Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
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menu::MRenderContext Class Reference

Base representation of a render context. More...

Inheritance diagram for menu::MRenderContext:
System::Object menu::MRenderContextPS3

Public Member Functions

MRenderContext getSubContext (UInt number)
 Gets a specific context number. More...
MRenderContext getRenderContext (Int number)
MRectangle getViewport ()
void setViewport (MRectangle rect)
void startPage (MRootWindow pages,...)
 Start the specified root pages. There will be no fade (but smooth transition still) More...
void pushPage (MRootWindow pages,...)
 Start the specified root pages. It will be immediate with no transitions. More...
void insertPage (MRootWindow unk, MRootWindow unk2,...)
void closePage (MRootWindow window, Float delay=0)
 Closes the page with transitions. More...
void startClosePage (MRootWindow window, Object unk)
void syncClosePage (MRootWindow window)
void popPage (MRootWindow window, Float delay=0)
 Pops the page with no transitions. More...
void clearPage ()
 Clears all the pages. More...
void reorderPage ()
UInt getLayerCount ()
 Gets the count of layers. More...
UInt getPageCount ()
 Gets the current page count. More...
Array< MRootWindowgetPageList ()
 Gets the page list. Ordered from first to last opened. More...
MRootWindow getCurrentPage ()
MRootWindow getRootWindow ()
void finish ()
void suspendEventLoop ()
 Suspends the renderer's event loop. More...
void resumeEventLoop ()
void enterEventLoop ()
 Doesn't do anything. More...
void leaveEventLoop ()
 Doesn't do anything. More...
MBlob loadFile (String path)
 Loads any file from the current directory (basically "/") More...
void loadGpb (String base_dir, String gpb_name, Bool region=false)
 Loads a GPB file globally. More...
void unloadGpb (String gpb_dir, String gpb_name=nil)
 Unloads a specified GPB. More...
Int existGpbBinary (String name)
 Returns whether a specified GPB binary exists (does not check if file exists!) More...
void sync ()
void wait (Float time=1.0)
 Waits on the renderer side. (Need more info) More...
void rushEvent (MEvent event)
void pushEvent (MEvent event)
void flushWidgetEvent ()
void filterWidgetEvent ()
void flushKeyEvent ()
void filterKeyEvent ()
void filterEvent (String name=nil)
void filterEvent (FunctionObject cb=nil)
void flushEvent (String name=nil)
void flushEvent (FunctionObject cb=nil)
void captureScreen ()
void releaseScreen ()
MUpdateContext getUpdateContext ()
String translate (String category, String pair)
String translate (MNode node_name, String sub_category, String pair)
MRootWindow getCommonPage (String page_name)
 Gets a registed page by name i.e "CursorRoot". More...
MProject getCursorProject ()
 Gets the cursor project - "CursorProject" (hardcoded) More...
MProject getCursorProject ()
 Gets the cursor root - "CursorRoot" (hardcoded) More...
Object getPrelightWidget ()
void setMousePositionOnFocus (MRootWindow unk=nil)
Bool getInputEnable ()
void enableInput ()
 Enable user-input. More...
void disableInput ()
 Disables user-input. More...
void setCursorWidget (MWidget widget)
void resetTargetWidget ()
Array< FloatgetMousePosition ()
 Gets the cursor's position. More...
void setMousePosition (Array< Float > position)
 Sets the cursor's position. More...
Float getCurrentTime ()
 Gets the amount of time this render context has been running in seconds. More...
void pageInRootTransition ()
void pageOutRootTransition ()
void syncInRootTransition ()
void syncOutRootTransition ()
void setTimeOut (String func_name, Float execute_in_seconds)
 Sets a specified timeout's time and starts the timer. More...
void addTimeOut (String name, FunctionObject cb, Object args,...)
 Adds a new timeout function callback. More...
void removeTimeOut (String name)
 Removes the specified timeout callback. More...
void clearTimeOut ()
 Clears all timeout callbacks. More...
void clearTrashPageAll ()
void clearTrashNodeAll ()
void clearTrashDataAll ()
void addRenderTask (Object unk, Object unk2, Object unk3,...)
void executeRenderTask ()
void beginImageRender ()
 Starts the image renderer for image resizing/scaling. More...
void endImageRender ()
Bool loadImage (String file_name)
 Loads an image into the image renderer. More...
Bool saveImage (String file_name)
 Saves an image from the image renderer. More...
Bool scaleImage (Float scale)
 Scales the render image to the specified scale. More...
Int getImageWidth (Float scale)
 Gets the render image width. More...
String openOSK (Map config)
 Starts On-Screen-Keyboard with detailled configuration. More...
String openOSK (MWidget widget, Bool sync_mode)
 Starts On-Screen-Keyboard. More...
void closeOSK ()
void dumpTraceInfo ()
 Stubbed. More...
void SendMessage ()
 Stubbed. More...
void appendRootTransition (MRootTransition transition)
void shotScreen ()
 Stubbed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Object ()
 constructor taking no param More...
Bool isInstanceOf (Class classType)
 Returns whether an object is of a specific class/type. More...
Object getDeepCopy ()
 Gets a deep copy of this object. More...
void setDeepCopy (Object obj)
 Unk. More...
String dump ()
 Dumps all info about an object. More...
Object getObjectAttribute (string path)
void setObjectAttribute (string path, Object value)
Bool hasPrimitiveInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a primitive interface. More...
Bool toBool ()
 Casts this object to Bool. More...
Byte toByte ()
 Casts this object to Byte. More...
Short toShort ()
 Casts this object to Short. More...
Int toInt ()
 Casts this object to Int. More...
Long toLong ()
 Casts this object to Long. More...
UByte toUByte ()
 Casts this object to UByte. More...
UShort toUShort ()
 Casts this object to UShort. More...
UInt toUInt ()
 Casts this object to UInt. More...
ULong toULong ()
 Casts this object to ULong. More...
Float toFloat ()
 Casts this object to Float. More...
Double toDouble ()
 Casts this object to Double. More...
String toString ()
 Casts this object to String. More...
Symbol toSymbol ()
 Casts this object to Symbol. More...
Bool hasArrayInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an Array interface. More...
Int getArrayCount ()
 Gets the Array item count for this object. More...
void setArrayCount ()
 Sets the Array item count for this object. More...
Object getArrayElement (Object arg0)
 Gets an Array item for this object. More...
void setArrayElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Sets the Array item for this object. More...
Bool hasMapInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a Map interface. More...
int getMapCount ()
 Returns the count of items in the map. More...
void setMapElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Returns whether the Map has a specific object key. Bool hasMapElement(Object arg0);. More...
Object getMapElement (Object arg0)
 Gets a Map element by key. More...
void hasGeneratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a generator interface. More...
Iterator generator ()
 Returns generator (?) More...
void hasIteratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an iterator. More...
Iterator iterator ()
 Gets the iterator for this object. More...
void hasVariableInterface ()
 Returns whether this object is a variable. More...
void hasFunctionInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a function interface. More...
Object call ()
 Calls this object as a function. More...
Bool hasByteDataInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a byte data interface. More...
Int getByteDataCount ()
 Returns the ByteData size for this object. More...
void setByteDataCount (Int count)
 Sets the ByteData size for this object. More...
Int getByteDataCapacity ()
 Returns the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
void setByteDataCapacity (Int capacity)
 Sets the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
ByteData getByteData ()
 Gets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void setByteData (ByteData bytedata)
 Sets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void hasObjectSelectorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an object selector interface. More...
void self ()
 Gets the get for this object if it has a get interface. More...
void getArchiveTree ()
void setArchiveTree ()
ByteData serialize ()
 Serializes this object. More...
void deserialize (ByteData serializedData)
 Deserializes this object. More...
void defined (Object obj)
 Returns whether a certain object is defined within this object. More...
Array find_all (FunctionObject func)
 Finds all the elements in this object that matches the predicates. More...
void each_all (FunctionObject func)
 Applies callback to all elements in this object. More...
Array map_all (FunctionObject< Object > func)
 Maps all the elements in this object. More...
Bool operator!= ()
 Returns whether this object is not equal to another. More...
Bool operator== ()
 Returns whether this object is equal to another. More...

