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Action / Parameters

Each Player character has a {model_id}_action and a {model_id}_parameter file in system/player/data/{model_id}.

  • The parameter file will list off the player's Damage caps in an array, with identifying numbers
  • The action file will list off the player's actions, listing the motions associated with each one, as well as how the game should treat each action.

Action File

The Action file will list off the player's actions, listing the motions associated with each one, as well as how the game should treat each action.

Actions, when called, can have projectiles or other attacks linked to them that do not use the XML/BXM file format. these will be located in the FSMs for that character.

Type Description
id_ string This will be the number used to refer to the action by other files or other actions in branching paths.
abilityTag_ string Names the skill, refers to ability table. This is only used for actual abilities, not just normal actions. Example: "AB_PL0000_09" (this is Gran's 9th ability, which the ordering of abilities can be found by matching this against the Text file for the abilities, or removing all selected abilities in game, and counting from top to bottom).
saveActionType_ int Unknown.
straddleFlagBit_ int Bit flags. Controls how the game will handle the action. Bit 1 made the move assigned to this flag be affected by quick charge on Vaseraga.
usePoint_ int Whether to grants honors to the player upon using the action
autoHomingType_ int Unknown. Possibly impacts how the game handles targeting while this move is called
autoHomingOffsetDistance_ int Unknown.
abilityStocks_ int This will be the number of charges an ability can hold, like Lancelot's Lawinsturm
saveAbilityChargeType_ int 1 will make the ability function like an other, 2 will set it to be a 1 time use, like Seofon's 7SB or Tweyen's 2CS
abilityChargeTime_ int Ability cooldown.
abilityChargeDelayMin_ int Extra timer that will delay the cooldown starting, this does not impact Cascade
abilityChargeDelayMax_ int Extra timer that will delay the cooldown starting, this does not impact Cascade
branchXAtk_ int When X is pressed during this action, so long as the flags are set to allow X presses, then the action listed in this will begin
branchYAtk_ int Same as above, but for Y
branchXAtk_Just_ int When X is pressed within a specified window in the flags for the action/motions, it will go to the action listed
branchYAtk_Just_ int Same as above but for Y
branchXAtk_Hold_ int Allow charging actions after this one. This functions a little weirdly, as the action seems to be needed to be specified in both the hold and press entries, and requires the following action to accept the input
branchYAtk_Hold_ int Same as before but for Y
branchAtkHit_ int Unknown.
dist_ int Unknown.
type_ uint Unknown.
controlTypeHash_ uint Unknown.
supportTypeHash_ uint Unknown.
actionName_ string Possibly unused. Generally a name assigned to the action by the devs.
saveMotId{number}_ uint Motions being called by this action. saved motions can be confusing at times, as certain actions will not play them in order, such as Parries
actionFreeWork{number}_ uint Values associated with the action, such as for Zeta, when she does a Rhapsody parry, the angle of bounce and force behind the lift will be listed here
freeWork{number}_ uint Unknown. 5 and 6 are seemingly always 1
bulletType_ uint Refers to the FSM associated with the action, I do not know where this is set however, as to add FSM links. Flags are required in the action to call the FSM
bulletFreeWork{number}_ uint Unknown.
supportEffectList_ uint[] Utilizes a hash and 6 values in an array format to state the buffs that will be applied to the character or team members when this player calls this action, so long as the required flag is in any of the motions tied to the action. The first value in the array states how many buffs the game will attempt to give
uiIconCategory_ uint Possibly unused.
actionCategory_ uint Unknown.
isTriggerAttackHit_ uint Unknown.
damageLimitType_ uint Should be unused after 1.3, the game migrated to the next value
damageLimitDataIndex_ uint Specifies the damage cap in the Parameter File's Damage cap index that is associated with this action
relatedAbilityType_ uint Associates the action with the id assigned, possibly not needed, changing it still allowed the action to function as intended
indirectDamagePoint_ uint Additional honors, possibly given on granting buffs to other players, not fully aware of how honors works
isIndirectDamageAddMulti_ bool Unknown. true for Vane's Bubble
isCheckComboCutAbility_ bool Unknown.

Spawned Entities

Some players spawn weapons/entities during their attacks, those characters include:

  • Eugen - Grenades
  • Rosetta - Roses and normal attacks/combo finishers
  • Katalina - Ares
  • Seofon - Avatar
  • Cagliostro - Almost all of her attacks
  • Sandalphon - Gems thrown during specific attacks
  • Ferry - Pets

The weapons will have motion files and BXMs specific to them.

For some characters, the weapons will handle their own hitboxes

For other characters, the weapons are mostly decoration

For Cagliostro and Rosetta, the Weapon animation assignments are located in the parameter file, where each action will be assigned a weapon animation (or multiple).

Credits: MidnightAugur