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Creating Mods

Creating Mods for the FFXVI Mod Loader

Once you have modded assets you'd like to mod into the game:

  1. First, follow the Reloaded II Creating Mods tutorial for general information about creating a mod for Reloaded-II.
  2. Set the FINAL FANTASY XVI Mod Loader as a dependency. Reloaded-II will prompt you to set mod dependencies when creating the mod.
  3. Your mod's assets must be contained within the FFXVI/data folder. Example:

Example (Mod Loader >= 1.1.0)

The mod loader will automatically determine in which pack your game files should be according to this list. (pack-named folders is still supported for compatibility purposes).

Click the 's below for more information.

├─ ff16.<category>.<mymodname>/
  └─ FFXVI/
     └─ data/
        ├─ ui/gameflow/title/title01.uib # (1)!
|        ├─ nxd/en/equipitem.nxd # (2)!
├─ ModConfig.json
└─ ...
  1. This will go in pack 0028.

  2. A sub-folder with a locale name will appropriately put it in the correct locale pack. nxd/en/equipitem.nxd will translate to pack 0007.en and put nxd/equipitem.nxd inside it.

Also, any changes you make to Nex tables won't replace files altogether, but only cell changes you've made to increase compatibility with other mods. This also means that you should only edit cells you actually need to edit to avoid potential conflicts.

Example (Mod Loader < 1.1.0)
├─ ff16.<category>.<mymodname>/
  └─ FFXVI/
     └─ data/
        └─ 0007/ # <- Your pack must match the original pack name. 0007 is an example.
           └─ <files to mod for this pack>
├─ ModConfig.json
└─ ...

Template/Sample Mod

An example mod (pre-1.1.0) can be found here. This changes the bottom-left text of the main title screen to add "Hello World".

Nested .pac files

If you want to repack nested .pac files, ensure that you pass the --no-compress argument to FF16Tools. These packs are placed in memory directly and accessed in-place, therefore they must be uncompressed.

If you have successfully gotten your mod to work, congratulations!

Creating Mods for Manual Installation

Refer to Modding Manually on the Installing Mods page.

Publishing Mods & Guidelines

Nexus Mods is the primary website to publish mods.