Public Attributes

Int context_number
 Getter-only. More...
Bool finished
 Getter-only. More...
Int event_loop_level
 Getter-only. More...
MUpdateContext device
 Getter-only. More...
Bool enable
 Enables rendering of this render context. More...
UInt event_mask
UInt event_loop_busy
Int clear
Bool pause
 Whether to pause rendering. Input will still be processed if paused. More...
MRootTransition root_transition
MRootTransition active_root_transition
 Getter-only. More...
Bool render_simple
Int normal_priority
Int sub_context_priority
Int transition_priority
Float time_after_last_input
 Gets the time in seconds since the last input. More...
Bool cursor_visible
 Gets or sets whether the cursor is visible. More...
String cursor_image_path
 Gets or sets the image path for the cursor. More...
String cursor_move_mode
 Gets or sets the current move mode for the cursor. More...
Float cursor_interpolate_ratio
 Gets or sets the interpolate cursor ratio. More...
Float cursor_spring_ratio
 Gets or sets the spring cursor ratio. More...
Float cursor_friction_ratio
 Unknown. More...
Bool installing_visible
 Whether the game data install message is allowed to appear. More...
Bool signed_out_visible
 Whether the signed out message is allowed to appear. More...
Float opacity
 Gets or sets the renderer's opacity. More...
MWidget popup_owner
 Setter-only. More...
MWidget target_widget
 Setter-only. More...
Float frame_rate
 Getter-only. Gets the render context's frame rate. More...
Bool follow_cursor_x
Bool follow_cursor_y
Bool zoom_for_SD
Bool is_SD
Bool is_4x3
Int display_width
 Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display width. More...
Int display_height
 Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display height. More...
Float display_margin
 Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display margin. More...
Int osk_display_width
 Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard display width. More...
Int osk_display_height
 Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard display height. More...
Float osk_screen_width
 Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard screen width. More...
Float osk_screen_height
 Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard screen height. More...
Object transition
 Stubbed. More...
Object cursor
 Stubbed. More...
Float cursor_speed_ratio
 Partially stubbed. Always returns 1.0, setter also returns 1.0. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from System::Object
Int rc_size
 Getter-only. Reference counter size of this object. More...
Object rc_class
 Getter-only. Type name of the object. More...
Int rc_count
 Getter-only. Reference count of this object. More...
Int weak_count
 Getter-only. Weak reference count of this object. More...
Class class_id
 Class (type) object for this object. More...

Detailed Description

Base representation of a render context.

Definition at line 8 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRenderTask()

void menu::MRenderContext::addRenderTask ( Object  unk,
Object  unk2,
Object  unk3,

◆ addTimeOut()

void menu::MRenderContext::addTimeOut ( String  name,
FunctionObject  cb,
Object  args,

Adds a new timeout function callback.

Use setTimeOut() first to set the time and start the timer

◆ appendRootTransition()

void menu::MRenderContext::appendRootTransition ( MRootTransition  transition)

◆ beginImageRender()

void menu::MRenderContext::beginImageRender ( )

Starts the image renderer for image resizing/scaling.

Example use
function resizeForOnline(context, photo)
var w = context.getImageWidth();
var h = context.getImageHeight();
var scale = 1.0;
if (w > h)
scale = 1024.0 / w.toFloat();
scale = 768.0 / h.toFloat();
if (scale > 1.0)
return photo.filename;
var output_file = "/APP_DATA_RAW/photo/test.jpg";
return output_file;

◆ captureScreen()

void menu::MRenderContext::captureScreen ( )

◆ clearPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::clearPage ( )

Clears all the pages.

◆ clearTimeOut()

void menu::MRenderContext::clearTimeOut ( )

Clears all timeout callbacks.

◆ clearTrashDataAll()

void menu::MRenderContext::clearTrashDataAll ( )

◆ clearTrashNodeAll()

void menu::MRenderContext::clearTrashNodeAll ( )

◆ clearTrashPageAll()

void menu::MRenderContext::clearTrashPageAll ( )

◆ closeOSK()

void menu::MRenderContext::closeOSK ( )

◆ closePage()

void menu::MRenderContext::closePage ( MRootWindow  window,
Float  delay = 0 

Closes the page with transitions.

It will hang if the page stack is empty. In that case push or start another page.

◆ disableInput()

void menu::MRenderContext::disableInput ( )

Disables user-input.

◆ dumpTraceInfo()

void menu::MRenderContext::dumpTraceInfo ( )


◆ enableInput()

void menu::MRenderContext::enableInput ( )

Enable user-input.

◆ endImageRender()

void menu::MRenderContext::endImageRender ( )

◆ enterEventLoop()

void menu::MRenderContext::enterEventLoop ( )

Doesn't do anything.

◆ executeRenderTask()

void menu::MRenderContext::executeRenderTask ( )

◆ existGpbBinary()

Int menu::MRenderContext::existGpbBinary ( String  name)

Returns whether a specified GPB binary exists (does not check if file exists!)

◆ filterEvent() [1/2]

void menu::MRenderContext::filterEvent ( FunctionObject  cb = nil)

◆ filterEvent() [2/2]

void menu::MRenderContext::filterEvent ( String  name = nil)

◆ filterKeyEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::filterKeyEvent ( )

◆ filterWidgetEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::filterWidgetEvent ( )

◆ finish()

void menu::MRenderContext::finish ( )

◆ flushEvent() [1/2]

void menu::MRenderContext::flushEvent ( FunctionObject  cb = nil)

◆ flushEvent() [2/2]

void menu::MRenderContext::flushEvent ( String  name = nil)

◆ flushKeyEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::flushKeyEvent ( )

◆ flushWidgetEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::flushWidgetEvent ( )

◆ getCommonPage()

MRootWindow menu::MRenderContext::getCommonPage ( String  page_name)

Gets a registed page by name i.e "CursorRoot".

◆ getCurrentPage()

MRootWindow menu::MRenderContext::getCurrentPage ( )

◆ getCurrentTime()

Float menu::MRenderContext::getCurrentTime ( )

Gets the amount of time this render context has been running in seconds.

◆ getCursorProject() [1/2]

MProject menu::MRenderContext::getCursorProject ( )

Gets the cursor project - "CursorProject" (hardcoded)

◆ getCursorProject() [2/2]

MProject menu::MRenderContext::getCursorProject ( )

Gets the cursor root - "CursorRoot" (hardcoded)

◆ getImageWidth()

Int menu::MRenderContext::getImageWidth ( Float  scale)

Gets the render image width.

Make sure beginImageRender() & loadImage() was called first

◆ getInputEnable()

Bool menu::MRenderContext::getInputEnable ( )

◆ getLayerCount()

UInt menu::MRenderContext::getLayerCount ( )

Gets the count of layers.

◆ getMousePosition()

Array< Float > menu::MRenderContext::getMousePosition ( )

Gets the cursor's position.

Array with [X, Y]

◆ getPageCount()

UInt menu::MRenderContext::getPageCount ( )

Gets the current page count.

◆ getPageList()

Array< MRootWindow > menu::MRenderContext::getPageList ( )

Gets the page list. Ordered from first to last opened.

◆ getPrelightWidget()

Object menu::MRenderContext::getPrelightWidget ( )

◆ getRenderContext()

MRenderContext menu::MRenderContext::getRenderContext ( Int  number)

◆ getRootWindow()

MRootWindow menu::MRenderContext::getRootWindow ( )

◆ getSubContext()

MRenderContext menu::MRenderContext::getSubContext ( UInt  number)

Gets a specific context number.

numberContext number, 1 would be player 2

◆ getUpdateContext()

MUpdateContext menu::MRenderContext::getUpdateContext ( )

◆ getViewport()

MRectangle menu::MRenderContext::getViewport ( )

◆ insertPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::insertPage ( MRootWindow  unk,
MRootWindow  unk2,

◆ leaveEventLoop()

void menu::MRenderContext::leaveEventLoop ( )

Doesn't do anything.

◆ loadFile()

MBlob menu::MRenderContext::loadFile ( String  path)

Loads any file from the current directory (basically "/")

◆ loadGpb()

void menu::MRenderContext::loadGpb ( String  base_dir,
String  gpb_name,
Bool  region = false 

Loads a GPB file globally.

base_dirBase dir for the GPB. /gpb/ or /<region id> will be appended depending on the region parameter.
gpb_nameGpb name, without the extension.
regionWhether to use region "/<region>/" instead of the "/gpb/" subdir.

◆ loadImage()

Bool menu::MRenderContext::loadImage ( String  file_name)

Loads an image into the image renderer.

Make sure beginImageRender() was called first .jpg, .mpo or .png Must be file name length must be at least 5 characters including extension

◆ openOSK() [1/2]

String menu::MRenderContext::openOSK ( Map  config)

Starts On-Screen-Keyboard with detailled configuration.

configMap configuration
  • "widget" -> MWidget
  • "separate_mode" -> Bool
  • "limit_length" -> Int (Default 128)
  • "background_trans" -> Float (Default 0.0)
  • "sync_mode" -> Bool
  • "no_return" -> Bool (Default false)
  • "password_mode" -> Bool

◆ openOSK() [2/2]

String menu::MRenderContext::openOSK ( MWidget  widget,
Bool  sync_mode 

Starts On-Screen-Keyboard.

