| MGPSReplay2 () |
| constructor taking no param More...
void | initialize (MOrganizer organizer) |
void | finalize () |
void | test () |
| Stubbed. More...
void | analyzeFrame (String file_name) |
void | extractFrame (String file_name, String can_tmp_file_path, Int number) |
Int | getFrameNum () |
Int | getSofDate (Int i) |
Int | getEofDate (Int i) |
Int | getSofTime (Int i) |
Int | getEofTime (Int i) |
Int | getSofFileOffset (Int i) |
Int | getEofFileOffset (Int i) |
void | setConverter (GPSCANDataConverter converter) |
void | convertCanFile (String input_can_filename, String output_rt_filename, String output_gps_filename) |
void | setCourseCode (ULong) |
void | checkGpsAndCar (String can_filename) |
void | checkGpsAndCarOnUSBFile (String filename) |
void | applyOffset (String convert_rt_filename, String offset_rt_filename, String gpsdata_bin_filename) |
GPSCANDataCarType | getCarType () |
UInt | getErrorCode () |
UInt | getTotalReplayTime () |
UInt | getUserReplayTime () |
Bool | isConvertSuccess () |
Float | getAutoOffsetX () |
Float | getAutoOffsetZ () |
Int | getLapNum () |
Int | getLapBeginTime (Int i) |
Int | getLapEndTime (Int i) |
void | resetConvertProgress () |
void | setLapUserOffset (Int lap_number, Float offset_x, Float offset_y) |
Float | getLapUserOffsetX (Int lap_number) |
Float | getLapUserOffsetZ (Int lap_number) |
void | setWholeUserOffset (Float offset_x, Float offset_y) |
Float | getWholeUserOffsetX () |
Float | getWholeUserOffsetZ () |
void | setTrimTime (Int start_time, Int end_time) |
Bool | circuitMatching (Float longitude, Float lattitude, Float gps_longitude, Float gps_latitude, Float max_distance) |
void | setCircuitGpsInfo (String label, Float longitude, Float latitude, Float height, Float rotate_y, Float offset_x, Float offset_z, Float start_lat, Float start_lon, Float goal_lat, Float goal_lon, Float start_goal_radius) |
void | setCircuitReverseModifyPoint (Float unk, Float unk2, Float unk3, Float unk4) |
void | makeGpsReplayData (String offset_rt_filename, String gpsreplay_rt_file, String replay_name) |
UInt | getCurrentTime () |
Bool | openLoggerFile (String gpsreplay_rt_filename, Int total_size, Bool unk) |
void | closeLoggerFile () |
Bool | setCompensationRunLine (GPSReshapeFilterTypes type, Float road_width) |
void | resetDetectPitArea () |
void | setAutoLapOffsetMode (Int unk) |
void | setLapTrimMode (Int mode) |
void | setRawGpsRate (Float rate) |
void | setHeadingDelay (Float delay) |
| Object () |
| constructor taking no param More...
Bool | isInstanceOf (Class classType) |
| Returns whether an object is of a specific class/type. More...
Object | getDeepCopy () |
| Gets a deep copy of this object. More...
void | setDeepCopy (Object obj) |
| Unk. More...
String | dump () |
| Dumps all info about an object. More...
Object | getObjectAttribute (string path) |
void | setObjectAttribute (string path, Object value) |
Bool | hasPrimitiveInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has a primitive interface. More...
Bool | toBool () |
| Casts this object to Bool. More...
Byte | toByte () |
| Casts this object to Byte. More...
Short | toShort () |
| Casts this object to Short. More...
Int | toInt () |
| Casts this object to Int. More...
Long | toLong () |
| Casts this object to Long. More...
UByte | toUByte () |
| Casts this object to UByte. More...
UShort | toUShort () |
| Casts this object to UShort. More...
UInt | toUInt () |
| Casts this object to UInt. More...
ULong | toULong () |
| Casts this object to ULong. More...
Float | toFloat () |
| Casts this object to Float. More...
Double | toDouble () |
| Casts this object to Double. More...
String | toString () |
| Casts this object to String. More...
Symbol | toSymbol () |
| Casts this object to Symbol. More...
Bool | hasArrayInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has an Array interface. More...
Int | getArrayCount () |
| Gets the Array item count for this object. More...
void | setArrayCount () |
| Sets the Array item count for this object. More...
Object | getArrayElement (Object arg0) |
| Gets an Array item for this object. More...
void | setArrayElement (Object arg0, Object arg1) |
| Sets the Array item for this object. More...
Bool | hasMapInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has a Map interface. More...
int | getMapCount () |
| Returns the count of items in the map. More...
void | setMapElement (Object arg0, Object arg1) |
| Returns whether the Map has a specific object key. Bool hasMapElement(Object arg0);. More...
Object | getMapElement (Object arg0) |
| Gets a Map element by key. More...
void | hasGeneratorInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has a generator interface. More...
Iterator | generator () |
| Returns generator (?) More...
void | hasIteratorInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has an iterator. More...
Iterator | iterator () |
| Gets the iterator for this object. More...
void | hasVariableInterface () |
| Returns whether this object is a variable. More...
void | hasFunctionInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has a function interface. More...
Object | call () |
| Calls this object as a function. More...
Bool | hasByteDataInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has a byte data interface. More...
Int | getByteDataCount () |
| Returns the ByteData size for this object. More...
void | setByteDataCount (Int count) |
| Sets the ByteData size for this object. More...
Int | getByteDataCapacity () |
| Returns the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
void | setByteDataCapacity (Int capacity) |
| Sets the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
ByteData | getByteData () |
| Gets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void | setByteData (ByteData bytedata) |
| Sets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void | hasObjectSelectorInterface () |
| Returns whether this object has an object selector interface. More...
void | self () |
| Gets the get for this object if it has a get interface. More...
void | getArchiveTree () |
void | setArchiveTree () |
ByteData | serialize () |
| Serializes this object. More...
void | deserialize (ByteData serializedData) |
| Deserializes this object. More...
void | defined (Object obj) |
| Returns whether a certain object is defined within this object. More...
Array | find_all (FunctionObject func) |
| Finds all the elements in this object that matches the predicates. More...
void | each_all (FunctionObject func) |
| Applies callback to all elements in this object. More...
Array | map_all (FunctionObject< Object > func) |
| Maps all the elements in this object. More...
Bool | operator!= () |
| Returns whether this object is not equal to another. More...
Bool | operator== () |
| Returns whether this object is equal to another. More...