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Obj IDs

Not to be confused with Model IDs

Object IDs are actual IDs of any object in the game. This also applies to PlatinumGames games.

They are categorized as such:

0x1xxxx - pl
0x2xxxx - em
0x3xxxx - wp
0x4xxxx - et
0x5xxxx - ef
0x7xxxx - it
0x9xxxx - sc
0xCxxxx - bg
0xExxxx - bh
0xFxxxx - ba
0x100xxxx - fp
0x101xxxx - fe
0x102xxxx - fn
0x103xxxx - we
0x104xxxx - wn
0x10Axxxx - np
0x10Bxxxx - tr
0x10Cxxxx - bt

Where the last xxxx is the actual ID for every category.


These IDs can be seen inside objread files.