Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
No Matches
gtengine::MLobby Class Reference

Interface on NP Matching. More...

Inheritance diagram for gtengine::MLobby:

Public Member Functions

void setRequestTimeout (Int timeout_ms)
 Normally 30000ms. More...
Int pollRequest (UInt unk, Int timeout=30000, Int unk2=2)
Int checkRequestState ()
Int abortRequest (Bool unk=false)
Bool catchRequestState (Int unk)
void setLobbyHandler (MRenderContext context, MWidget widget, FunctionObject< MRenderContext, Int, Int, Int, Array > handler)
void unsetLobbyHandler (MRenderContext context, MWidget widget)
void setOrganizer (MOrganizer org)
Bool isInitialized ()
Bool selectServer (Int server)
Bool selectWorld (Long world)
Bool selectWorldByWorldNumber (UInt number)
Int selectServerAndWorld ()
Int getServerList ()
Array< MapgetServerListLocal ()
Int getServerListRequest ()
Int getServerCount ()
Int getAvailableServerCount ()
Int getServerMax ()
Int getRoomResultMax ()
Int getWorldList (Int unk=-1)
Array< MapgetWorldListLocal ()
Bool getWorldListRequest (Int unk)
Int getWholeWorldList ()
Bool prepareWorldList (Bool unk=true)
Int getWholeRoomCount ()
Int getWholeRoomMemberCount ()
Array< IntgetClientStatistics ()
Bool isJoinedLobby ()
Bool isJoinedRoom ()
Bool isSignalingReady (Object unk=nil)
UInt getCurrentServerId ()
UInt getCurrentWorldId ()
ULong getCurrentLobbyId ()
ULong getCurrentRoomId ()
UInt getCurrentContext ()
ULong getRoomIdKey ()
 Always returns 0xcc5caea6a4b30440 in GT6 1.22. More...
Int getLobbyMax ()
Int getLobbyMemberMax ()
Int getLobbySlotNum ()
UInt getMyLobbyMemberId ()
Int getLobbyMemberNum ()
Array< MapgetLobbyMemberList ()
Array< MapgetLobbyList (UInt unk, Int unk2, Int unk3)
Array< MapgetLobbyListAsync ()
Int getLobbyListRequest (UInt unk, Int unk2)
Int joinLobby (ULong unk, MBlob unk2=nil)
Int leaveLobby ()
Int sendLobbyChatMessage (String message, Int unk2=nil, String unk3=nil)
Int sendLobbyChatMessage (String message, Int unk2=nil, Int unk3=nil)
Int sendLobbyChatMessageAsync (String message, Int unk2=nil, String unk3=nil)
Int sendLobbyChatMessageAsync (String message, Int unk2=nil, Int unk3=nil)
Int setLobbyMemberAttribute (Int unk, MBlob unk2, Int unk3=0)
Int getRoomMemberMax ()
Int getRoomSlotNum ()
Int getRoomMemberNum ()
Array< MapgetRoomMemberList ()
Map getSpecifiedRoomMember (MPDINetworkUserId user_id)
Map getSpecifiedRoomMember (UInt id)
Map getSpecifiedRoomMemberByCommunicatorIndex (Int index)
Array< MapgetExternalRoomMemberList (ULong room_id)
Map getExternalRoomMemberListSync (ULong room_id)
Int getExternalRoomMemberListRequest (ULong room_id)
UInt getMyRoomMemberId ()
UInt getRoomOwnerMemberId ()
String getRoomOwnerName ()
Bool hasRoomPassword ()
String getRoomPassword ()
void setRoomPasswordSlotMask (ULong mask)
Bool isRoomOwner ()
Bool isRoomCreator ()
Bool isRoomFull ()
Int searchRoom (Map params)
Int searchRoomAsync (Map params)
Array< MapgetRoomList (Int unk)
Object getExternalRoomInfo (Int id)
Object getExternalRoomInfoSync (Int id)
Object getExternalRoomInfoAsync (Int id)
void getRTTRequest (ULong id)
Int createRoom (Map params)
Int joinRoom (Map params)
Int leaveRoom ()
Int sendRoomChatMessage (String message, Int unk=nil, String unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomChatMessage (String message, Int unk=nil, Int unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomChatMessageAsync (String message, Int unk=nil, String unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomChatMessageAsync (String message, Int unk=nil, Int unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomBinaryMessage (BinaryMessageType type, MBlob message, Int unk=0, String unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomBinaryMessage (BinaryMessageType type, MBlob message, Int unk=0, Int unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync (BinaryMessageType type, MBlob message, Int unk=0, String unk2=nil)
Int sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync (BinaryMessageType type, MBlob message, Int unk=0, Int unk2=nil)
Int grantRoomOwner (Int unk)
Int kickOutRoomMember (Int unk, Bool unk2)
Int leaveRoomRequest (UInt unk)
void turnEverybodyOutFromRoom ()
 Stubbed. More...
void setRoomClosed (Bool unk, Bool unk=false)
Bool isRoomClosed ()
void setRoomHidden (Bool unk, Bool unk=false)
Bool isRoomHidden ()
Int setRoomOwnerMigrationOrder (Array< int > unk)
void setRoomAttribute (Int unk, MBlob unk2)
void setRoomAttribute (Int unk, UInt unk2)
void setRoomMemberAttribute (Int unk, MBlob unk2, Int unk3=0)
