Gran Turismo (6) Adhoc API Documentation
No Matches
gtengine::MCarParameter Class Reference

Represents a car entity. More...

Inheritance diagram for gtengine::MCarParameter:

Public Member Functions

 MCarParameter ()
 Constructs an empty MCarParameter. More...
 MCarParameter (MCarThin car_thin)
 Constructs a MCarParameter from a MCarThin. More...
 MCarParameter (String label)
 Constructs a MCarParameter from a car label. More...
 MCarParameter (UInt code)
 Constructs a MCarParameter from a car code. More...
Bool isVacant ()
 Returns whether the parameter is vacant - no car assigned to it. More...
void clear ()
 Clears the car representing this parameter. More...
MCarParameter deepCopy (MCarParameter parameter)
 Performs a deep copy of the parameter. More...
MCarParameter copyWithoutTrunk ()
 Performs a copy of the parameter without parts, settings & purchase bits. More...
void copyForChangeSet ()
void copyForRevertingSetting ()
void setChangeableParams (MCarParameter param)
 Sets all changeable parameters from the specified parameter. More...
String getCarLabel ()
 Gets the car label of this parameter. More...
UInt getCarCode ()
 Gets the car code of this parameter. More...
void setCarCode ()
 Sets the car code of this parameter. More...
String getColorName ()
 Gets the current color name for this car parameter. More...
Int getPaintID ()
 Gets the current color's paint id for this car parameter. More...
Int getColorMax ()
 Gets the car's maximum variation order/index. More...
Int getPaintColorCount ()
 Will always return 1. More...
Int getPaintColor (Int unk)
 Gets the current paint color/variation order. More...
void setPaintColor (Int unk, Int color)
 Sets the current paint color/variation order. More...
void setWheelCode (UInt wheel_code, UInt color, UInt inch_up)
 Sets the current wheel code & other parameters. More...
Int getWheelPaintColorCount ()
 Will always return 1. More...
Int getPaintColor (Int unk)
 Gets the wheel's paint color. More...
Int setWheelPaintColor (Int unk, Int color)
 Sets the wheel's paint color. More...
Int getBrakeCaliperPaintColorCount ()
 Will always return 1. More...
Int getBrakeCaliperPaintColor (Int unk)
 Gets the brake caliper's paint color. More...
Int setBrakeCaliperPaintColor (Int unk, Int color)
 Sets the brake caliper's paint color. More...
Int getWingPaintColorCount ()
 Will always return 1. More...
Int getWingPaintColor (Int unk)
 Gets the wing's paint color. More...
Int setWingPaintColor (Int unk, Int color)
 Sets the wing's paint color. More...
void beginInfo ()
 Prepares the car parameter for fetching or getting some information. More...
void endInfo ()
Array getPower ()
String getPowerString (Bool with_rpm=false)
 Gets a power string with a localized unit i.e "789 BHP". More...
Int getTorque ()
 Gets the car's torque. More...
String getTorqueString (Bool with_rpm=false)
 Gets a weight string with a localized unit i.e "95 kgfm". More...
Int getWeight ()
 Gets the car's weight in kilograms. More...
String getWeightString ()
 Gets a weight string with a localized unit i.e "900 kg". More...
Int getLength ()
 Gets the car's length in millimeters. More...
String getLengthString ()
 Gets a length string with a localized unit i.e "4,800 mm". More...
Int getFuelTankSize ()
 Gets the fuel tank size. More...
Float getPWR ()
 Gets power to weight ratio. Call beginInfo() before! More...
Bool setParts (CarPartsType part_type, Int part_id)
 Sets specific part for a type. More...
Int getParts (CarPartsType part_type)
 Gets specific part for a type. More...
Array< PARTS_TIREgetTireCategory ()
 Gets fitted tires. More...
Int setFrontTireCategory (Int category)
 Sets front tire (FRONTTIRE). More...
Int setRearTireCategory (PARTS_TIRE category)
 Sets rear tire (REARTIRE). More...
Bool hasTireCategory (PARTS_TIRE category)
 Checks if a tire category is on. More...
Bool setSuitableTires (UInt course_code, Bool rain_tire=false)
 Sets suitable tires based on the provided course. More...
Bool setSuitableTiresWithTrunk (String course_label, Bool rain_tire=false)
 Sets suitable tires based on the provided course (trunk version) More...
Bool setTarmacTiresWithTrunk ()
 Unknown. More...
Int getCarPartsCount (CarPartsType type)
 Unknown. More...
Bool isExistPartsType (CarPartsType type)
 Unknown. More...
Bool isExistParts (CarPartsType type, Int category)
 Unknown. More...
Bool hasDefaultParts (CarPartsType type)
 Returns whether default parts is fitted for a provided CarPartsType. More...
Int isTargetLocal ()
 Unknown. More...
Bool isCVT ()
 Checks if the car has a continuously variable transmission. More...
Bool isATOnly ()
 Checks if the car is automatic transmission only. More...
UInt getDriveTrainType ()
 Gets the drivetrain type. More...
Float getPerformanceIndex ()
 Gets the car's PP as Float. More...
Float getGTPerformanceIndexWithTire ()
 Gets the car's PP as Float with tire bonus included. More...
Float getPP ()
 Gets the car's PP as Float. More...
Float getPPWithTire ()
 Gets the car's PP as Float with tire bonus included. More...
Int getPP1000 ()
 Gets the car's PP as int. More...
Int getPPWithTire1000 ()
 Gets the car's PP with tire bonus included. More...
void setNewCar ()
 Resets all condition based values, as if it was a brand new car. More...
void setReplaceOil ()
 Resets oil value. More...
Bool isOilJustReplaced ()
 Returns whether oil was recently replaced. More...
void copyAccumulatedStatus (MCarParameter src)
 Copies all accumulated (car condition - oil etc) status from the specified car parameter. More...
void clearWheelDirt ()
 Clears wheel based dirtiness. More...
void clearDirt ()
 Clears dirt altogether. More...
void clearScratch ()
 Clear scratches. More...
void setConstDirt (Float front_maybe, Float rear_maybe, Float unk, Float dirtiness)
 Unknown. More...
void setConstScratch (Float unk)
 Unknown. More...
Float getDirtinessIndex ()
 Unknown. More...
Float getScratchIndex ()
 Unknown. More...
Float getDirtinessIndex ()
 Unknown. More...
Int setOdometerForDebug (Int km)
 Sets odometer value. More...
Int getSoundID ()
 Gets the sound ID for this car. More...
Array< ULonggetDeckenCustomIdList (Int custom_type)
 Unknown. More...
Array< ULonggetWindowStickerCustomIdList ()
Bool ownParts (CarPartsType parts_type, Int parts_index)
 Returns whether a part is purchased. More...
Bool isHavingParts (CarPartsType parts_type, Int parts_index)
 Returns whether a part is fitted. More...
Bool isAllowedParts (CarPartsType parts_type, Int parts_index)
 Returns a part is allowed to be fitted on the current car. More...
void ownArcadePartsAll ()
 Unlocks all "arcade parts" for the current car. More...
Bool getHavingTireList (CourseCondition condition=4, PARTS_TIRE front=-1, PARTS_TIRE rear=-1)
void ownPartsAll ()
 Sets all available parts as purchased for this car. More...
UInt getRacingModifyCode ()
 Gets RACINGMODIFY->NewCarCode. More...
void applyRacingModify (Int code)
 Applies a racing modification. More...
AspirationType getAspirationType ()
 Gets aspiration type. More...
AspirationType getCurrentAspirationType ()
 Gets aspiration type. No different than getAspirationType() More...
Bool isTurbo ()
 Returns whether the car uses a turbo. More...
Bool isSuperCharger ()
 Returns whether the car uses a supercharger. More...
Int getFrontWeightPercentage ()
 Gets the front weight percentage. More...
Bool isTuned (Bool check_quicksettings=false)
 Checks if the car is tuned. More...
void setWingAngleOffsetFromRearCL (Int unk, Int unk2, Int unk3)
 Unknown. More...
Int getExtraMeterKind (Int index)
 Gets interior meter kind. More...
void setExtraMeterKind (Int index, Int kind)
 Sets interior meter kind. More...
Bool isEqual (MCarParameter other)
 Returns whether this car parameter is equal to another. More...
String dump ()
 Dumps all parameter contents. Debug build only. More...
void setupAvailableTiresInRace (Int tireUnk1, Int tireUnk2, Int tireUnk3, Int tireUnk4 Int tireUnk5, Int tireUnk6, Int tireUnk7, Int tireUnk8)
Array< PARTS_TIREsetAllTiresAvailable (Bool front)
void checkIfEquippedPartsOwnedAndOwnIt ()
MBlob buildGearRatioData ()
 Gets a blob with all gear ratio data. More...
Array buildEngineData (Bool unk, Float unk2=1000.0, Float unk3=200.0, Float unk4=1.0, Float unk5=1.0)
 Generates engine data. More...
Array getGearRatioInfo ()
 Gets gear ratio info. More...
Int equalSettings (MCarParameter param)
 Checks whether this car parameter settings (or everything?) is equal to another. More...
Array getGearRatioTuningRange (Int gear_nshift, Array gear_list)
 Unknown. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Object ()
 constructor taking no param More...
Bool isInstanceOf (Class classType)
 Returns whether an object is of a specific class/type. More...
Object getDeepCopy ()
 Gets a deep copy of this object. More...
void setDeepCopy (Object obj)
 Unk. More...
String dump ()
 Dumps all info about an object. More...
Object getObjectAttribute (string path)
void setObjectAttribute (string path, Object value)
Bool hasPrimitiveInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a primitive interface. More...
Bool toBool ()
 Casts this object to Bool. More...
Byte toByte ()
 Casts this object to Byte. More...
Short toShort ()
 Casts this object to Short. More...
Int toInt ()
 Casts this object to Int. More...
Long toLong ()
 Casts this object to Long. More...
UByte toUByte ()
 Casts this object to UByte. More...
UShort toUShort ()
 Casts this object to UShort. More...
UInt toUInt ()
 Casts this object to UInt. More...
ULong toULong ()
 Casts this object to ULong. More...
Float toFloat ()
 Casts this object to Float. More...
Double toDouble ()
 Casts this object to Double. More...
String toString ()
 Casts this object to String. More...
Symbol toSymbol ()
 Casts this object to Symbol. More...
Bool hasArrayInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an Array interface. More...
Int getArrayCount ()
 Gets the Array item count for this object. More...
void setArrayCount ()
 Sets the Array item count for this object. More...
Object getArrayElement (Object arg0)
 Gets an Array item for this object. More...
void setArrayElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Sets the Array item for this object. More...
Bool hasMapInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a Map interface. More...
int getMapCount ()
 Returns the count of items in the map. More...
void setMapElement (Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Returns whether the Map has a specific object key. Bool hasMapElement(Object arg0);. More...
Object getMapElement (Object arg0)
 Gets a Map element by key. More...
void hasGeneratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a generator interface. More...
Iterator generator ()
 Returns generator (?) More...
void hasIteratorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an iterator. More...
Iterator iterator ()
 Gets the iterator for this object. More...
void hasVariableInterface ()
 Returns whether this object is a variable. More...
void hasFunctionInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a function interface. More...
Object call ()
 Calls this object as a function. More...
Bool hasByteDataInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has a byte data interface. More...
Int getByteDataCount ()
 Returns the ByteData size for this object. More...
void setByteDataCount (Int count)
 Sets the ByteData size for this object. More...
Int getByteDataCapacity ()
 Returns the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
void setByteDataCapacity (Int capacity)
 Sets the ByteData capacity for this object. More...
ByteData getByteData ()
 Gets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void setByteData (ByteData bytedata)
 Sets the underlaying ByteData. More...
void hasObjectSelectorInterface ()
 Returns whether this object has an object selector interface. More...
void self ()
 Gets the get for this object if it has a get interface. More...
void getArchiveTree ()
void setArchiveTree ()
ByteData serialize ()
 Serializes this object. More...
void deserialize (ByteData serializedData)
 Deserializes this object. More...
void defined (Object obj)
 Returns whether a certain object is defined within this object. More...
Array find_all (FunctionObject func)
 Finds all the elements in this object that matches the predicates. More...
void each_all (FunctionObject func)
 Applies callback to all elements in this object. More...
Array map_all (FunctionObject< Object > func)
 Maps all the elements in this object. More...
Bool operator!= ()
 Returns whether this object is not equal to another. More...
Bool operator== ()
 Returns whether this object is equal to another. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static UInt getVersion ()
 Gets the latest supported version of MCarParameter. More...
static UInt getSize ()
 Gets the size of the MCarParameter structure. More...

Public Attributes

Int color
 Car color (variation order/index). More...
UInt wheel
 Getter-only. Gets the current wheel code. More...
UInt wheel_color
 Getter-only. Gets the current wheel code. More...
Int wheel_diameter
 Gets or sets the wheel's diameter. More...
Int wheel_inchup
 Gets or sets the wheel's inchup. More...
Int control_type
 Getter-only. More...
Int target
 Unknown. More...
Int team_id
 Unknown. More...
Int race_class_id
 Unknown. More...
Int quicktune_power
Int quicktune_weight
Int quicktune_maxspeed
Int quicktune_tcs
Int quicktune_chassis_performance
Int special_driver
 Unknown. More...
UInt odometer
Float engine_life
Float oil_life
Float dirtiness
Int dirtiness100
Float body_life
Bool everlasting
Float rainX
Float body_coating
UInt special_gas_ratio100
UInt special_gas_liter
UInt nos_ratio100
UInt nos_duration_sec
UInt gasoline_liter
UInt battery
Int win_count
 Win count with this car. More...
UInt garage_id
 Garage ID (for the garage file) for this car. More...
Bool rentacar
 Getter-only. Whether this car is being rented (GT5 feature). More...
MTime obtain_date
 Getter-only. Date when this car was obtained. More...
Int horn_sound_id
 Horn ID. More...
Int decken_type
 Sticker type. More...
Int sticker_number
 Sticker number. More...
Int sticker_custom_type
 Sticker custom type. More...
ULong sticker_custom_id
 Sticker custom ID. More...
UInt window_sticker_custom_type
ULong window_sticker_custom_id
Bool wingCustomized
Int wingFlapType
Int wingEndPlateYype
Int wingMountYype
Int wingStayType
Float wingWidthOffset
 Wing Width offset. More...
Float wingHeightOffset
 Wing Height offset. More...
Int wingAngleOffset
Int extraMeterCount
 Extra interior meters count. More...
Array< FloatextraMeterBacklightColor
 Interior meter backlight colors. More...
Bool real_spec_hidden
 Checks if the car specs are hidden from the user. More...
UInt brake
 BRAKE from SpecDB. More...
UInt brakeController
UInt chassis
 CHASSIS from SpecDB. More...
UInt engine
 ENGINE from SpecDB. More...
UInt drivetrain
 DRIVETRAIN from SpecDB. More...
UInt gear
 GEAR from SpecDB. More...
UInt suspension
 SUSPENSION from SpecDB. More...
 LSD from SpecDB. More...
 ASCC from SpecDB. More...
 TCSC from SpecDB. More...
UInt wing
 WING from SpecDB. More...
 NOS from SpecDB. More...
Int powerModifyRatio
Int weightModifyRatio
Int FrontRideheight
Int RearRideheight
Int FrontSpringRate
Int RearSpringRate
Int FrontDamperF1B
Int FrontDamperF2B
Int FrontDamperF1R
Int FrontDamperF2R
Int RearDamperF1B
Int RearDamperF2B
Int RearDamperF1R
Int RearDamperF2R
Int FrontToe
Int RearToe
Int FrontCamber
Int RearCamber
Int Param4WD
Int FrontABS
Int RearABS
Int FrontCl
Int RearCl
Int GearReverse
Int Gear1st
Int Gear2nd
Int Gear3rd
Int Gear4th
Int Gear5th
Int Gear6th
Int Gear7th
Int Gear8th
Int Gear9th
Int Gear10th
Int Gear11th
Int FinalGearRatio
Int GearLastFinal
SettingDefault FrontBrakeBalanceLevel
SettingDefault RearBrakeBalanceLevel
SettingDefault ABSCorneringControlLevel
Int FrontStabilizer
Int RearStabilizer
Int FrontLSDParam
Int RearLSDParam
Int FrontLSDParam2
Int RearLSDParam2
Int FrontLSDParam3
Int RearLSDParam3
Int ballastWeight
Int ballastPosition
Int MaxSpeed_10
Int restrictorPermill
Int nosTorqueVolume
- Public Attributes inherited from System::Object
Int rc_size
 Getter-only. Reference counter size of this object. More...
Object rc_class
 Getter-only. Type name of the object. More...
Int rc_count
 Getter-only. Reference count of this object. More...
Int weak_count
 Getter-only. Weak reference count of this object. More...
Class class_id
 Class (type) object for this object. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a car entity.

Definition at line 6 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MCarParameter() [1/4]

gtengine::MCarParameter::MCarParameter ( )

Constructs an empty MCarParameter.

Definition at line 10 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ MCarParameter() [2/4]

gtengine::MCarParameter::MCarParameter ( MCarThin  car_thin)

Constructs a MCarParameter from a MCarThin.

Definition at line 13 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ MCarParameter() [3/4]

gtengine::MCarParameter::MCarParameter ( String  label)

Constructs a MCarParameter from a car label.

This will call setCarCode().

Definition at line 17 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ MCarParameter() [4/4]

gtengine::MCarParameter::MCarParameter ( UInt  code)

Constructs a MCarParameter from a car code.

This will call setCarCode(), but only from GENERIC_CAR.

Definition at line 21 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyRacingModify()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::applyRacingModify ( Int  code)

Applies a racing modification.

Will clear most parameters & purchased parts!

◆ beginInfo()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::beginInfo ( )

Prepares the car parameter for fetching or getting some information.

◆ buildEngineData()

Array gtengine::MCarParameter::buildEngineData ( Bool  unk,
Float  unk2 = 1000.0,
Float  unk3 = 200.0,
Float  unk4 = 1.0,
Float  unk5 = 1.0 

Generates engine data.

Call beginInfo() before!

Array containing:
  • [0] - Data (MBlob)
  • [1] - Unk (Float)
  • [2] - Unk (Float)
  • [3] - Unk (Float)
  • [4] - Unk (Float)
  • [5] - Unk (Float)
  • [6] - Unk (Float)

◆ buildGearRatioData()

MBlob gtengine::MCarParameter::buildGearRatioData ( )

Gets a blob with all gear ratio data.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ checkIfEquippedPartsOwnedAndOwnIt()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::checkIfEquippedPartsOwnedAndOwnIt ( )

◆ clear()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::clear ( )

Clears the car representing this parameter.

◆ clearDirt()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::clearDirt ( )

Clears dirt altogether.

◆ clearScratch()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::clearScratch ( )

Clear scratches.

◆ clearWheelDirt()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::clearWheelDirt ( )

Clears wheel based dirtiness.

◆ copyAccumulatedStatus()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::copyAccumulatedStatus ( MCarParameter  src)

Copies all accumulated (car condition - oil etc) status from the specified car parameter.

◆ copyForChangeSet()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::copyForChangeSet ( )

◆ copyForRevertingSetting()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::copyForRevertingSetting ( )

◆ copyWithoutTrunk()

MCarParameter gtengine::MCarParameter::copyWithoutTrunk ( )

Performs a copy of the parameter without parts, settings & purchase bits.

◆ deepCopy()

MCarParameter gtengine::MCarParameter::deepCopy ( MCarParameter  parameter)

Performs a deep copy of the parameter.

◆ dump()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::dump ( )

Dumps all parameter contents. Debug build only.

◆ endInfo()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::endInfo ( )

◆ equalSettings()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::equalSettings ( MCarParameter  param)

Checks whether this car parameter settings (or everything?) is equal to another.

Still seems to memcmp everything

◆ getAspirationType()

AspirationType gtengine::MCarParameter::getAspirationType ( )

Gets aspiration type.

WILL use SpecDB. Hardcoded to return AspirationType::OTHER for chaparral_vision_gt_14 (Code: 2107) Otherwise depends on fields at ENGINE, TURBINEKIT, SUPERCHARGER in SpecDB

◆ getBrakeCaliperPaintColor()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getBrakeCaliperPaintColor ( Int  unk)

Gets the brake caliper's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ getBrakeCaliperPaintColorCount()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getBrakeCaliperPaintColorCount ( )

Will always return 1.

◆ getCarCode()

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::getCarCode ( )

Gets the car code of this parameter.

◆ getCarLabel()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getCarLabel ( )

Gets the car label of this parameter.

Calls MSpecDB::getCarLabel() with the parameter's code field

◆ getCarPartsCount()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getCarPartsCount ( CarPartsType  type)


WILL call SpecDB

◆ getColorMax()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getColorMax ( )

Gets the car's maximum variation order/index.

WILL call SpecDB.

◆ getColorName()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getColorName ( )

Gets the current color name for this car parameter.