◆ pageInRootTransition()

void menu::MRenderContext::pageInRootTransition ( )

◆ pageOutRootTransition()

void menu::MRenderContext::pageOutRootTransition ( )

◆ popPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::popPage ( MRootWindow  window,
Float  delay = 0 

Pops the page with no transitions.

◆ pushEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::pushEvent ( MEvent  event)

◆ pushPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::pushPage ( MRootWindow  pages,

Start the specified root pages. It will be immediate with no transitions.

◆ releaseScreen()

void menu::MRenderContext::releaseScreen ( )

◆ removeTimeOut()

void menu::MRenderContext::removeTimeOut ( String  name)

Removes the specified timeout callback.

◆ reorderPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::reorderPage ( )

◆ resetTargetWidget()

void menu::MRenderContext::resetTargetWidget ( )

◆ resumeEventLoop()

void menu::MRenderContext::resumeEventLoop ( )

◆ rushEvent()

void menu::MRenderContext::rushEvent ( MEvent  event)

◆ saveImage()

Bool menu::MRenderContext::saveImage ( String  file_name)

Saves an image from the image renderer.

Make sure beginImageRender() was called first Exports to jpeg, make sure extension is .jpg

◆ scaleImage()

Bool menu::MRenderContext::scaleImage ( Float  scale)

Scales the render image to the specified scale.

Make sure beginImageRender() & loadImage() was called first

◆ SendMessage()

void menu::MRenderContext::SendMessage ( )


◆ setCursorWidget()

void menu::MRenderContext::setCursorWidget ( MWidget  widget)

◆ setMousePosition()

void menu::MRenderContext::setMousePosition ( Array< Float position)

Sets the cursor's position.

Array with [X, Y]

◆ setMousePositionOnFocus()

void menu::MRenderContext::setMousePositionOnFocus ( MRootWindow  unk = nil)

◆ setTimeOut()

void menu::MRenderContext::setTimeOut ( String  func_name,
Float  execute_in_seconds 

Sets a specified timeout's time and starts the timer.

Use addTimeOut() first

◆ setViewport()

void menu::MRenderContext::setViewport ( MRectangle  rect)

◆ shotScreen()

void menu::MRenderContext::shotScreen ( )


◆ startClosePage()

void menu::MRenderContext::startClosePage ( MRootWindow  window,
Object  unk 

◆ startPage()

void menu::MRenderContext::startPage ( MRootWindow  pages,

Start the specified root pages. There will be no fade (but smooth transition still)

◆ suspendEventLoop()

void menu::MRenderContext::suspendEventLoop ( )

Suspends the renderer's event loop.

Inputs will be queued and pushed once resumeEventLoop() is called.

◆ sync()

void menu::MRenderContext::sync ( )

◆ syncClosePage()

void menu::MRenderContext::syncClosePage ( MRootWindow  window)

◆ syncInRootTransition()

void menu::MRenderContext::syncInRootTransition ( )

◆ syncOutRootTransition()

void menu::MRenderContext::syncOutRootTransition ( )

◆ translate() [1/2]

String menu::MRenderContext::translate ( MNode  node_name,
String  sub_category,
String  pair 

◆ translate() [2/2]

String menu::MRenderContext::translate ( String  category,
String  pair 

◆ unloadGpb()

void menu::MRenderContext::unloadGpb ( String  gpb_dir,
String  gpb_name = nil 

Unloads a specified GPB.

gpb_nameGpb name without extension, if not provided, uses ""


◆ wait()

void menu::MRenderContext::wait ( Float  time = 1.0)

Waits on the renderer side. (Need more info)

timeWill be multiplied by 60

Member Data Documentation

◆ active_root_transition

MRootTransition menu::MRenderContext::active_root_transition


Definition at line 160 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ clear

Int menu::MRenderContext::clear

Definition at line 152 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ context_number

Int menu::MRenderContext::context_number


Definition at line 17 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor

Object menu::MRenderContext::cursor


Definition at line 367 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_friction_ratio

Float menu::MRenderContext::cursor_friction_ratio


Default is 20.0.

Definition at line 191 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_image_path

String menu::MRenderContext::cursor_image_path

Gets or sets the image path for the cursor.

Default is "/image/cursor/cursor_chrome.png" from GPB

Definition at line 175 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_interpolate_ratio

Float menu::MRenderContext::cursor_interpolate_ratio

Gets or sets the interpolate cursor ratio.

