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Model Material Set - .mmat

.mmat represents all the materials for a model, it is a set of materials. It describes the textures to use, and the shaders linked to a material.

This file is a FlatBuffer file.

Field Name Type Description
magic uint Should be 20230727, explicitly checked. Might correspond to a date, 2023/07/27.
materials Material[] List of all materials in the material set.
constant_buffers ConstantBuffer List of constant buffers.
shader_param_float_data_pool float[] Float data for materials when their parameters uses floats/Vectors.
byte5 byte Unknown. em files seem to use this.
bool6 bool Unknown.
bool7 bool Unknown.


Field Name Type Description
shader_params ShaderParamInfo[] Shader parameters, which shaders to use.
texture_maps TextureMapInfo[] Textures to use.
constant_buffer_indices uint Indices of which constant buffers to use.
granite_params GraniteVirtualTextureStreamingInfo Granite SDK Texture streaming info. If not present, will load textures loose.
unique_material_name_hash_maybe XXHash32Custom(str) Hash of the name of this material.
shader_type byte Type of shader to use.
shader_sub_type byte Sub-type of shader.
unk_8 byte Unknown. Should be 0 to 3.
bool9 bool Unknown.
bool10 bool Unknown.
bool11 bool Unknown.
bool12 bool Unknown.
Shader Type

Each shader type uses a different type of shader where different parameters and texture maps may be required to be provided. Refer to files which uses these types in the first place to provide the proper parameters to avoid a potential game crash.

  • 0 = player_silhouette? (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 1 = player_silhouette2? (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 2 = Eye shaders? (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 3 = Face shaders? (sub-types: 0, 3, 7, 8)
  • 4 = Hair shaders? (sub-types: 0, 3, 7, 8)
  • 5 = Metal shaders (sub-types: 0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8)
  • 7 = elementallookdev (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 8 = flowmap (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 9 = foilage (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 10 = glowingground (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 11 = glowingmountain (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 12 = ice (sub-types: 2, 3, 7, 8)
  • 13 = ice_2layer (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 14 = lavafall (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 15 = lucilius (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 16 = Not supported
  • 17 = plantbillboard (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 18 = plantmiddleview (sub-types: 4, 7, 8)
  • 19 = plantshake (sub-types: 4, 7, 8)
  • 20 = skycloud (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 21 = uberenv (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 22 = uberenv_layer2 (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 23 = uberenv_layer2_plantpivotpainter (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 24 = uberenv_layer3 (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 25 = uberenv_layer4 (sub-types: 1, 7, 8)
  • 26 = uberenv_plantpivotpainter? (sub-types: 4, 7, 8)
  • 27 = uberenvtextureless? (sub-types: 7, 8)
  • 28 = Not supported
  • 29 = grid (sub-types: 7, 8)
Shader Sub-Type

The sub-types supported depend on the main shader type.

  • 0 = vs_pbs_xxxxx/vs_pbs_sxxxx8_anime/vs_pbs_sxxxx/vs_pbs_sxxxx_anime
  • 1 = ?
  • 3 = outline (skinning)
  • 4 = shadow
  • 5 = shadow skinning mask (dp)
  • 6 = pointlight_shadow_mask
  • 7 = player silhouette or regular texture?
  • 8 = "foward" shaders?


Field Name Type Description
param_hash XXHash32Custom(str) Hashed shader parameter name. NOTE: Structures should be ordered by this.
value_or_offset uint Value for the parameter. Note that when the type is float/Vec2/Vec3/Vec4, the value becomes an offset to shader_param_float_data_pool.
value_type ShaderParamValueType Parameter value type.

Value Types

  • U8 = 0,
  • U16 = 1,
  • F32 = 2,
  • Vec2 = 3
  • Vec3 = 4,
  • Vec4 = 5


Field Name Type Description
shader_map_name_hash XXHash32Custom(str) Hashed map name passed to the shader. NOTE: Structures should be ordered by this.
texture_name string Texture name. When granite is not in use, this will be mapped to texture/4k/<name>.texture or texture/<name>.texture.


Field Name Type Description
page_file string Granite page file where textures for this material are located.
layer_to_shader_map_name_hash XXHash32Custom(str)[] Shader map names. Each element will map to one layer in the granite file. For instance if element 0 is the hash of g_AlbedoMap, that means that g_AlbedoMap is located at layer 0.
unk3 byte Unknown.
unk4 byte Unknown.
tile_set_number byte Tile set number where the page file is located. Up to 11 is supported, 0-2 is used. Reminder - a new minor update always adds 3 new tile sets, so 0-11 for 1.0 through 1.3.


Unknown. This is indexed by constant_buffer_indices within materials.

Field Name Type Description
buffer uint[] Float buffer.
unk_unique_param_name_hash XXHash32Custom(str) Unique name hash.

