickEntry()

void menu::MSceneFace::waitTickEntry ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: