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FSM (Finite State Machine)

A fair chunk of the game's logic (quests, moves & ai behavior) is scripted using FSMs - Finite State Machines.

You can find a fair chunk of these files in system/fsm files. They will always have the _fsm_ingame suffix - for some reason it is required.


You can preview FSMs using RelinkToolkit2.


Sometimes FSMs are made up of smaller graphs called layers. When the FSM reaches the end of a layer, execution will go back to the beginning of it, not the start of the FSM. For FSM execution to fully complete, nodes that transition to other nodes usually have a transition with FSMUnderLayerEndCondition, which waits for the layer to be complete.

File Structure

The FSMs file built in a depth-first manner. The game will iterate over every node in the file, link them to conditions and execution components accordingly, and then, build the final tree with the root node.

  • The game iterates through all nodes.
  • FSMNode declares a new node on the graph. They may point to other nodes with conditions.
    • When childLayerId_ is set, that means this node points to a new layer. The first node of that layer is always the root of that layer.
    • tailIndexOfChildNodeGuids_ is practically the number of nodes in this layer. This is only set for root (and layer root) nodes.
  • layerNo_ sets the current layer the nodes belong to. Note that layers may be completely empty (leftover metadata) and not necessarily used.
  • Transition links a node to another using fromNodeGuid_ and toNodeGuid_. Note that they are in reverse - Cygames mistake. toNodeGuid_ is the SOURCE node while fromNodeGuid_ is the TARGET node.
    • conditionGuids_ links to condition components, aka the specified conditions to check on for this transition to occur while params_ are how the conditions are linked, i.e OR or AND, and their priority/order of execution. (there should always be one param between two conditions. So 3 conditions = 2 params.)
    • isEndTransition_ refers to FSM end. It doesn't necessarily point to a node that actually exists in the file, which, doesn't matter.
    • NOTE: Purpose of transitions/branches that do not have toNodeGuid_ is currently unclear. RelinkToolkit2 shows these as green arrows.
  • addAllTransition - TODO
  • addTransition - TODO
  • EnableBaseTransition - TODO
  • EnableBaseAllTransition - TODO
  • Anything else is an execution or condition, name is an fsm object engine reflected based on its name which internally inherits from BehaviorTreeComponent. A list can be found here.
    • For conditions (which must inherit from ConditionComponent internally), isReverseSuccess_ means whether if a condition fails, then it is considered a success. This is equivalent to if (!success).
    • For actions, these will be linked up to nodes using parentGuid_.
  • Then, the tree is built - all nodes will have children linked to. This starts from the first node in the graph, and then recursively to the bottom.