WILL call SpecDB on VARIATION with VarOrder.

◆ getCurrentAspirationType()

AspirationType gtengine::MCarParameter::getCurrentAspirationType ( )

Gets aspiration type. No different than getAspirationType()

WILL use SpecDB. Hardcoded to return AspirationType::OTHER for chaparral_vision_gt_14 (Code: 2107) Otherwise depends on fields at ENGINE, TURBINEKIT, SUPERCHARGER in SpecDB

◆ getDeckenCustomIdList()

Array< ULong > gtengine::MCarParameter::getDeckenCustomIdList ( Int  custom_type)


◆ getDirtinessIndex() [1/2]

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getDirtinessIndex ( )


◆ getDirtinessIndex() [2/2]

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getDirtinessIndex ( )


◆ getDriveTrainType()

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::getDriveTrainType ( )

Gets the drivetrain type.

WILL check SpecDB. Checks against DRIVETRAIN->drivetype.

◆ getExtraMeterKind()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getExtraMeterKind ( Int  index)

Gets interior meter kind.

index2 bits, 0-3 max.

◆ getFrontWeightPercentage()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getFrontWeightPercentage ( )

Gets the front weight percentage.

◆ getFuelTankSize()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getFuelTankSize ( )

Gets the fuel tank size.

◆ getGearRatioInfo()

Array gtengine::MCarParameter::getGearRatioInfo ( )

Gets gear ratio info.

Call beginInfo() before!

  • [0] - Shift Number (Int)
  • [1] - End Speed (Array<Int>, 11 elements)
  • [2] - Start RPM (Array<Int>, 11 elements)
  • [3] - End RPM (Array<Int>, 11 elements)

◆ getGearRatioTuningRange()

Array gtengine::MCarParameter::getGearRatioTuningRange ( Int  gear_nshift,
Array  gear_list 


rangeMin, rangeMax

◆ getGTPerformanceIndexWithTire()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getGTPerformanceIndexWithTire ( )

Gets the car's PP as Float with tire bonus included.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getHavingTireList()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::getHavingTireList ( CourseCondition  condition = 4,
PARTS_TIRE  front = -1,
PARTS_TIRE  rear = -1 

◆ getLength()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getLength ( )

Gets the car's length in millimeters.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getLengthString()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getLengthString ( )

Gets a length string with a localized unit i.e "4,800 mm".

WILL call SpecDB. Will return "--- <unit>" if the car's real spec is hidden. Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPaintColor() [1/2]

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPaintColor ( Int  unk)

Gets the current paint color/variation order.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ getPaintColor() [2/2]

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPaintColor ( Int  unk)

Gets the wheel's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ getPaintColorCount()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPaintColorCount ( )

Will always return 1.

◆ getPaintID()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPaintID ( )

Gets the current color's paint id for this car parameter.

WILL call SpecDB.

◆ getParts()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getParts ( CarPartsType  part_type)

Gets specific part for a type.

◆ getPerformanceIndex()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getPerformanceIndex ( )

Gets the car's PP as Float.

As a float - 688PP = 0.688.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPower()

Array gtengine::MCarParameter::getPower ( )

Call beginInfo() before!

An array where
  • [0] = PS (Float)
  • [1] = PS RPM (Int)

◆ getPowerString()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getPowerString ( Bool  with_rpm = false)

Gets a power string with a localized unit i.e "789 BHP".

with_rpmIf provided, will also show rpm - i.e "938 BHP/7,500 rpm"

WILL call SpecDB. Will return "--- <unit>" if the car's real spec is hidden. Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPP()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getPP ( )

Gets the car's PP as Float.

As a float - 688PP = 0.688.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPP1000()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPP1000 ( )

Gets the car's PP as int.

As an Int.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPPWithTire()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getPPWithTire ( )

Gets the car's PP as Float with tire bonus included.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPPWithTire1000()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getPPWithTire1000 ( )

Gets the car's PP with tire bonus included.

As an Int.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getPWR()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getPWR ( )

Gets power to weight ratio. Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getRacingModifyCode()

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::getRacingModifyCode ( )


This will return nothing if it's not set (void), or UInt code if set

◆ getScratchIndex()

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::getScratchIndex ( )


◆ getSize()

static UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::getSize ( )

Gets the size of the MCarParameter structure.

This value is generated from serialization, it may not be that fast.

◆ getSoundID()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getSoundID ( )

Gets the sound ID for this car.

Depends on MUFFLER and/or TURBINEKIT in SpecDB

◆ getTireCategory()

Array< PARTS_TIRE > gtengine::MCarParameter::getTireCategory ( )

Gets fitted tires.

  • [0] = Front (Int)
  • [1] = Rear (Int)

◆ getTorque()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getTorque ( )

Gets the car's torque.

An array where
  • [0] = Torque in kpfm (Float)
  • [1] = Torque RPM (?) (Int)

    Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getTorqueString()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getTorqueString ( Bool  with_rpm = false)

Gets a weight string with a localized unit i.e "95 kgfm".

WILL call SpecDB. Will return "--- <unit>" if the car's real spec is hidden. Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getVersion()

static UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::getVersion ( )

Gets the latest supported version of MCarParameter.

◆ getWeight()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getWeight ( )

Gets the car's weight in kilograms.

Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getWeightString()

String gtengine::MCarParameter::getWeightString ( )

Gets a weight string with a localized unit i.e "900 kg".

WILL call SpecDB. Will return "--- <unit>" if the car's real spec is hidden. Call beginInfo() before!

◆ getWheelPaintColorCount()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getWheelPaintColorCount ( )

Will always return 1.

◆ getWindowStickerCustomIdList()

Array< ULong > gtengine::MCarParameter::getWindowStickerCustomIdList ( )

◆ getWingPaintColor()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getWingPaintColor ( Int  unk)

Gets the wing's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ getWingPaintColorCount()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::getWingPaintColorCount ( )

Will always return 1.

◆ hasDefaultParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::hasDefaultParts ( CarPartsType  type)

Returns whether default parts is fitted for a provided CarPartsType.

◆ hasTireCategory()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::hasTireCategory ( PARTS_TIRE  category)

Checks if a tire category is on.

Checks against FRONTTIRE only

◆ isAllowedParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isAllowedParts ( CarPartsType  parts_type,
Int  parts_index 

Returns a part is allowed to be fitted on the current car.

Also checks whether the part is purchased.

◆ isATOnly()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isATOnly ( )

Checks if the car is automatic transmission only.

WILL check SpecDB. Checks against GEAR->geartype.

◆ isCVT()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isCVT ( )

Checks if the car has a continuously variable transmission.

WILL check SpecDB. Checks against GEAR->geartype.

◆ isEqual()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isEqual ( MCarParameter  other)

Returns whether this car parameter is equal to another.

Everything is just memcmp'd.

◆ isExistParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isExistParts ( CarPartsType  type,
Int  category 


WILL call SpecDB

◆ isExistPartsType()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isExistPartsType ( CarPartsType  type)


WILL call SpecDB

◆ isHavingParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isHavingParts ( CarPartsType  parts_type,
Int  parts_index 

Returns whether a part is fitted.

◆ isOilJustReplaced()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isOilJustReplaced ( )

Returns whether oil was recently replaced.

◆ isSuperCharger()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isSuperCharger ( )

Returns whether the car uses a supercharger.

WILL use SpecDB. Depends on TURBINEKIT in SpecDB

◆ isTargetLocal()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::isTargetLocal ( )


◆ isTuned()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isTuned ( Bool  check_quicksettings = false)

Checks if the car is tuned.

ANY differences between parts IDs and DEFAULT_PARTS in SpecDB will trigger the car as tuned. Tires are excluded.

check_quicksettingsNot sure on this one. Could also be resetting the car if it's tuned

◆ isTurbo()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isTurbo ( )

Returns whether the car uses a turbo.

WILL use SpecDB. Depends on TURBINEKIT in SpecDB

◆ isVacant()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::isVacant ( )

Returns whether the parameter is vacant - no car assigned to it.

◆ ownArcadePartsAll()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::ownArcadePartsAll ( )

Unlocks all "arcade parts" for the current car.

Sets all tires as purchased,

◆ ownParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::ownParts ( CarPartsType  parts_type,
Int  parts_index 

Returns whether a part is purchased.

◆ ownPartsAll()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::ownPartsAll ( )

Sets all available parts as purchased for this car.

◆ setAllTiresAvailable()

Array< PARTS_TIRE > gtengine::MCarParameter::setAllTiresAvailable ( Bool  front)

◆ setBrakeCaliperPaintColor()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setBrakeCaliperPaintColor ( Int  unk,
Int  color 

Sets the brake caliper's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ setCarCode()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setCarCode ( )

Sets the car code of this parameter.

This WILL set all parts linked to the specified code. Purchase bits will also be set accordingly. GENERIC_CAR & TUNED_CARS labels are supported.

◆ setChangeableParams()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setChangeableParams ( MCarParameter  param)

Sets all changeable parameters from the specified parameter.

All condition states (body, oil, etc), purchase flags, win count & more

◆ setConstDirt()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setConstDirt ( Float  front_maybe,
Float  rear_maybe,
Float  unk,
Float  dirtiness 


◆ setConstScratch()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setConstScratch ( Float  unk)


◆ setExtraMeterKind()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setExtraMeterKind ( Int  index,
Int  kind 

Sets interior meter kind.

index2 bits, 0-3 max.
kind10 bits, 0-1023 max.

◆ setFrontTireCategory()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setFrontTireCategory ( Int  category)

Sets front tire (FRONTTIRE).


◆ setNewCar()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setNewCar ( )

Resets all condition based values, as if it was a brand new car.

◆ setOdometerForDebug()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setOdometerForDebug ( Int  km)

Sets odometer value.

◆ setPaintColor()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setPaintColor ( Int  unk,
Int  color 

Sets the current paint color/variation order.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ setParts()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::setParts ( CarPartsType  part_type,
Int  part_id 

Sets specific part for a type.

beginInfo() should be called just incase

Whether it was applied.

◆ setRearTireCategory()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setRearTireCategory ( PARTS_TIRE  category)

Sets rear tire (REARTIRE).


◆ setReplaceOil()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setReplaceOil ( )

Resets oil value.

◆ setSuitableTires()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::setSuitableTires ( UInt  course_code,
Bool  rain_tire = false 

Sets suitable tires based on the provided course.

WILL call SpecDB

◆ setSuitableTiresWithTrunk()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::setSuitableTiresWithTrunk ( String  course_label,
Bool  rain_tire = false 

Sets suitable tires based on the provided course (trunk version)

WILL call SpecDB

◆ setTarmacTiresWithTrunk()

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::setTarmacTiresWithTrunk ( )


WILL call SpecDB

◆ setupAvailableTiresInRace()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setupAvailableTiresInRace ( Int  tireUnk1,
Int  tireUnk2,
Int  tireUnk3,
Int tireUnk4 Int  tireUnk5,
Int  tireUnk6,
Int  tireUnk7,
Int  tireUnk8 

◆ setWheelCode()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setWheelCode ( UInt  wheel_code,
UInt  color,
UInt  inch_up 

Sets the current wheel code & other parameters.

WILL do some SpecDB operations on WHEEL, WHEEL_EX

◆ setWheelPaintColor()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setWheelPaintColor ( Int  unk,
Int  color 

Sets the wheel's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

◆ setWingAngleOffsetFromRearCL()

void gtengine::MCarParameter::setWingAngleOffsetFromRearCL ( Int  unk,
Int  unk2,
Int  unk3 


void FUN_00592110(MCarSettings *this,int unk1,int unk2,int unk3)
float fVar1;
fVar1 = 0.0;
if ((float)(longlong)(unk3 - unk2) != 0.0) {
fVar1 = ((float)(longlong)unk1 - (float)(longlong)unk2) / (float)(longlong)(unk3 - unk2);
this->wingAngleOffset = (short)(int)(((fVar1 * 10.0) / 360.0) * 65536.0);

◆ setWingPaintColor()

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::setWingPaintColor ( Int  unk,
Int  color 

Sets the wing's paint color.

unkMust always be 0.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ABSCorneringControlLevel

SettingDefault gtengine::MCarParameter::ABSCorneringControlLevel

Definition at line 652 of file MCarParameter.cpp.


UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::ASCC

ASCC from SpecDB.

Definition at line 601 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ ballastPosition

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::ballastPosition

Definition at line 662 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ ballastWeight

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::ballastWeight

Definition at line 661 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ battery

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::battery

Definition at line 381 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ body_coating

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::body_coating

Definition at line 330 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ body_life

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::body_life

Definition at line 327 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ brake

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::brake

BRAKE from SpecDB.

Definition at line 577 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ brakeController

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::brakeController


Definition at line 580 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ chassis

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::chassis

CHASSIS from SpecDB.

Definition at line 583 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ color

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::color

Car color (variation order/index).

When setting this value, a check will be made on SpecDB on whether its not over the maximum var order.

Definition at line 72 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ control_type

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::control_type


Definition at line 139 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ decken_type

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::decken_type

Sticker type.

Definition at line 403 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ dirtiness

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::dirtiness

Definition at line 325 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ dirtiness100

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::dirtiness100

Definition at line 326 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ drivetrain

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::drivetrain


Definition at line 589 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ engine

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::engine

ENGINE from SpecDB.

Definition at line 586 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ engine_life

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::engine_life

Definition at line 323 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ everlasting

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::everlasting

Definition at line 328 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ extraMeterBacklightColor

Array<Float> gtengine::MCarParameter::extraMeterBacklightColor

Interior meter backlight colors.

Array of 3 floats for each color - R, G, B

Definition at line 523 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ extraMeterCount

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::extraMeterCount

Extra interior meters count.

2 bits, 0-3 max.

Definition at line 510 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FinalGearRatio

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FinalGearRatio

Definition at line 648 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontABS

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontABS

Definition at line 632 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontBrakeBalanceLevel

SettingDefault gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontBrakeBalanceLevel

Definition at line 650 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontCamber

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontCamber

Definition at line 629 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontCl

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontCl

Definition at line 634 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontDamperF1B

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontDamperF1B

Definition at line 619 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontDamperF1R

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontDamperF1R

Definition at line 621 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontDamperF2B

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontDamperF2B

Definition at line 620 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontDamperF2R

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontDamperF2R

Definition at line 622 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontLSDParam

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontLSDParam

Definition at line 655 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontLSDParam2

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontLSDParam2

Definition at line 657 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontLSDParam3

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontLSDParam3

Definition at line 659 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontRideheight

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontRideheight

Definition at line 615 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontSpringRate

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontSpringRate

Definition at line 617 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontStabilizer

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontStabilizer

Definition at line 653 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ FrontToe

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::FrontToe

Definition at line 627 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ garage_id

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::garage_id

Garage ID (for the garage file) for this car.

Definition at line 387 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ gasoline_liter

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::gasoline_liter

Definition at line 379 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ gear

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::gear

GEAR from SpecDB.

Definition at line 592 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear10th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear10th

Definition at line 646 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear11th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear11th

Definition at line 647 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear1st

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear1st

Definition at line 637 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear2nd

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear2nd

Definition at line 638 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear3rd

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear3rd

Definition at line 639 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear4th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear4th

Definition at line 640 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear5th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear5th

Definition at line 641 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear6th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear6th

Definition at line 642 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear7th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear7th

Definition at line 643 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear8th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear8th

Definition at line 644 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Gear9th

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Gear9th

Definition at line 645 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ GearLastFinal

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::GearLastFinal

Definition at line 649 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ GearReverse

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::GearReverse

Definition at line 636 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ horn_sound_id

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::horn_sound_id

Horn ID.

Definition at line 400 of file MCarParameter.cpp.


UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::LSD

LSD from SpecDB.

Definition at line 598 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ MaxSpeed_10

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::MaxSpeed_10

Definition at line 663 of file MCarParameter.cpp.


UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::NOS

NOS from SpecDB.

Definition at line 610 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ nos_duration_sec

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::nos_duration_sec

Definition at line 377 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ nos_ratio100

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::nos_ratio100

Definition at line 375 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ nosTorqueVolume

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::nosTorqueVolume

Definition at line 665 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ obtain_date

MTime gtengine::MCarParameter::obtain_date

Getter-only. Date when this car was obtained.

Definition at line 393 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ odometer

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::odometer

Definition at line 322 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ oil_life

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::oil_life

Definition at line 324 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ Param4WD

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::Param4WD

Definition at line 631 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ powerModifyRatio

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::powerModifyRatio

Definition at line 612 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ quicktune_chassis_performance

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::quicktune_chassis_performance

Definition at line 217 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ quicktune_maxspeed

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::quicktune_maxspeed

Definition at line 215 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ quicktune_power

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::quicktune_power

Definition at line 213 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ quicktune_tcs

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::quicktune_tcs

Definition at line 216 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ quicktune_weight

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::quicktune_weight

Definition at line 214 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ race_class_id

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::race_class_id


Internally stored as 6 bits, so 0-63.

Definition at line 151 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ rainX

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::rainX

Definition at line 329 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ real_spec_hidden

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::real_spec_hidden

Checks if the car specs are hidden from the user.

Depends on GENERIC_CAR->RealSpecHidden in SpecDB.

Definition at line 531 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearABS

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearABS

Definition at line 633 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearBrakeBalanceLevel

SettingDefault gtengine::MCarParameter::RearBrakeBalanceLevel

Definition at line 651 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearCamber

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearCamber

Definition at line 630 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearCl

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearCl

Definition at line 635 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearDamperF1B

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearDamperF1B

Definition at line 623 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearDamperF1R

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearDamperF1R

Definition at line 625 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearDamperF2B

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearDamperF2B

Definition at line 624 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearDamperF2R

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearDamperF2R

Definition at line 626 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearLSDParam

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearLSDParam

Definition at line 656 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearLSDParam2

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearLSDParam2

Definition at line 658 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearLSDParam3

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearLSDParam3

Definition at line 660 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearRideheight

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearRideheight

Definition at line 616 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearSpringRate

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearSpringRate

Definition at line 618 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearStabilizer

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearStabilizer

Definition at line 654 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ RearToe

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::RearToe

Definition at line 628 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ rentacar

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::rentacar

Getter-only. Whether this car is being rented (GT5 feature).

Definition at line 390 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ restrictorPermill

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::restrictorPermill

Definition at line 664 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ special_driver

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::special_driver


Can be set with entry_base->proxy_driver_model from XML GameParameters. May be used to set the driver model? GT5 has it set to 6 for vettel events.

Definition at line 280 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ special_gas_liter

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::special_gas_liter

Definition at line 373 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ special_gas_ratio100

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::special_gas_ratio100

Definition at line 371 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ sticker_custom_id

ULong gtengine::MCarParameter::sticker_custom_id

Sticker custom ID.

Definition at line 412 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ sticker_custom_type

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::sticker_custom_type

Sticker custom type.

Definition at line 409 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ sticker_number

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::sticker_number

Sticker number.

Definition at line 406 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ suspension

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::suspension


Definition at line 595 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ target

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::target


Must be 0 or 1

Definition at line 143 of file MCarParameter.cpp.


UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::TCSC

TCSC from SpecDB.

Definition at line 604 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ team_id

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::team_id


Internally stored as 6 bits, so 0-63.

Definition at line 147 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ weightModifyRatio

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::weightModifyRatio

Definition at line 613 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wheel

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::wheel

Getter-only. Gets the current wheel code.

Definition at line 94 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wheel_color

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::wheel_color

Getter-only. Gets the current wheel code.

Definition at line 97 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wheel_diameter

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wheel_diameter

Gets or sets the wheel's diameter.

Definition at line 100 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wheel_inchup

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wheel_inchup

Gets or sets the wheel's inchup.

Definition at line 103 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ win_count

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::win_count

Win count with this car.

Definition at line 384 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ window_sticker_custom_id

ULong gtengine::MCarParameter::window_sticker_custom_id

Definition at line 418 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ window_sticker_custom_type

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::window_sticker_custom_type

Definition at line 417 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wing

UInt gtengine::MCarParameter::wing

WING from SpecDB.

Definition at line 607 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingAngleOffset

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wingAngleOffset

Definition at line 490 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingCustomized

Bool gtengine::MCarParameter::wingCustomized

Definition at line 477 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingEndPlateYype

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wingEndPlateYype

Definition at line 479 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingFlapType

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wingFlapType

Definition at line 478 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingHeightOffset

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::wingHeightOffset

Wing Height offset.

Internal value * 0.001

Definition at line 489 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingMountYype

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wingMountYype

Definition at line 480 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingStayType

Int gtengine::MCarParameter::wingStayType

Definition at line 481 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

◆ wingWidthOffset

Float gtengine::MCarParameter::wingWidthOffset

Wing Width offset.

Internal value * 0.001

Definition at line 485 of file MCarParameter.cpp.

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