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Quest Base Info

Quest Base Info files (quest/{quest_id}/baseinfo.msg) provides the basic & critical information about any given quest.


The quest id should be present in quest/BaseInfoFolderList.msg.

Attribute Type Description
category_ int Quest category. 1st hex digit of a quest id, category_ should be 4 if the quest id is 407320. Category in general denotes the type of quest.
subCategory_ int Quest sub-category. 2nd & 3rd hex digit of a quest id, subCategory_ should be 32 (decimal) if the quest id is 720009.
serialNumber_ int Serial Number. Last 3 hex digits of a quest id, serialNumber_ should be 800 (decimal) if the quest id is 407320.
difficultyHash_ string Difficulty name. Directly controls the difficulty of enemies in general. Maps to quest_difficulty table (hashed).
lv_ int Unknown. Seems to affect enemy levels.
time_ int Quest timer in seconds.
lostTime_ int Unknown.
clearableTimes_ int Unknown.
mobIdHash_ string Display mob name. Maps to mob table.
sortNo_ int Sorting order. Greater number means further down in the quest listing.
main_ Main Main story quest information (quest category has to be 1).
challenge_ Challenge Challenge (side-quest) quest information (quest category has to be 2).
fateEpisode_ FateEpisode Fate Episode quest information (quest category has to be 3).
multi_ Multi Multiplayer quest information (quest category has to be 4).
shortStory_ ShortStory Short Story quest information (quest category has to be 7).
occurrenceList_ [Occurrence] Unknown.
orderList_ ?[] Unknown.
successList_ ?[] Unknown.
failureText_{} TXT_QT_PARTYDEATH Message to show on failure.
reward_ Reward Reward information.
fsmDataList FSMData List of FSM files linked to this quest.
targetList_ Target List of targets (current objectives) for the quest.
subMissions_ SubMission List of sub-goals/missions and their rewards.
sectionSortListGuid_ ?[] List of sections. guid_ array should directly match guid in sectionlist.json.
lotData_ string Unknown. Maps to treasure_chest table.
rewardRank_ int Reward Rank. Very Important as it controls the rewards available per lot in the reward_lot table - reminder that enemy drops also point to the reward table so rank can also change their death drop.
placementsInfo_ PlacementInfo Information about items that can be picked during the quest.
exPlacementFilesInfo_ ?[] List of placement files, possibly maps to layout/p{phaseNumber}/placement_{type_name}_{suffix}.
startEventInfo_ ? Unknown.
endEventInfo_ ? Unknown.
isConsumeAppend_ bool Unknown.
consumeCounts_ int[] Unknown.
clearTimeMax_ int Unknown. In seconds.
clearTimeMin_ int Unknown. In seconds.
resetTownTreasureType_ int Unknown.
specialRegulationInfo_ ?[] Unknown. Possibly never used.
actionDropRewardList_ ?[] Unknown. Used in a few story & fate episode quests, possibly unique rewards for certain things.
preLoadQuestFSMFileInfos_ PreLoadQuestFSMFileInfo[] List of FSMs to pre-load, possibly optional. index is the same as suffix unless names is provided, which can point to fsms that are not quest fsms. Use .yml extension regardless of actual extension.
preLoadVoiceEventFileInfos_ PreLoadVoiceEventFileInfo[] List of voice files to pre-load (sound, lipsync).
overrideAttribute_ int Unknown.
isBroadcastVersion_ bool Unknown.



Only when quest category is 1.

Attribute Type Description
type_ int Unknown.
rcommendedCombatPower_{} int[] Recommended PWR per story difficulty
isChapterSelectPartyKeep_ bool Unknown.



Only when quest category is 2.

Attribute Type Description
uuidHashs_{} ulong Unknown.
phaseNos_{} int Phase number, remember to convert it to hex - i.e 3072 = pC00.
isConsecutive_ bool Whether it can be replayed?

Fate Episode


Only when quest category is 3.

Attribute Type Description
isStartEventTown_ bool Whether the event starts in town.
isEndEventTown_ bool Whether the event ends in town.
townType_ int Unknown.
hasStartEvent_ bool Unknown.
hasEndEvent_ bool Unknown.
hasStartTelop_ bool Unknown.
hasClearTelop_ bool Unknown.
gameCategory_ int Unknown.
location_ string Unknown.
targetDispInfo_ TargetDispInfo textHash_ is quest target/description, type_ is unknown.



Only when quest category is 4.

Attribute Type Description
strengthValue_ int Strength value.
rcommendedCombatPower_ int Display value of recommended PWR.
islandId_ string Island name where the quest takes place. Used mainly for displaying the name, maps to island table.
gameCategory_ int Unknown.
multiQuestType_ int Unknown.
location_ string Display location name where the quest takes place. Used mainly for displaying the location, maps to location table.
enemyIds_[] ObjId[] Display enemies in the quest. Object ID.
enemyNum_[] int[] Display enemies number in the quest.
overwriteStatusAndReward_[] int[] Unknown.
min_ int Unknown.
max_ int Unknown.
standard_ int Unknown.
targetDispInfo_ TargetDispInfo textHash_ is quest target/description, type_ is unknown.
hasPrepareArea bool Unknown.
isQuestStartFromBossAppear_ bool Unknown.
isUltimateParameterUse_ bool Unknown.
isBossRush_ bool Whether the quest is a boss rush. Must be used for boss rushes, controls whether to move on to other sections, otherwise quest ends early/gets stuck.

Short Story


Only when quest category is 7.

Attribute Type Description
isPhaseMoveDelete_ bool Unknown.


Attribute Type Description
type_ int Id Type 1 = Quest ID, 2 = Phase ID
id_ int Id Value
count_ int Count



Strings are hashed and then mapped to the reward table.

Attribute Type Description
first_ string Reward on first clear.
every_ string Reward on every clear.
rankReward[] string Rewards (depending on rank).


Attribute Type Description
name_ string Unused.
hash_ ulong Hash of the fsm file. Used as a unique identifier.
suffix_ int Suffix - maps this to system\fsm\quest\quest_{quest_id}_{suffix}_fsm_ingame.msg.


List of available current objectives in the quest.

Attribute Type Description
label_ string Unique key of the target.
textLabel_ string Localized text.
type_ int Type of objective display value.
id_ int Id (when applicable), i.e Enemy Object Id.
count_ int Count.
canFail_ bool Whether this target/objective is failable.
isDisplay_ bool Whether this is displayed.
idIndex_ int Unknown.
udsId_ int Unknown.
  • 0 = Text
  • 2 = Minutes
  • 3 = Enemy Obj Id
  • 7 = Percentage

Sub Mission

Attribute Type Description
target_ string Maps directly to the label/key in target.
reward_ string Reward for completing this sub-mission. Maps to reward table.
firstReward_ string First reward for completing this sub-mission. Maps to reward table.

Placement Info

Attribute Type Description
treasureMaxCount_ int Max number of chests.
treasureMinCount_ int Min number of chests.
pickMaxCount_ int Max number of 'pick'/ground items (blue shine).
pickMinCount_ int Min number of 'pick'/ground items (blue shine).
searchItemMaxCount_ int Unknown.
searchItemMinCount_ int Unknown.
archiveMaxCount_ int Max number of 'archives'/note/paper items.
archiveMinCount_ int Min number of 'archives'/note/paper items.
multiQuestCoinMaxCount_ int Unknown.
multiQuestCoinMinCount_ int Unknown.