UByte getMyTeamId ()
void setTeamId (Int unk, Int unk2=0)
Bool requestToken (Int unk, Int timeout_ms=30000)
Bool requestTokenAsync (Int unk)
Bool releaseToken (Int unk)
Bool isTokenOwner (Int unk)
Bool isTokenFree ()
Int setUserInfo (Int unk, MBlob unk2)
Array< MapgetFriendUserInfo ()
Bool sendLobbyInvitation ()
Bool sendRoomInvitation ()
Array createRoomConditional (Map params)
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Object ()
 constructor taking no param More...
Bool isInstanceOf (Class classType)
 Returns whether an object is of a specific class/type. More...
Object getDeepCopy ()
 Gets a deep copy of this object. More...
void setDeepCopy (Object obj)
 Unk. More...
String dump ()
 Dumps all info about an object. More...
Object getObjectAttribute (string path)
void setObjectAttribute (string path, Object value)
Bool hasPrimitiveInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a primitive interface. More...
Bool toBool ()
 Casts this object to Bool. More...
Byte toByte ()
 Casts this object to Byte. More...
Short toShort ()
 Casts this object to Short. More...
Int toInt ()
 Casts this object to Int. More...
Long toLong ()
 Casts this object to Long. More...
UByte toUByte ()
 Casts this object to UByte. More...
UShort toUShort ()
 Casts this object to UShort. More...
UInt toUInt ()
 Casts this object to UInt. More...
ULong toULong ()
 Casts this object to ULong. More...
Float toFloat ()
 Casts this object to Float. More...
Double toDouble ()
 Casts this object to Double. More...
String toString ()
 Casts this object to String. More...
Symbol toSymbol ()
 Casts this object to Symbol. More...
Bool hasArrayInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an Array interface. More...
Int getArrayCount ()
 Gets the Array item count for this object. More...
void setArrayCount ()
 Sets the Array item count for this object. More...
Object getArrayElement (Object arg0)
 Gets an Array item for this object. More...
void setArrayElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Sets the Array item for this object. More...
Bool hasMapInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a Map interface. More...
int getMapCount ()
 Returns the count of items in the map. More...
void setMapElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Returns whether the Map has a specific object key. Bool hasMapElement(Object arg0);. More...
Object getMapElement (Object arg0)
 Gets a Map element by key. More...
void hasGeneratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a generator interface. More...
Iterator generator ()
 Returns generator (?) More...
void hasIteratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an iterator. More...
Iterator iterator ()
 Gets the iterator for this object. More...
void hasVariableInterface ()
 Returns whether this object is a variable. More...
void hasFunctionInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a function interface. More...
Object call ()
 Calls this object as a function. More...
Bool hasByteDataInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a byte data interface. More...
Int getByteDataCount ()
 Returns the ByteData size for this object. More...
void setByteDataCount (Int count)
 Sets the ByteData size for this object. More...
Int getByteDataCapacity ()
 Returns the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
void setByteDataCapacity (Int capacity)
 Sets the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
ByteData getByteData ()
 Gets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void setByteData (ByteData bytedata)
 Sets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void hasObjectSelectorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an object selector interface. More...
void self ()
 Gets the get for this object if it has a get interface. More...
void getArchiveTree ()
void setArchiveTree ()
ByteData serialize ()
 Serializes this object. More...
void deserialize (ByteData serializedData)
 Deserializes this object. More...
void defined (Object obj)
 Returns whether a certain object is defined within this object. More...
Array find_all (FunctionObject func)
 Finds all the elements in this object that matches the predicates. More...
void each_all (FunctionObject func)
 Applies callback to all elements in this object. More...
Array map_all (FunctionObject< Object > func)
 Maps all the elements in this object. More...
Bool operator!= ()
 Returns whether this object is not equal to another. More...
Bool operator== ()
 Returns whether this object is equal to another. More...

Public Attributes

const Long ServerIdJoining = -1
const Long ServerIdThrough = -2
const Long WorldIdThrough = -1
- Public Attributes inherited from System::Object
Int rc_size
 Getter-only. Reference counter size of this object. More...
Object rc_class
 Getter-only. Type name of the object. More...
Int rc_count
 Getter-only. Reference count of this object. More...
Int weak_count
 Getter-only. Weak reference count of this object. More...
Class class_id
 Class (type) object for this object. More...

Detailed Description

Interface on NP Matching.

Definition at line 7 of file MLobby.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::abortRequest ( Bool  unk = false)

◆ catchRequestState()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::catchRequestState ( Int  unk)

◆ checkRequestState()

Int gtengine::MLobby::checkRequestState ( )

◆ createRoom()

Int gtengine::MLobby::createRoom ( Map  params)

◆ createRoomConditional()

Array gtengine::MLobby::createRoomConditional ( Map  params)
paramsParameter map (needs more documentation)
  • version, courseCode, isProfessionalMode, region, eventId, roomType, roomPolicy, roomGameMode, clubId, clubEventId
Array with result
  • [0] = MBlob
  • [1] = Int

◆ getAvailableServerCount()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getAvailableServerCount ( )

◆ getClientStatistics()

Array< Int > gtengine::MLobby::getClientStatistics ( )

◆ getCurrentContext()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getCurrentContext ( )

◆ getCurrentLobbyId()

ULong gtengine::MLobby::getCurrentLobbyId ( )

◆ getCurrentRoomId()

ULong gtengine::MLobby::getCurrentRoomId ( )

◆ getCurrentServerId()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getCurrentServerId ( )

◆ getCurrentWorldId()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getCurrentWorldId ( )

◆ getExternalRoomInfo()

Object gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomInfo ( Int  id)

◆ getExternalRoomInfoAsync()

Object gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomInfoAsync ( Int  id)

◆ getExternalRoomInfoSync()

Object gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomInfoSync ( Int  id)

◆ getExternalRoomMemberList()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomMemberList ( ULong  room_id)
Array of results
  • "name" - (String)
  • "isRoomOwner" - (Bool)
  • "joinDate" - (MTime)

◆ getExternalRoomMemberListRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomMemberListRequest ( ULong  room_id)

◆ getExternalRoomMemberListSync()

Map gtengine::MLobby::getExternalRoomMemberListSync ( ULong  room_id)

◆ getFriendUserInfo()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getFriendUserInfo ( )
Map with results
  • "name" - (String)
  • "lobbyId" - (ULong)
  • "roomId" - (ULong)

◆ getLobbyList()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyList ( UInt  unk,
Int  unk2,
Int  unk3 
Array of results
  • "serverId" - (Int)
  • "worldId" - (UInt)
  • "lobbyId" - (ULong)
  • "lobbyNumber" - (UInt)
  • "maxSlot" - (UInt)
  • "memberNum" - (UInt)
  • "isPermanent" - (Bool)

◆ getLobbyListAsync()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyListAsync ( )
Array of results
  • "serverId" - (Int)
  • "worldId" - (UInt)
  • "lobbyId" - (ULong)
  • "lobbyNumber" - (UInt)
  • "maxSlot" - (UInt)
  • "memberNum" - (UInt)
  • "isPermanent" - (Bool)

◆ getLobbyListRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyListRequest ( UInt  unk,
Int  unk2 

◆ getLobbyMax()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyMax ( )

◆ getLobbyMemberList()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyMemberList ( )
Array of results
  • "name" - (String)
  • "lobbymemberId" - (UInt)

◆ getLobbyMemberMax()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyMemberMax ( )

◆ getLobbyMemberNum()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getLobbyMemberNum ( )

◆ getLobbySlotNum()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getLobbySlotNum ( )

◆ getMyLobbyMemberId()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getMyLobbyMemberId ( )

◆ getMyRoomMemberId()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getMyRoomMemberId ( )

◆ getMyTeamId()

UByte gtengine::MLobby::getMyTeamId ( )

◆ getRoomIdKey()

ULong gtengine::MLobby::getRoomIdKey ( )

Always returns 0xcc5caea6a4b30440 in GT6 1.22.

◆ getRoomList()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getRoomList ( Int  unk)

◆ getRoomMemberList()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getRoomMemberList ( )
Array of results
  • "userId" - (String) (Maybe more)

◆ getRoomMemberMax()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getRoomMemberMax ( )

◆ getRoomMemberNum()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getRoomMemberNum ( )

◆ getRoomOwnerMemberId()

UInt gtengine::MLobby::getRoomOwnerMemberId ( )

◆ getRoomOwnerName()

String gtengine::MLobby::getRoomOwnerName ( )

◆ getRoomPassword()

String gtengine::MLobby::getRoomPassword ( )

◆ getRoomResultMax()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getRoomResultMax ( )

◆ getRoomSlotNum()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getRoomSlotNum ( )

◆ getRTTRequest()

void gtengine::MLobby::getRTTRequest ( ULong  id)

◆ getServerCount()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getServerCount ( )

◆ getServerList()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getServerList ( )

◆ getServerListLocal()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getServerListLocal ( )
Array of results
  • "id" - (Int)
  • "status" - (Int)

◆ getServerListRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getServerListRequest ( )

◆ getServerMax()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getServerMax ( )

◆ getSpecifiedRoomMember() [1/2]

Map gtengine::MLobby::getSpecifiedRoomMember ( MPDINetworkUserId  user_id)

◆ getSpecifiedRoomMember() [2/2]

Map gtengine::MLobby::getSpecifiedRoomMember ( UInt  id)

◆ getSpecifiedRoomMemberByCommunicatorIndex()

Map gtengine::MLobby::getSpecifiedRoomMemberByCommunicatorIndex ( Int  index)

◆ getWholeRoomCount()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getWholeRoomCount ( )

◆ getWholeRoomMemberCount()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getWholeRoomMemberCount ( )

◆ getWholeWorldList()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getWholeWorldList ( )

◆ getWorldList()

Int gtengine::MLobby::getWorldList ( Int  unk = -1)

◆ getWorldListLocal()

Array< Map > gtengine::MLobby::getWorldListLocal ( )
Array of results
  • "serverId" - (Int)
  • "worldId" - (UInt)
  • "worldNumber" - (Int)
  • "lobbyNum" - (Int)
  • "lobbyMemberMax" - (Int)
  • "lobbyMemberNum" - (Int)
  • "roomNum" - (Int)
  • "roomNumberNum" - (Int)

◆ getWorldListRequest()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::getWorldListRequest ( Int  unk)

◆ grantRoomOwner()

Int gtengine::MLobby::grantRoomOwner ( Int  unk)

◆ hasRoomPassword()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::hasRoomPassword ( )

◆ isInitialized()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isInitialized ( )

◆ isJoinedLobby()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isJoinedLobby ( )

◆ isJoinedRoom()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isJoinedRoom ( )

◆ isRoomClosed()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isRoomClosed ( )

◆ isRoomCreator()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isRoomCreator ( )

◆ isRoomFull()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isRoomFull ( )

◆ isRoomHidden()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isRoomHidden ( )

◆ isRoomOwner()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isRoomOwner ( )

◆ isSignalingReady()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isSignalingReady ( Object  unk = nil)

◆ isTokenFree()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isTokenFree ( )

◆ isTokenOwner()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::isTokenOwner ( Int  unk)

◆ joinLobby()

Int gtengine::MLobby::joinLobby ( ULong  unk,
MBlob  unk2 = nil 

◆ joinRoom()

Int gtengine::MLobby::joinRoom ( Map  params)

◆ kickOutRoomMember()

Int gtengine::MLobby::kickOutRoomMember ( Int  unk,
Bool  unk2 

◆ leaveLobby()

Int gtengine::MLobby::leaveLobby ( )

◆ leaveRoom()

Int gtengine::MLobby::leaveRoom ( )

◆ leaveRoomRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::leaveRoomRequest ( UInt  unk)

◆ pollRequest()

Int gtengine::MLobby::pollRequest ( UInt  unk,
Int  timeout = 30000,
Int  unk2 = 2 

◆ prepareWorldList()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::prepareWorldList ( Bool  unk = true)

◆ releaseToken()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::releaseToken ( Int  unk)

◆ requestToken()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::requestToken ( Int  unk,
Int  timeout_ms = 30000 

◆ requestTokenAsync()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::requestTokenAsync ( Int  unk)

◆ searchRoom()

Int gtengine::MLobby::searchRoom ( Map  params)
  • "serverId" - (Int)
  • "worldId" - (Long)
  • "worldNumber" - (UInt)
  • "lobbyId" - (ULong)
  • "startIndex" - (Int)
  • "max" - (Int)
  • "excludeFull" - (Bool)
  • "excludeClosed" - (Bool)
  • "conditional" - (?)
  • "natFilter" - (Bool)
  • "random" - (Bool)

◆ searchRoomAsync()

Int gtengine::MLobby::searchRoomAsync ( Map  params)

◆ selectServer()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::selectServer ( Int  server)

◆ selectServerAndWorld()

Int gtengine::MLobby::selectServerAndWorld ( )

◆ selectWorld()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::selectWorld ( Long  world)

◆ selectWorldByWorldNumber()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::selectWorldByWorldNumber ( UInt  number)

◆ sendLobbyChatMessage() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendLobbyChatMessage ( String  message,
Int  unk2 = nil,
Int  unk3 = nil 

◆ sendLobbyChatMessage() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendLobbyChatMessage ( String  message,
Int  unk2 = nil,
String  unk3 = nil 

◆ sendLobbyChatMessageAsync() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendLobbyChatMessageAsync ( String  message,
Int  unk2 = nil,
Int  unk3 = nil 

◆ sendLobbyChatMessageAsync() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendLobbyChatMessageAsync ( String  message,
Int  unk2 = nil,
String  unk3 = nil 

◆ sendLobbyInvitation()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::sendLobbyInvitation ( )

◆ sendRoomBinaryMessage() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomBinaryMessage ( BinaryMessageType  type,
MBlob  message,
Int  unk = 0,
Int  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomBinaryMessage() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomBinaryMessage ( BinaryMessageType  type,
MBlob  message,
Int  unk = 0,
String  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync ( BinaryMessageType  type,
MBlob  message,
Int  unk = 0,
Int  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomBinaryMessageAsync ( BinaryMessageType  type,
MBlob  message,
Int  unk = 0,
String  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomChatMessage() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomChatMessage ( String  message,
Int  unk = nil,
Int  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomChatMessage() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomChatMessage ( String  message,
Int  unk = nil,
String  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomChatMessageAsync() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomChatMessageAsync ( String  message,
Int  unk = nil,
Int  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomChatMessageAsync() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomChatMessageAsync ( String  message,
Int  unk = nil,
String  unk2 = nil 

◆ sendRoomInvitation()

Bool gtengine::MLobby::sendRoomInvitation ( )

◆ setLobbyHandler()

void gtengine::MLobby::setLobbyHandler ( MRenderContext  context,
MWidget  widget,
FunctionObject< MRenderContext, Int, Int, Int, Array handler 
handlercontext, type, error, requestId, args

◆ setLobbyMemberAttribute()

Int gtengine::MLobby::setLobbyMemberAttribute ( Int  unk,
MBlob  unk2,
Int  unk3 = 0 

◆ setOrganizer()

void gtengine::MLobby::setOrganizer ( MOrganizer  org)

◆ setRequestTimeout()

void gtengine::MLobby::setRequestTimeout ( Int  timeout_ms)

Normally 30000ms.

◆ setRoomAttribute() [1/2]

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomAttribute ( Int  unk,
MBlob  unk2 

◆ setRoomAttribute() [2/2]

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomAttribute ( Int  unk,
UInt  unk2 

◆ setRoomClosed()

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomClosed ( Bool  unk,
Bool  unk = false 

◆ setRoomHidden()

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomHidden ( Bool  unk,
Bool  unk = false 

◆ setRoomMemberAttribute()

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomMemberAttribute ( Int  unk,
MBlob  unk2,
Int  unk3 = 0 

◆ setRoomOwnerMigrationOrder()

Int gtengine::MLobby::setRoomOwnerMigrationOrder ( Array< int >  unk)

◆ setRoomPasswordSlotMask()

void gtengine::MLobby::setRoomPasswordSlotMask ( ULong  mask)

◆ setTeamId()

void gtengine::MLobby::setTeamId ( Int  unk,
Int  unk2 = 0 

◆ setUserInfo()

Int gtengine::MLobby::setUserInfo ( Int  unk,
MBlob  unk2 

◆ turnEverybodyOutFromRoom()

void gtengine::MLobby::turnEverybodyOutFromRoom ( )


◆ unsetLobbyHandler()

void gtengine::MLobby::unsetLobbyHandler ( MRenderContext  context,
MWidget  widget 

Member Data Documentation

◆ ServerIdJoining

const Long gtengine::MLobby::ServerIdJoining = -1

Definition at line 211 of file MLobby.cpp.

◆ ServerIdThrough

const Long gtengine::MLobby::ServerIdThrough = -2

Definition at line 212 of file MLobby.cpp.

◆ WorldIdThrough

const Long gtengine::MLobby::WorldIdThrough = -1

Definition at line 213 of file MLobby.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: