Pack - .pac
The pack is the main holder for the data in FINAL FANTASY XVI. It is custom made for FFXVI and designed around DirectStorage.
Packs are split per game folder in general. You can find a list here.
The game will always try to load a .diff
variant file for every single pack. File entries present in there will be appended on top of the base package.
The game holds a map of all the files in the game, which means that every single pack's entries are merged into this map (meaning it is possible to add any sort of content in any pack).
Packs can contain a "general directory name" in its header, meaning that every file is a sub-directory of it. For instance 0007
has it as nxd
, so a file entry such as access.nxd
maps to nxd/access.nxd
The pack itself may contain nested packs such as the ones in the chara/cXXXX/pack
folders. When these do get loaded, files in it will also get merged into this one unique map, which is the reason why all paths under the nested pack follows the same global paths.
contains animation/chara/c7045/skeleton/body/body.skl
Instead of being mounted as chara/c7045/pack/animation/chara/c7045/skeleton/body/body.skl
It will be mounted as animation/chara/c7045/skeleton/body/body.skl
due to pack merging.
Data Chunks¶
Packs can store compressed GDeflate chunks that can house multiple files. The rules are:
- Files that are not compressed are stored raw.
- Files that are smaller than
(1Mb) are stored in shared chunks - chunks that contain multiple chunks. Shared chunks are not bigger than0x400000
(4 Megabytes) when decompressed. - Files that are bigger than
(32Mb) are stored in multiple unique chunks. These chunks are split into0x80000
(512Kb) parts when decompressed.
uint64_t Magic // PACK
uint32_t HeaderSize; // Size of the Header/TOC
uint32_t NumFiles;
bool UsesChunks;
bool Encrypted; // If true, DirectoryName and the string table is encrypted.
uint16_t NumChunks;
uint64_t PackSize; // Total Size
// Important: Main directory of the pack. Any file will be a sub-file of this.
uint8_t DirectoryName[0x100];
uint64_t ChunkTableOffset; // To DirectStorageSharedChunkInfo[]
uint64_t StringTableOffset;
uint64_t StringTableSize;
uint8_t Padding[0x2D0]; // Padding until 0x400
} PackHeader; // size: 0x400
File Infos¶
Starting at 0x400
: array of FileInfo
typedef enum
UseSpecificChunk, // File is stored in a single GDeflate chunk
UseMultipleChunks, // File is stored within multiple GDeflate chunks
UseSharedChunk // File is stored in a chunk where multiple files reside
} FileChunkedCompressionFlags;
uint32_t CompressedFileSize <format=hex>;
bool IsCompressed;
FileChunkedCompressionFlags ChunkedCompressionFlags; // uint8
uint16_t Empty;
uint64_t DecompressedFileSize <format=hex>;
// To GDeflate compressed data (if compressed).
// If UseMultipleChunks is used, points to a header (see DirectStorageMultiChunkHeader)
uint64_t DataOffset;
uint64_t ChunkDefOffsetOrPathLength; // This is path length instead if the file is empty. Used for nested packs.
uint64_t FileNameOffset;
uint32_t FileNameHash; // FNV Hash, NOT FNV1A
uint32_t CRC32Checksum; // Of the decompressed data
uint32_t IsEmpty;
uint32_t ChunkHeaderSize <format=hex>; // 0x18 if UseSharedChunk, variable if UseMultipleChunks
} FileInfo; // size: 0x48
Represents a GDeflate-compressed chunk, which houses multiple files.
A shared chunk is never more than 0x400000
in size, and never has files larger than 0x100000
This is used by files marked with FileChunkedCompressionFlags.UseSharedChunk
uint64_t DataOffset;
uint32_t CompressedChunkSize;
uint32_t ChunkDecompressedSize;
uint32_t Empty;
uint16_t ChunkIndex;
uint16_t NumFilesInChunk;
} DirectStorageSharedChunkInfo; // size: 0x18
Multiple chunks for a single file is used when a file is at least 0x2000000
uint32_t NumChunks;
uint32_t LastChunkSize; // High 8 bits may be for something different?
uint32_t ChunkOffsets[NumChunks];
} DirectStorageMultiChunkHeader;
public const ulong XOR_KEY = 0x49D18FC870F3824E;
public static void CryptHeaderPart(Span<byte> data)
Span<byte> cur = data;
while (cur.Length >= 8)
MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ulong>(cur)[0] ^= XOR_KEY;
cur = cur[8..];
if (cur.Length >= 4)
MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, uint>(cur)[0] ^= (uint)(XOR_KEY & 0xFFFFFFFF);
cur = cur[4..];
if (cur.Length >= 2)
MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ushort>(cur)[0] ^= (ushort)(XOR_KEY & 0xFFFF);
cur = cur[2..];
if (cur.Length >= 1)
cur[0] ^= (byte)(XOR_KEY & 0xFF);