Known Hashes

Shader Maps

Strings can be found inside shaders.

enum ShaderMapTypeHash : uint
    Unk = 0,
    g_5A2C820C             = 0x5A2C820C,
    g_8A0507FB             = 0x8A0507FB,
    g_AlbedoMap            = 0x3F2B4D59,
    g_AlbedoMapFar         = 0x7847F758,
    g_AlbedoMapMiddle      = 0x56C35C30,
    g_AlbedoTex            = 0xE9AEA597,
    g_AlbedoTex0           = 0x7D82DDEA,
    g_AlbedoTex1           = 0x8FC0A070,
    g_AlbedoTex2           = 0x19615C52,
    g_AlbedoTex3           = 0xA697D782,
    g_AreaMaskMap          = 0xD52525E5,
    g_Base0Map             = 0x9EE04147,
    g_Base1Map             = 0x46C247DB,
    g_BottomErosion0Map    = 0xAD237ACF,
    g_BottomErosion1Map    = 0x47DA21A1,
    g_BumpMap              = 0xE19336DE,
    g_BumpMaskMap          = 0x707A6889,
    g_BumpNormalMap        = 0x9B7115C3,
    g_Color0Map            = 0x7AF0C744,
    g_Color1Map            = 0xC5089B10,
    g_ContainerMap         = 0x6C92581E,
    g_DetailNormalMap      = 0x71F4A50E,
    g_DitherMap            = 0x0C914331,
    g_EmissiveMap          = 0x5CDF6E8F,
    g_EyeHighLightTexture  = 0x00B36A70,
    g_EyeIrisTexture       = 0x637A19F3,
    g_EyeWhiteTexture      = 0xAEDB57AE,
    g_FlowMap              = 0x983C09F6,
    g_IBLTexture           = 0x330CF7B7,
    g_Large0Map            = 0xC56364D9,
    g_Large1Map            = 0x9FEF4F43,
    g_Layer1Map            = 0x7373F664,
    g_Layer2Map            = 0x3779219E,
    g_LowDetailMap         = 0xF8E10DF2,
    g_LUT                  = 0x69DF53A1,
    g_Mask0Map             = 0xDB972A87,
    g_Mask1                = 0x847A6CBD,
    g_Mask1Map             = 0x42904E14,
    g_Mask2                = 0x6137BA13,
    g_Mask2Map             = 0x2D04F715,
    g_Mask3                = 0x35091AFA,
    g_Mask4                = 0x393263EF,
    g_MaskMap              = 0x63C1ED71,
    g_MaskMap1             = 0x3DCC2032,
    g_MaskTex              = 0xD19EA412,
    g_MaskTex0             = 0xAE860AB0,
    g_MaskTex1             = 0x3069DB65,
    g_MaskTex2             = 0xEDD2D2AF,
    g_MaskTex3             = 0x4CC0E7B6,
    g_Middle0Map           = 0x38054382,
    g_Middle1Map           = 0xB70FDCD5,
    g_MROEMap              = 0x4905E4E4,
    g_MROMap               = 0x7852D3FE,
    g_Noise0Map            = 0x451D0F3A,
    g_Noise1Map            = 0x62F4BBF8,
    g_NoiseGradationMap    = 0xB21CCD8B,
    g_NoiseMap             = 0x7159CBC3,
    g_NoiseMaskMap         = 0x010A5EFA,
    g_NormalMap            = 0xADBA7C37,
    g_NormalMap1           = 0x1470B2FB,
    g_NormalTex            = 0xE752FF91,
    g_NormalTex0           = 0xB55D7961,
    g_NormalTex1           = 0xFB542B74,
    g_NormalTex2           = 0x295ED71A,
    g_NormalTex3           = 0x82A0AA5A,
    g_OffsetMask0Map       = 0x6ECBBABD,
    g_OffsetMask1Map       = 0xAD768A4F,
    g_ParallaxTexture      = 0x1EE34406,
    g_SideErosion0Map      = 0x1EC206C2,
    g_SideErosion1Map      = 0xE21BFE74,
    g_SideNoiseMap         = 0xA7D31F31,
    g_SparkleNormalMap     = 0x64E256E8,
    g_UberColorNoiseMap    = 0xC19A4B09,
    g_WindMaskMap          = 0x1DD2F116,
Shader Parameters

Strings can be found inside shaders.

enum ShaderParameterTypeNameHash : uint
    Unk = 0,
    g_037BE4E5             = 0x037BE4E5,
    g_EmissivePower        = 0x06CFE5A4,
    g_0A05A26F             = 0x0A05A26F,
    g_11664BFC             = 0x11664BFC,
    g_EnableDiscardMask    = 0x24C1ABA9,
    g_2AEDA6AD             = 0x2AEDA6AD,
    g_2B5C866C             = 0x2B5C866C,
    g_372C03F0             = 0x372C03F0,
    g_UseIceEmissive0      = 0x3C966EE3,
    g_4298F7E4             = 0x4298F7E4,
    g_EnableOutLine        = 0x49D8C1B9,
    g_53F49792             = 0x53F49792,
    g_56346692             = 0x56346692,
    g_IsUseAlbedoAlphaClip = 0x60F31A22,
    g_IsUseDetailNormal    = 0x6C5CB9AC,
    g_IsUseDitherMap       = 0x7920C84F,
    g_EnableBooleanMask    = 0x920821E1,
    g_92339519             = 0x92339519,
    g_93D9F63A             = 0x93D9F63A,
    g_SwayAmplitude        = 0x98EBBEC2,
    g_9C83F56F             = 0x9C83F56F,
    g_ContainerUse         = 0x9F1DA064,
    g_A6EB1B34             = 0xA6EB1B34,
    g_AB261CFA             = 0xAB261CFA,
    g_AC6F995D             = 0xAC6F995D,
    g_B0EA41D9             = 0xB0EA41D9,
    g_B460A0F0             = 0xB460A0F0,
    g_BAEF6920             = 0xBAEF6920,
    g_C5BD3DED             = 0xC5BD3DED,
    g_C9762248             = 0xC9762248,
    g_UseIceEmissive       = 0xCA06A6B6,
    g_TwoSided             = 0xD94F2821,
    g_UseColorNoise        = 0xE208C4C4,
    g_E56343C0             = 0xE56343C0,
    g_EB6F1AE7             = 0xEB6F1AE7,