Default is 0.25. cursor_move_mode must be set to "interpolate"

Definition at line 183 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_move_mode

String menu::MRenderContext::cursor_move_mode

Gets or sets the current move mode for the cursor.

Valid move modes are "interpolate" (default), "spring"

Definition at line 179 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_speed_ratio

Float menu::MRenderContext::cursor_speed_ratio

Partially stubbed. Always returns 1.0, setter also returns 1.0.

Definition at line 370 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_spring_ratio

Float menu::MRenderContext::cursor_spring_ratio

Gets or sets the spring cursor ratio.

Default is 1000.0. cursor_move_mode must be set to "spring"

Definition at line 187 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ cursor_visible

Bool menu::MRenderContext::cursor_visible

Gets or sets whether the cursor is visible.

Definition at line 171 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ device

MUpdateContext menu::MRenderContext::device


Definition at line 119 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ display_height

Int menu::MRenderContext::display_height

Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display height.

1080p GT6 returns 1080

Definition at line 267 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ display_margin

Float menu::MRenderContext::display_margin

Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display margin.

1.0 is no margin

Definition at line 271 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ display_width

Int menu::MRenderContext::display_width

Getter-only. Gets the renderer's display width.

1080p GT6 returns 1440

Definition at line 263 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ enable

Bool menu::MRenderContext::enable

Enables rendering of this render context.

Definition at line 138 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ event_loop_busy

UInt menu::MRenderContext::event_loop_busy

Definition at line 150 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ event_loop_level

Int menu::MRenderContext::event_loop_level


Definition at line 75 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ event_mask

UInt menu::MRenderContext::event_mask

Definition at line 140 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ finished

Bool menu::MRenderContext::finished


Definition at line 60 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ follow_cursor_x

Bool menu::MRenderContext::follow_cursor_x

Definition at line 225 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ follow_cursor_y

Bool menu::MRenderContext::follow_cursor_y

Definition at line 226 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ frame_rate

Float menu::MRenderContext::frame_rate

Getter-only. Gets the render context's frame rate.

Default is 60.0

Definition at line 213 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ installing_visible

Bool menu::MRenderContext::installing_visible

Whether the game data install message is allowed to appear.

Definition at line 196 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ is_4x3

Bool menu::MRenderContext::is_4x3

Definition at line 259 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ is_SD

Bool menu::MRenderContext::is_SD

Definition at line 258 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ normal_priority

Int menu::MRenderContext::normal_priority

Definition at line 163 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ opacity

Float menu::MRenderContext::opacity

Gets or sets the renderer's opacity.

Default is 1.0.

Definition at line 203 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ osk_display_height

Int menu::MRenderContext::osk_display_height

Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard display height.

GT6 is 1080

Definition at line 279 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ osk_display_width

Int menu::MRenderContext::osk_display_width

Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard display width.

GT6 is 1920

Definition at line 275 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ osk_screen_height

Float menu::MRenderContext::osk_screen_height

Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard screen height.

GT6 is 1920

Definition at line 287 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ osk_screen_width

Float menu::MRenderContext::osk_screen_width

Getter-only. On-screen-keyboard screen width.

GT6 is 1920

Definition at line 283 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ pause

Bool menu::MRenderContext::pause

Whether to pause rendering. Input will still be processed if paused.

Definition at line 155 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ popup_owner

MWidget menu::MRenderContext::popup_owner


Definition at line 206 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ render_simple

Bool menu::MRenderContext::render_simple

Definition at line 162 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ root_transition

MRootTransition menu::MRenderContext::root_transition

Definition at line 157 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ signed_out_visible

Bool menu::MRenderContext::signed_out_visible

Whether the signed out message is allowed to appear.

Definition at line 199 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ sub_context_priority

Int menu::MRenderContext::sub_context_priority

Definition at line 164 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ target_widget

MWidget menu::MRenderContext::target_widget


Definition at line 209 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ time_after_last_input

Float menu::MRenderContext::time_after_last_input

Gets the time in seconds since the last input.

Definition at line 168 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ transition

Object menu::MRenderContext::transition


Definition at line 362 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ transition_priority

Int menu::MRenderContext::transition_priority

Definition at line 165 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

◆ zoom_for_SD

Bool menu::MRenderContext::zoom_for_SD

Definition at line 257 of file MRenderContext.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: